SUMMARY 2011: Ronny aka JAMedia ger oss ”driftiga” personliga reflektioner!

30 december 2011, 17:10


Ronny Thomasson aka Mr. JAMEDIA.NU is another success story of the barely one year old SUPERIOR SELECTED photographer team. He slipped into our realms during ELMIA 2011 EXPO where he impromptu tagged along to give the former (crappy) Fast & Furious replica cars a run for their money, and the pics he took just in that short while really impressed us.

Seeing his editing technique is different from the other members of the team, and that he has a passion above other for the sport of drifting, he has become a key piece of our puzzle this season- and has many galleries that prove his worth. This post is more of a personal reflection over the passed year, with some ”thanks to” and more pics with a story rather then just the ”best” ones.

I will make sure his best work will be featured in my own summary of all the guys work, but Iam sure we can appreciate something a bit more laid back as this post as well. Make sure to visit JAMEDIAS FACEBOOK and tell him if you like his work!

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Året 2011 och JAMedia’s personliga moments – kort-kort sammanfattning:

Min säsong började nog den 5:e Mars då jag hjälpte Kalle Uhr (känd familjemedlem från Nordic Uhr) att provköra sin vässade Opel med SAAB-motor. Detta skedde på den flygraka som här nere i söder är mer än välkänd inom drifting; Bivaröd.

Bivaröd… Denna plats är ständigt återkommande för mig och det är även en plats som varit en stark grogrund för driftingen nere i söder. Bivaröd är ett nav helt klart värt att lägga på minnet vilket bevisats gång på gång bara genom att se vem det är som kommer på ”besök”. Förutom de sydsvenska förarna så har träningar och tävlingar haft besökare från bl.a. Sala (55+ mil bort!) och Danmark (17+ mil bort!). Imponerande. Inte minst för att det visar att det finns ett enormt behov av bra platser att ”köra av sig” på.

Jag har vidare fått ta del av en nysatsning av driftträningar på Sturup Raceway, som hålls i Svedala MK’s regi. En lagom anorlunda yta att öva på. Detta har lockat, förutom de galna danskarna återigen, en hel del nybörjare. Vi får hoppas att ett frö planterats i deras intresse för sporten så vi får se dem återkomma.

Det har blivit fotografering på allehanda platser under året. Ljungbyheds flygfält, Knutstorp, Mantorp, Danmark & Norge. Mantorps ActionMeet och Gatebil evenemang var oerhört intressanta och givande rent socialt.

En hel del affärer klarades upp mellan mig och… ja, jag ska inte gå in på namn, men en par ökända förare och team. Uppskattning är alltid trevligt!

Den i särklass största favoriten för året är dock Norges Gatebil Rudskogen! Fantastisk bana, fantastiska fordon, underbara människor och trevligt sällskap gjorde detta till tre dagar jag sent glömmer.

Summa summarum: Driftingen tar sig. Jag ser som intresserad och engagerad en utveckling som är väldigt trevlig. Jag har träffat genuint intresserat folk som jag tror kan tillföra sporten en hel del. Jag har haft ett underbart år, proffessionellt som personligt, och ser redan nu att 2012 kommer att bli ännu bättre!

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Jag vill tacka en uppsjö med personer för ett trevligt 2011. Av utrymmesskäl nämner jag bara de som betytt mest vilket äro;

”Bakom kullisserna folk”:

Mikael ”Superior Imports” Jarosinski. Mannen som ständigt(privat) håller sig i bakgrunden men som en joker presenterar det ena efter det andra. Intressant person, inte enbart affärsmässigt utan även intellektuellt. Superior Imports blogg och dess Selected-grupp är… låt oss säga… något att hålla koll på i framtiden…

Till denna grupp finns även otalet svenska fotografer/filmare som David, Talvis, Rani och Jalle (med flera!) vars arbete ständigt väcker mitt intresse.

”Bakom kullisserna folk” II:

Alla spindlar i nätet som får ta mycket skit. Joachim Englesson, Martin Baeck, Nicklas ”Nicke” Andersson (HLMK), Mikael Hammarström (Mantorp Park), Andreas ”Raidopower” Hedström och ett otal danska och norska motsvarigheter.


