SELECTED: Porsche 911 & Bentley Continental GTC + mixed Italia @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

In a sad, sad way; this is among the last SELECTED GALLERIES by Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson from the gigantic FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO. We had a real good time there, and I hope it shows in all his pictures plus the 30+ or so VIDEOCLIPS we did there.


But its also a relief to publish it all, and give you the ”goods” so we can move onto other events- there is a dozen of other we have media from; especially video. So lets give you a mix of Porsche 911, Bentley Continental GTC and some different Italian brands to finish it off!



(This beautiful rear light belongs to the Alfa Romeo 4C concept which among several wonderful details had a really unique ”metal” finish to it. There are few brands who can do so many curves and lines on one car and make it work; this concept solidifies Alfas spot as one of the estheticly best out there…)



(Nope, this is not a faceliften Porsche Caynenne. Its not a Jeep Grand Cherokee concept either, although there is a base of one hiding under there somewhere. This is actually the Maserati Kubang which is a daring move for the classic automaker to make. Being a fan of Italian design I do not object to it, but I do hope the ride height is possible to adjust for those few occasions *actually 99% of the time you use your car* that you are not out in the wild driving!)



(I think in hindsight Porsche realised that their 996 generation was a step in the wrong direction for them. Now that the 991 generation is a refinement of the previous, we know ”flattened out” front lights is not the sh*t.)



(Moving on to the rear of the new Porsche 911 there have been some niced ”slimming action” to the lights! I think its pretty useless to describe how fell the lines of a Porsche flow, their work for the past decades does that far too well…)



(This pic reminds me of an old Kylie Minogue song and I think you can take a guess which car had our world ”spinning around” by the chopped roof and big B in the center of the wheel…)



(…following the above picture, its indeed the new Bentley Continental GTC. Being a huge car close to 2500kg it still looks sleeker and more gracious then most of its competition. Running a big W12 engine will probably give it performance to match that look as well. Just a splendid car in every sense!)




Several deep bows later, we can only thank Martin for his contributions down at this expo, looking forward to some of Rani Gilianas work as well which will put us on the finishline for this!


Got any favourites? Let us know, and be sure to join the action in our FACEBOOK GROUP as well! 🙂

SELECTED: Aston Martin Zagato concept & more @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

We did save a real treat for you at the end, Aston Martin is one of the worlds best (all categories) car manufacturers- and you could tell why at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 with their big line-up of cars such as the Zagato concept which has blown the mind of any living man…


Martin BILBILBILDER.SE Persson who took these pictures and me both agreed that although hey did lack some imagination and all the vehicles were ”crammed” into their stall; it was still a really impressive sight. For myself being a huge One-77 fan it was awesome to see one in reality. Shame the colour was a bit… dodgy? 😉



(Agree or disagree with me on this one…? Colour is more suited for a Hyundai trying to be hip more then one of the most awesome cars ever built IMO.)



(Big problem here. You are a succesful billionaire and its friday night in Monaco, time to hit the casino and you open up your garage and face the two above cars… Which one would you choose?! Trust me, if I ever have problems like these the first thing I would do is to… blog about it for my trusty readers. 😉 )



(But keeping it real, here is a car most of could afford if we dived into a huge mortgage situation per month. Its called The Cygnet and is without shame actually a Toyota IQ that Aston Martin has totally revamped in the exterior and interior. Me and buddy SIR_PIERRE had a discussion a while ago about the ~40 000 Euro pricetag which he thought was insanely high. I was of a different opinion, take a fully loaded brand new IQ and let a tuner half as good as Aston Martin totally revamp it; think the bill and result would be anywhere close…?)


(Lets return to that problem of picking car again. I’ve decided. If the Zagato concept was parked with the rear facing me I would give it the nod. I think Martin found the cars perfect angle here, and all we can do is applaud him and most importantly Aston Martin + Italian designer Zagato for creating this masterpiece…)



(Final pic is a symbol of my own stupid hindsight. While we were in Seventh heaven for a few days there, I really regret not giving some cars a personal closer look. I have always been such a huge Aston Martin fan and these cars need to be given a closer inspection to be fully appreciated. Home now and seeing these detail pics… I feel a bit sad not to have done that…)



Actually just two mini-galleries remaining from all the bulky stuff Martin got from the expo, and its a sense of pride but plenty of relief we’ve published everything on THIS IMPRESSIVE LINK. Hope you’ve had a good time, even if its been a bit one-sided when we usually do very well ”mixing it up”. 🙂


Dont miss all the VIDEOCLIPS HERE to really match up with the SELECTED GALLLERIES that have invaded the blog recently.