Michel ”Team Pony Drift” Rayes, för att ha visat stort hjärta på mer än ett sätt under året. Här ingår proffs, affärsmän, visionärer och en goda vänner. Inkluderar ett gäng förare och engagerade som Robert ”LabanDRFT” Andersson, Danny Wiik, Rasmus & Marcus ”Team Pony Drift” Möller, Pacman, Morgan, Wressmark, m.fl.

Ni är fler och ni som känner mig VET att jag är tacksam. Vi ses 2012!

// Ronny ”JAMedia” Thomasson

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It will be all my pleasure to share some of his pics taken during the season at OUR FACEBOOK before I make my own personal selections. Gotto give Ronny an extra warm ”thank you” for his laid back yet extreme passion for grassroots-drifting. If everyone had the same agenda as himself and many in his close friendship circle, the sport would flourish very fast.

Still remains to see what we all can do together for drifting in Sweden, there is a lot of interest and hopefully quickly rewarding work to be done for those that really want it. With that being said, Ronny is one of the personal reasons for our (upcoming) ships setting sail within this part of the car culture scene. Going to be an exciting 2012 season for sure…

I really hope people have the courtesy to visit JAMEDIAS FACEBOOK, and if you like his work- give a simple ”Like”. I know for sure every member of the SELECTED TEAM really appreciated it…

SUMMARY 2011: The chronicles of Martin P – ”” (Part 1 of 2)

28 december 2011, 22:28

New evening and time for another SUPERIOR SELECTED photographer to share his story of the 2011 season for the rest of us. Today we have someone who really exploded as a contributor to the team late in the season, and surprised even ourselves with his dedication.

Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson has to be considered one of the most established freelance photographers to jump aboard our quest for quality Scandinavian auto enthusiast media; and we are flattered to have him more then just for his stellar photos- often of the premium sportscars from around the world as motive!

His story is told in a ”chronicle” kind of way, and will be split into two huge parts with his multi-faceted (often magazine featured) portfolio. Enjoy the ride as we proudly give you his tour of the year here in the Superior-Blog,.

You can find a lot more of his stunning work at his FACEBOOK PAGE where Iam sure he will welcome you whole-heartedly as a new fan!

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BILBILDER.SE annual chronicle 2011 – ”Lots of Supercars, Events and some JDM”!

So here’s my annual chronicle which will show what I’ve achieved as a photographer this year and some subjective thoughts about the motives and sessions.

29/1 Mercedes-Benz SLS

The year started in the best possible way as a Merc-fan. The shoot was rather limited with location and time. But with abstinence from a long winter it was no problem and I had a lot of fun in the cold.


March – Banzai – Nissan 350Z

Here’s a big glitch in time, the winter didn’t want to let go and I’d rather stay home building up inspiration knowing it’d be a busy spring/summer. As a teaser for myself I got my first ever cover in Banzai Magazine UK. The shoot was made summer 2010, but I wasn’t able to show until now.


April – Banzai – Nissan Micra

Still low with new shoots, April issue of Banzai came out with a small feature of this lovely green Micra.


9/4 Citroën DS3

First real session this year. Private client that I’ve shot for a couple of times before switched car to this anti-retro DS3.


17/4 Ferrari 458 Italia

Same deal as the SLS here. Stay inside the nearby area and do what you got to do. Its all about trying to make the best out of the situation in these cases.


22/4 Custom cars – Elmia Expo 2011

About right here Superior Media comes into my life when I recieve a phonecall from Micke. He tries explaining his new project as a media outlet, but it needed a personal meeting to try to pan it out.

And this was at the annual custom car show at Elmia. I don’t enjoy shooting shows like this at all since its so limited to do your own thing when its crowded and you can’t move the objects.


23/4 Ferrari California

Back home to show Italy some more love. Same location as the 458, but the weather was quite different..


12/5 Peugeot 207 RC

Time to say goodbye to my own car after a year together. Haven’t found a new replacement yet, but I don’t miss owning a car actually.. Strange? Yes.

My only logical explanation is that I’ve got too picky after driving cars to far from my own budget.;-)


28/5 Wangan meet + mini sessions

Swedens biggest JDM meet happens to take place at a mall nearby, so I pay it a visit courtesy to Superior Media. Took some shots of the meet itself and did 4 exclusive minisessions for a gang of Happy fellows from Superior Drivers Club.



Early June Lamborghini LP 560-4

Somewhere here I start to run out of inspiration. Something that usually helps is trying to go back to basics. Me, camera and tripod, no strobes, rigs or other stuff.

Another thing that really helps is a good sample of italian madness. Combine these two and you’re back in the roll.


Early June – SCOTY, Ring Knutstorp

This was definitely one of the highlights this year. Scandinavian SCOTY at Ring Knutstorp (kind of home ground for me) is arranged by Magazines from Sweden, Denmark and Finland. It was two days of intense shooting.

I think what’ll remember best is the evening time ride with the SLS and the R8 or NFS Team driver Edward Sandström getting sideways in every car he drove.

Also met a photog I really look up to, Greg Pajo usually shooting for CAR Magazine UK. Thanks to Patrik Lindgren (Teknikens Värld) for making it happen!


11/6 Viper

Private session for a owner of a rarity in Sweden, Dodge Viper SRT-10. Was great coming to a new town with never used before locations. And the V10 madness will haunt my dreams for quite some time..


1/7 JDM Faceoff Kinnekulle Ring + Sessions

Another gig for Superior Media. Trackday with time-attack. Managed to squeeze in a couple of minisessions here aswell.



9/7 Stance Alliance+240Z

Swedens first but not last Stance meeting?? I wasn’t there for the meeting itself, had booked a session that would later become my second cover this year.


16/7 GRC Trackday, Ring Knutstorp

Small gig of a trackday with Gentlemen Racing Club at Ring Knutstorp. Usually lots of exotics, but this is the shot I like best. Gotta please the JDM crowd a little m0ar. 😉


26/7 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG

Borrowed this AMG over the weekend and really enjoyed it, its a great car! The engine and gearbox is superb!



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Thats one impressive list of shoots that could have easily been doubled in amount of pics from each event that were truly top notch. We look forward to part II which will be released in about a week, and encourage you to FOLLOW OUR FACEBOOK so the next days will pay the tribute Martin deserves for his work this season…

And the obligatory request to visit Martins of FACEBOOK FANPAGE is needless to say here, I hope you all take a moment to click your ”Like” there if you found any of these pics sexy!

Dont forget to BOOKMARK OUR BLOG so you never miss a beat in these times when we are doing our best work yet. Thanks for all the support!

SUMMARY 2011: Jallegraphics gives his view of the year gone by (Part 1 of 2)

27 december 2011, 22:49

Time to get our summary of the SUPERIOR SELECTED year started, where our photographers showcase some of their  talent and give a few of their own words added to it.

First guy out is Hjalmar van Hoek aka JALLEGRAPHICS and part 1 of his adventures as an enthusiast, yet premium automotive photographer!

Before we get started, let me encourage you all to visit our FACEBOOK PAGE where we will dedicate one full day to each of the photographers featured in the blog. You are also more then welcome to show your gratitude for these awesome guys contributions by liking their pages, go HERE to find JalleGraphics!


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Unknowing that after this event, I would be one of the members of Superior Selected team, I travelled to Helsingborg the 28th of May. A friend of mine, owning a Skyline, was going to visit a car meeting for only JDM-cars, called Wanganmeet. Even though I don’t drive a JDM car I do like the cars a lot.

Just a couple of days before the meet I decided that I would make the 560km drive, which was easier said than done. I got up at 05.00 and jumped in the car to start my 6 hour trip (one-way).

When I got there the parking lot was already filled with nice JDM cars:


(Honda scene was well represented by CLUB-JDM OF SWEDEN, these compacts have always been the ”bread & butter” of the JDM-scene)


(Mr. Hasselholmen has one of Swedens cleanest and best stanced BNR34’s, like a printscreen from GranTurismo!)


(Boys will be boys, and boys will always love a decent S-body; another icon in the JDM auto scene…)

After this event I got in contact with Micke and as from than we started a coalition. I still knew very little about Superior and their ”out of nowhere” ambitions to produce quality automotive media, but I tagged along the ride for the time being anyway…

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Vingåkerträffen by REALCAR.SE & GARAGET.ORG:

Just some weeks later it was time for Vingåkerträffen held in Vingåker outside of Katrineholm. This wasn’t that far to travel at all, compared with the trip I just had done.

The meeting attracted all kinds of cars, from JDM cars, Europe cars and even some American muscle cars. One of the things that I remember the most is the heat! You may not complain here in Sweden when it is sunny and warm in the summer but…… it was damn hot!


(The best car of the previous meet attended this one as well, read the FULL FEATURE about it!)