Its going to be one of the most pleasurable things yet in my life to review our ”portfolio” and plan ahead for next season, many good things planned for 2012…

SIR_PIERRE: Megamix från Frankfurt IAA med läckra bilder!

Time to go Swedish style in the blog when ”Team B” at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO show us a huge chunk of what they got down in Germany!

The text (Swedish) is by SIR_PIERRE who also runs his personal ”boys will be boys will be gents sometimes” kind of blog as well HERE– be sure to check it out if you like women, watches, cool shoes and much much more.

Pics are by Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana who is one of our SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS and always competes hard to bring quality pictures. Be sure to drop a line or two in the comments below so you can give them their appreciation. Here we go!


Yeah jag har varit jävligt seg på att skriva om våra dagar i Frankfurt.
Men Micke har hållt er flitigt uppdaterade, Mina videos dröjer lite till, Sen får vi se om det blir några vettiga inlägg runt dom som planerat.

Här är iallafall 2/3 av Ranis bilder.

Techarts version utav Porsche GT2 RS.. Tänk att en så rå bil kan se så prålig (och lyxig) ut.
Men låt inte er bli lurade av denna påfågel..
* 720hk
* 900nm
* 0-100 = 3.3 sek
* 0-200 = 9.5 sek

Ferrarimontern.. Den enda montern som det var kö för att komma in till… Och.. Det var inget speciellt alls..

AC Schnitzer ACS1 Sport Coupé.. Med biltema liknande gälar.

Ruf stod lite bortglömda utomhus..  Jag ville ta mej en nämre titt på targan.. Men det fanns inte riktigt tid.

Aston Martin Cygnet.. Denna fick inte stå bland dom stora grabbarna utan den fick stå lite gömd på taket av deras montern.

Den var faktiskt riktigt lyxig.. Men för nästan 350.000kr…. Ne tack.

En Maybach.. Den lilla varianten.. Knappt värd att kolla närmre på tyckte jag.. Utan jag och rani gick mest dit för att se vad för freebies dom hade.. Inga visade det sej.. Så istället roade vi oss med att hitta fel på bilen (Video kommer)..

Och i efterhand fick jag reda på att detta var en specialbyggd One Off för just Frankfurt.
Den heter Edition 125 och byggdes för att fira automobilens 125 år.
Så den hade en massa extra lull-lull, Annat läder, Tyg, Swarovskistenar osv osv osv.. Men vi var inte alls imponerade.. La inte ens märke till det..

Phaeton vs A8.. jag väljer Phaeton, varför? Video kommer.

Artega GT.. En snygg och underskattad bil tycker jag..

Hur får man en Veyron att se tråkig ut?  Jo man gör den helröd..
Birdmans kärra??

Riktigt maffig den!

En gammal 300SLR gjord av gamla bildelar.

Hur gör Mansory om dom ska göra en golfbil?  Dom gör den i kolfiber såklart.
Kanske något för Mr Pagani?

Bland en samling fina gamla Mercedes vagnar (Som vi inte har bilder på?) så stod detta bygge.

2 gamla tyska sportbilar… Utan dessa legender så hade inte världen sett likadan ut idag.. Det kan jag lova er.  Och då menar jag inte bara sportbilsvärlden.

Varje gång jag stöter på en 300SL så blir jag förtrollad… Stod en sån på flygplatsen med (Bild?)

Ett rätt så coolt koncept ifrån Land Rover som vi aldrig kommer få se i produktion.
Men motorn kanske det kan bli något utav.  En 2 liters hybrid som fanns både som bensinare och diesel, Och med 8 växlad låda.

Snyggare än förra.. Och snyggare än coupen?

”Är detta verkligen den nya 911?”  Jepp det var det.. En bra bil.. På alla sätt och vis.. En hel del nyheter som gör världens bästa sportbil ännu bättre,, Mer vardagsvänlig.. Lyxigare.. Snabbare (Lika snabb runt ringen som 997 GT3) osv osv osv… MEN… Jag saknade ”Nån gång ska jag äga en sån” känslan/behovet..

Bentley hade bokstavligen en hel affär med prylar som dom satt sitt namn på.

Absolut snygg… Men.. Ja ni vet.. Det där ”WOW!” saknades

Världens bästa bil… På ALLA sätt och vis..

Well.. Lat som jag är så kan jag lika gärna klippa in hela mitt ”Tunder inlägg” här.