(Superior Imports had some of their customer and democars on location, not a bad collection of asses!)


(No shame in admitting that some Volvo stationwagons can actually be a nice piece of work too…)

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After these two events it was GATEBIL MANTORP 2011 next, and thats where things started to go really serious.

We can share a preview from that event, but you will see more and also get some handpicked ”single car” photoshoots I did over the rest of summer in Part 2 which I believe Micke will publish after more colleagues fromSUPERIOR SELECTED have gotten their annual resumes posted.


(Two Superior Drivers Club members in Pierre ”SIR_PIERRE” Ingelsgård and Daniel ”UXR DETAILING” Karlsson got two big horns in the forehead with their 350Z and BNR32 respecively…)

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We look forward to Part II in around a weeks time, and hope you will support us over at FACEBOOK (CLICK!) where we will now publish these handpicked photos for the next 24 hours. We appreciate all support and feedback!

Tomorrow we will offer another photographer whose portfolio from the season was big enough to get two parts in the resume as well.

Who can it be…? BOOKMARK THIS LINK and you wont miss a beat!

INTRO: This is the best of ”Superior Selected” photographers 2011!

26 december 2011, 04:55

Time to let the cat out of the bag and end the year in style, as worthy of a season where we thrusted ourselves into an unknown world of serious media coverage- with only our own vision as a beacon of light to guide us… When I originally started contacting some of the best automotive photographers on the enthusiast scene here in Sweden; things were very unclear, even for myself. What exactly would SUPERIOR SELECTED be about, and why should anyone want to brand their pics ”more” for a company known only for importing cars canada online pharmacy from Japan- and only recently for their video productions (barely)?! Well, I cant tell you why these individuals I will now present did buy into it at that stage, but I hope canada pharmacy online their work over the passed season and words they are now going to share- will give us some answers. Each one of them will get a blogpost per day, and then OUR FACEBOOK will feature their pics exclusively that same day. All in all, Iam extremely grateful for all contributions made to the Superior-Blog over the season. There are many others in the wings who have helped out as well; but I will let the following persons annual summaries be the ”faces of SUPERIOR SELECTED” for the 2011 season. Then its on to see who will join them for 2012! —– David ”Mr. Superior Media Productions” Johansson: A very quiet guy who lets his editing do all the talking. Thanks to his dynamic work in making our cars for sale ads more attractive, and then branching out into making solid video productions of events attended- you could say he was one of the reasons we decided to dig even deeper at offering quality media. You’ve all seen his larger productions, and he will speak briefly about the ones from 2011 and also a few on those who are still in the ”coming soon” department. But I chose a clip we did at the ELMIA 2011 EXPO on a very special BMW, which had some different music and vibe to it as Davids official preview material:   Superior Media – BMW E30 ”DRIFT ME” Team Insane Racing @ Bilsport Performance & Custom Motor Show 2011 from Superior Media on Vimeo. —– Rani Giliana: Another timid guy who definately keeps an open mind and knows that a good idea is worth pursuing instead of finding every small problem possible at step 1. Was given a key role at the ELMIA EXPO and worked his ass off to do more then just a good first impression. Tagged along at several events, and again showed he is not scared to go ”all in” when the occasion comes; with a ”impromptu” trip with us to FRANKFURT IAA 2011 as a stellar example of that. His teaserpic is from GATEBIL MANTORP 2011: —– Ronny @ JAMedia: Someone mentioned someone, who knew someone; who was supposed to be a quite promising photographer with a huge heart for drifting. That someone turned out to be Ronny who really had a good ”vibe” around his pics from the ELMIA EXPO where he made his ”debut” for the SELECTED TEAM. I know this guys brain is seriously drift-damaged and most of his pics will have that theme, which is not strange for someone who has followed the progress of southern Swedish drifting intensely. But cialis how does it work his preview pic is of one of our SUPERIOR-TV anchormen Pierre Ingelsgård with another photographer in the team: Christoffer Talvis. Just feel his lifestyle photos are just as top notch as his action ones! —– Christoffer Talvis: And speaking about the guy in the above pic, I dont have much to say other then that you really know what you get in his photos. He relies less on Photoshop and lighting, and more on technique and sort of ”documentary style” photos- which makes for a perfect contrast to some of the other guys in the team. He cialis india is pharmacy canada also just like most of the team members very open to finding events outside of the regular calendar, and was for example as lone Swedish media at the opening of the Gumball Rally in London. My own pick for preview is just… watch it and you’ll understand. So much action going on here, action our cameras caught and will be in the upcoming Gatebil Mantorp is ”ALL IN” movie —– Hjalmar @ JalleGraphics: A real workhorse who does not care if he has viagra in the water to drive 500km to shoot some pics, or go a full day without eating to feel satisfied harvesting good pics at an event. Dont find this to be all good, but still a lot more to tell on his loyalty and dedication to automotive photography. This season I think he quickly outgrew his current camera, but has a looong list of events attended with plenty of cool pics. For the preview choice, we went with something more ”close-up” just to keep this post as varied as possible. But ”Jalle” can do it all, make no mistake about that! —– Martin ”” Persson: You may very well feel his name has been borderline inflated here in the blog, but thats because like a surgeon he seems to plan how to be efficent and get the most out of his skills & time. I believe his resume of the year will be the most in depth one, and I really look forward to it. Hard to believe he was one of the most sceptical photographers when we approached him in typical enthusiastic fashion in early over the counter viagra walgreens winter. Not too hard to blame him since he already has a firm fanbase taking pictures of supercars and getting magazine covers, so the entire team is glad to have him around- and we look forward to even more in 2012. —– Hope you will feel at least half as excited as myself over this closing of the year here in the blog. We admit its been a little more quiet here lately, but thats because we are already investing a lot of effort into the 2012 projects. Bit this will mean we end the year in typical Superior style with plenty of good reading in both Swedish and English (but the pictures speak the universal language, so hope you will share the material as much as you genuinely enjoy seeing it!). Rules are that we will release one member each evening, then share material exclusively shot by that person all day long at OUR FACEBOOK. Then when we have gone through all of them, its time for me to personally select 32 of my favourite pics from the season- and rank them for a final post to close the 2011 season!

Superior wishes you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

24 december 2011, 20:35

We have to take the occasion to give our blog-readers our most heart-warming and sincere wishes; that you will have an awesome and cozy christmas holiday!

We were blessed with a really nice official christmas card for this year, as Martin BILBILDER.SE Perssons snapshot of the Skyline DR30 we imported just before the season was over- got some ”photoshop-pimping” done by Norwegian wizz-kid Daniel Hovdahl (many thanks for the last minute help!)


(Click to get in full resolution!)

We might as well throw in last years card as well, which had an entirely different theme. A bit more aggression to it, pic taken by ”Chucky” and edit by ”Golicphoto”:

We can take the occasion to reveal that to end this year and start the next one, we will keep the blog busy by letting all regular SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers pic their favorite shots from the season.

Some have also taken the chance to express a little bit personal opinions on the year that passed, and Iam sure the Superior-blog will be in full form thanks to their contributions. I will make a closer statement on how this will go down tomorrow evening.

Hope everyone are really full of delicious christmas food at the moment, and that you are chilling with your favorite sort of tasty alcohol (might open myself something sweet too now that I think of it…)

Thanks for all the support so far, we are blessed to have so many loyal readers each day even though work on next years big upgrades is priority #1 at the moment!

VIDEO: ”The Gatebil Experience” – by Neffi Photography /

20 december 2011, 11:50

Today is the release of the sure viral blockbuster for christmas, our danish friend Stefaan ”Neffi” Kristensen or aka NEFFI PHOTOGRAPHY as he is known for the most- gives us his epic project titled ”The Gatebil Experience”!

It was a few months ago, that our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographer Ronny aka JAMedia brought us together the first time- and now many months later his masterpiece is complete; and he was even kind enough to mention us in it- although we can take no credit at all from it to be honest.

But hopefully this will also be one of the many bridges we are building right now to passionate and skilfull media-contributors around Scandinavia. All we can say is, ”thank you Neffi” for this sublime christmas-entertainment. It sure puts the pressure up on ourselves to try and at least create something different and in the same class of quality video…





My favourite shot is the one where Norwegian Superstar Frederic Aasbo blows the tire of his Supra. Can you spot it? Hope you like it, and be sure to visit his partner site EGARAGE.COM to see what they have to offer as well!

We are very proud to only be releasing content we have a link to, or that we feel genuinely strong about. So do what you can to share this video with all your friends as well!

I guess the ball now is on our court to bring out the ”Gatebil is ALL IN” movie Superior Media is working on. Hmm…!