Det vanligaste missförstånden hos folk när jag berättar om Frankfurt IAA är ”jaså där var trimmade bilar också?”
Men ne.. Så är det inte.. För då hade dom inte varit där.
Dessa ”Tuners” som var där.. Har inte trimmade bilen i den bemärkelsen vi känner till
Detta är alltså bilar som har så många egna delar ifrån sin tuner, Att dom räknas som ett helt annat bilmärke..

Se det som såhär.. Det är tuningfirmor som lånar kaross och bottenplatta ifrån ett känt företag, T.e.x Mercedes, Porsche, BMW osv.
Och sen så bygger dom upp sin egna bil helt och hållet, Men inom dessa ramar då att använda bottenplatta och många gånger en kraftigt modifierad kaross.

Lite så som jag ser min egna bil..

Detta just för att det är onödigt slöseri med tid och pengar att ta fram egen kaross och bottenplatta.

Sen visst.. Du kan åka dit med din redan köpta något begagnade eller allra helst fabriksnya Mercedes, Och få antingen ALLT bytt.. Eller stegvist.. Just det du tycker är viktigast.. Motorn.. Chassi.. Inredning.. Upp till dej.
Men dessa Tuners köper alltså oftast in nakna karosser osv och sen gör allt från scratch.. Nu ska jag inte dra alla över en kam och säga att alla dessa tuners gör så.. Men många.. För det spar tid och pengar.

Så.. Dessa tuners som var på Frankfurt IAA är alltså egna fristående biltillverkare.
Inte AMG.. Inte M osv..
Något vi kräsna människor många gånger säger är ”Gör om, gör rätt”.. Och det är just dessa tuners gör..

Det är folk som mej (fast med pengar) som dessa tuners lever på.. Och för..
Ferrari-folk kanske kallar det idioti.. Vi kallar det sleepers 😉

Egentligen.. Som jag alltid sagt.. För att ni ska förstå skillanden mellan t.e.x Brabus och Mercedes.. Eller t.o.m AMG.. Så MÅSTE det upplevas… Finns ingen annan chans att få folk att förstå att en Mercedes S klass kan kosta 5.5 miljoner.. Och ändå vara prisvärd.. På ett ställe där du bokstavligen har Maybach, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Porsche, Lambo.. Ja you name it.. Vägg i vägg..

5.5 miljoner kronor… Det är mycket.. Väldigt mycket pengar..

Men från vilken stor tillverkare kan du få det mest extrema lyx i form av bästa möjliga skinn.. Allt handgjort.. ALL tekniskt hittepo som du kan tänka dej utav Apple.. 4 sittplatser… Och… göra 0-300 på 23sek med hjälp av 800HK och 1420NM!
Och du kan cruisa upp till 370km/h innan fartspärren slår i.

Folk… Detta kan inte jag beskriva för er vettigt nog per text.. Eller visa per bild.. Enda jag kan göra är att hoppas att ni nån gång får uppleva en Brabus, Techart, 9ff osv osv live..

Risken är dock att ni aldrig kommer få se en fullblodig sådan i Sverige…

På Frankfurt IAA så hade vi ett 100 tal 😉

Brabus i mitt hjärta sen ca 17 år tillbaka.

Försöker Ford kanske visa att dom har Aston Martin i familjen?

Cadillac CTS-V Black Diamond Edition.. Jag hade faktiskt kunnat välja en sån istället för en Corvette.. Vissa dagar iallafall.

Cadillac Ciel.… Vilken hit detta hade kunnat bli!

Jag hoppas verkligen dom kommer göra verklighet utav detta.. Och sätta ett vettigt pris.. Då är jag sugen på en..  Detta kommer/kan bli en lika stor hit som Chrystler 300C var.

Årets nyhet ifrån Subaru.. Ännu ett steg mot framtidens Toybaru.. Ny färg på plasten..

Första gången en GS lockar mer än en LS…?

Stela och tråkiga dom med..

Hela hall 3 var faktiskt så.. Tyst.. Stelt,, Tråkigt.. Förutom Suzuki då som desperat försökte vara livliga.

Dacia Duster har jag skrivit om tidigare-

Infiniti hade högtalare i nackstöden.. Har jag nog inte sett så tydligt tidigare.

BTW.. Infiniti montern var så jävla stel och tråkig! Dom hade svartklädda vakterna som sa till dej så fort du ens gick nära bilarna!  Och Nissan var inte på plats alls.

Det kommer lite mer ifrån mej så fort jag pallar.
Missa inte alla inläggen i Superiorbloggen om årets Frankfurt IAA

Om ni orkat er hela vägen hit… Vad tycker ni? Är det större och längre inlägg som dessa som gäller, och är engelskan något problem?