Meeting with Polands #1 drifting-team: PUZ Valvoline!

19 december 2011, 12:46



I do hate to repeat myself over how much we have going on, and that is oddly enough mirroring in how sleepy the blog might be. Lets just say the invested energy right now will generate a lot for 2012.

You can always visit OUR FACEBOOK if you want the odd rumor here and there, but ultimately its here you will read about it all once we start making things official…

Anyway, as we mentioned recently in Swedish- the site has quitly been updated and posting blogs is much easier for me now.

This comes just a week or so before the holidays, so tried to mash in all important meets I felt were necessary to go through with before the year changes- and also managed to sneak away on a mini-vacation to Warsaw, Poland at the moment.

But one thing I can tell you is that we are meeting some hardcore drifters today in the PUZ VALVOLINE DRIFT TEAM.

They are the #1 team in Poland in a sport where reckless courage and genuine workmanship has made their product quite the talk around europe. The below film from a ”mountain drift” event clearly shows what I mean:



We will tell you more about these guys after the meet, we intend to get the best inside info on the Polish drifting-scene and possibly lay the first foundations of building a bridge across Sweden & Poland for not just the sport of drifting…

We’ll try and do shorter updates more frequently now, but also feel its not worth telling about stuff that are semi-finished. But the clear things… No problem, you got our word you will read about it here first and foremost! 🙂

On a train to southern Sweden to meet a Pony…

16 december 2011, 10:28

Lets try mobile coupon for cialis blogging some more,Soitting on a train to southern Sweden to visit good friends- got a meeting with a polish drifting team so leave tomorrow for Warsaw.     Meeting this guy today though besides all of the bro’s, next season his Mustang gets joined by a Nissan Silvia with 500HP 2JZ-GTE.   Short but sweet pharmacy canada blogging, still getting used to new interface and using the iPhone 20mg cialis reviews as tool…

Time to go mobile?

16 december 2011, 09:44

After hitting near rock-bottom in motivation to use the blog because the ”back-end” technical side has aged ungraciously- a big ray of light came upon me yesterday!


Let me explain. The blog uses wordpress as its ”engine”, and was at the time we built the site a very simple tool where we had to use lots of custom features.


Eventually, this led to problems with using newer versions of browsers- with a *insert worst combo of cursing you can think of* headache to write text with simple flow as linebreaks for example.


Doing stuff mobile has also been impossible, so with a new (huge) site coming in 2012; its been a pain and frustration to blog. And fixing this presented a classic ”catch 22” moment:


Who would you entrust your entire database since back-ups  are necessary if the site self-ignites as its common to do after having many custom solutions…?


Anyway, after months of finding the right guy; we are now seeing the first huge steps of his work. An update of WP has been done and this post is a test to see if changes are even bigger then expected (confirmed yesterday that my desktop mac now works to blog from).


So without much more noise, and kind of pathetic indeed- we bring you the first mobile blog-post in our history! 😀


(Dont clap, this is nothing to be proud of- but still awesome to encourage bot just me to write here more often…)

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VIDEO: Raw preview of upcoming ”Gatebil Mantorp is ALL IN” movie!

13 december 2011, 23:12

Our little engineer behind the camera and editing, David Johansson wanted to thank everyone for sharing our recently re-released trailer of the ”Gatebil Mantorp is ALL IN” movie coming soon.


Here you will see most of the cars & teams that participated in this 20min carnage that occured when we got Mantorp Park circuit for ourselves during 20 sweet minutes.


Names you will surely recognize are ALM BROTHERS, DRIFTMONKEY, RAIDOPOWER MOTORSPORT and a bunch of other madmen who raced furiously trying to out-do eachother…






Keep sharing this material and encourage people to take a look at OUR FACEBOOK as well, you get plenty of news and other fun stuff daily there- although here at the blog is where all the action happens! And yes, that goes for the real trailer for this movie as well; all you need to do is copy this link and paste it to your Facebook or post it anywhere you like!


We can’t promise a firm deadline on when the movie is done, but we hope it won’t be too long after the holidays…


Your support means the world for us, so hope you will give us continious feedback all the time!

TRAILER: Gatebil Mantorp is ”ALL IN” – Full movie coming soon!

9 december 2011, 19:23

After a long and much needed break after an intense summer, the movie production team is back; and the next project we will work with full dedication with is the Gatebil Mantorp is ”all in” movie!


This will be a truly insane journey as we had among the best Gatebil Circus drivers (Driftmonkey, Team Raidopower, Alm brothers, Limmet DrifTeam & more!) on the track alone- with plenty of our cameras to catch the action!


You can read a lot more about our extensive coverage of GATEBIL MANTORP 2011 HERE. You get all the videos and SUPERIOR SELECTED GALLERIES gathered there, for the ultimate media outlet when it comes to Gatebil in Sweden…




Remember we are still novices in this, and are extremely thankful for all the support & opinions we’ve gotten so far. Hope you will continue to motivate us, you can do that by joining all of us at OUR FACEBOOK (CLICK!).


Please share the Vimeo-link ( of this movie in all your social circles, we promise its the ultimate racingfuel so we can do a GREAT finished production!

GALLERY: Tokyo Motor Show 2011 – Preview of the future?

The very present and a highly likely a view of the future in Japanese automotive; is on display right now at the big Tokyo Motor Show- we got all good news from it!


Thanks to our efforts on the similar but more international FRANKFURT IAA EXPO, we are now officially and most flattering enough; part of a press network where we can take part of some official photos from all Motor shows from around the world. So we would like to share for our readers whats brewing on the JDM market!


Right away I can tell you that as a single year its been a really good one if you are an ”enthusiast”, who loungues for performance cars and such.


But as a whole, we have to face the truth that harsh economics and most importantly enviromental changes in the world means = less of that and more compact or fuel efficent cars (most often both!).


But we still picked up our favourite 20 and most relevant pics from this awesome network, and hope you will enjoy this mix although none of our staff was there, and fair enough we havent really studied up on all of them. Lets take a look anyway!



(As stated, compact cars is the firm reality of what all carmakers put as a priority. And face it, we need those type of cars too! Whats comforting about that is that the Japanese brands are in my opinion the leaders of this segment. This Honda was something I could very well imagine to use as a ”city car” in the future. Clean!)



(But lets raise the temperature a little now shall we? The Lexus LFA was here in its more raw ”Nürburgring edition” which gives the pretty lady (read our feature of when it was in Sweden HERE) some extra long claws. Changes are still subtle, but very important- in not just aero but in performance and well. Will it be a record breaker in 2012?)



(Name one (two actually) model that have gotten more press coverage then the Toyota FT86 and Subaru BRZ? I doubt anyone will come up with one… so lets just skip the chit-chat and say ”Yay” or ”Nay” for the finished product…?)



(… and if you did not like the above one, Subaru were kind enough to develop their Super GT version for you which is impossible to dislike. Like all the JDM racers just an institution in pure rawness. ”Proud of Boxer” indeed, and I think this car will replace the Legacy which it turns out was a short-lived competitor for Subaru.)



(One of my personal favourites, albeit a pretty useless ”car”. For the truly artistic person willing to barely use his car so it wont get dirty, we found this Toyota concept which has a unique glass structure with a screen (?) in it. Just check the picture in the gallery and compare. Impressive stuff!)



(Something you might have read about that was going to be premiered here, was the Nissan Juke Nismo concept. It might look like any ”performance upgraded” base model, but the key here is the engine and drivetrain. Oh yes, it is the full monty from the Nissan GT-R! Good news is that right now they are considering it for a official release depending on what people on the expo said. Lets keep our fingers crossed!)



(And to finish things of, we have the latest Impreza (although that name is scrapped on this generation) that earns a S-series package. Shortly explained, ever since the GC8 generation; Subaru always saved the ”best for last” and in the JDM-market released a fully loaded with STi-options model of the Impreza to buy from the factory. This one is a worthy follower of that bloodline, and I hope one day to have the pleasure of providing someone in Sweden with one since they will probably be available in the Japanese Domestic Market only (there, I just explained what JDM is shortering for). 😉



Hope you enjoyed it, seems like among the myriad of small compacts and odd ”hybrid/electrical” sort of cars & concepts- there is a thin red line of hope in sportscars as well. We all know Honda is looking to release a new NSX, and Mazda have been toying with us creating monster concepts like the Furai. So lets hope this trend continues…


Feels great that our hard work which puzzled some and might have seemed out of place in the blog has given us some really positive results.


Its impossible to please you all, but we have very high longterm ambitions; so hope you will continue to support us as things progress! 🙂

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