Kommentera nedan så blir vi mycket glada då kritik betyder allt för oss!

SELECTED: The women of Frankfurt IAA 2011 – ”Best of mixed”

This isnt really our thing, but walking around the expo and seeing all these beautiful women with the equally gorgeous cars paired up made it tough not to take that ”extra pic”. We know that FRANKFURT IAA 2011 is not only the home of the best cars, but the best women to showcase them as well. And we intend to prove it now!


No need for any blogging here, you’ll be the judge on what suited your taste and was worth spending a few extra seconds to look at. If you have to force an opinion out of me, I’ll say there was an Italian domination on what was… prettiest. Not saying more then that, Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Perssons pictures will do the rest:


Alfa Romeo:









(I think in the end this is a pretty rare pic, as they were never dressed this casually during the expos more busier hours…?)





Alfa Romeo (again, for a damn good reason!):










We are a bit slowed down here by a change from PC to Mac, and that must sound incredibly silly but… No excuses, takes time to change platforms if you dont want to spend weeks of frustration instead. But this gallery is a little compensation for the lack of acticity recently. 😉


We know by now you cant possible have missed all the ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEOCLIPS we did from the expo, but we would love your feedback on them- even if you have to try very hard to give us pointers to work at = give a better product next time.


Dont be shy, fire away below!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Alfa Romeo 4C + hot Italian babe! @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

Going the shameless route of promoting that there is a very hot lady in this video featuring Alfa Romeo 4C concept at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTOR SHOW. Actually, its needless to plug it this way because this car was in its natural beautiful self worth taking a long look at!


Not sure where to put Alfa Romeo as a brand right now, they seem to struggle losing that permanent label of being a ”designer brand” with ”fance engine sound” before something you would actually buy judgeing by simple common sense. If they can keep the pricetag down on this one though, I would really like to see many of the on the streets…




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Alfa Romeo C4 from Superior Media on Vimeo.






I have looked on this clip several times, and I think there is a clear connection to my slightly (even more then usual) confusion and the things that the camera catches. So go have a look yourselves, and see if you can forgive me. 😉


Going to try and push the pace even more so we can have ALL CLIPS (CLICK!) gathered from the expo very soon. I hope the around 100 seconds each one is in lenght keeps you all to keep watching them, not much time to ask for! 🙂

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Ferrari 458 Spider @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

Lets get this one over with, Ferrari was as always a major attraction at the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 and their stall was always too full for our patience to cope with it- and that even if the only major news was the 458 Spyder (Hardtop actually).


We were in quite a rush here, and did not felt like waiting in line to get a clearer shot- then suddenly the hardtop came off and we wanted to shoot that right away so… meh, not one of our best clips. Maybe just out of entertainment value of my obvious hesitation all the time. 😉




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Ferrari 458 Spider from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Doing a re-shoot is for wimps, and the good news is that thanks to AUTOROPA which is Swedens Ferrari dealer #1 we will get a closer look of it anyway.  So don’t want to be unecessarily hard on myself but, forget about this clip and check ALL THE OTHER ”100 seconds of…” we did at Frankfurt instead. 😉


Looking at the list of features like this one still waiting we got some really impressive ones that remain and we are more happy with.

Hope they are scratching the surface on how big and awesome this expo was…

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Aston Martin Zagato & One-77 @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

Time to get busy again with our ”100 seconds of…” clips (Find them all HERE) from the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO, this time with the most noble of all british brands- Aston Martin! We got most of the Zagato concept, some V12 Vantage and also a tiny bit of One-77 in a special colour!

Oddly enough, I feel quite dissapointed at myself for not spending more time in this part of the expo. Never made a secret of that Aston Martin is a brand I did pull a lot of inspiration from on my current 700+HP Toyota Soarer project. But, forget about that and enjoy among my usual confusing english some damn good automaking… 😉


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Aston Martin from Superior Media on Vimeo.



How do you feel about the Zagato? Is it perfection in the making? And do you agree with that the colour of that One-77 could possibly be the worst one to pick for such an astounding car?

Really looking forward to more feedback on these clips, don’t be shy to comment below and take your time to check them ALL OUT HERE! 🙂

SUPERIOR SELECTED: Lamborghini, ”ti voglio bene” – Frankfurt IAA 2011

Here comes a serious SUPERIOR SELECTED gallery from FRANKFURT IAA MOTORSHOW  2011 filled with Italian passion as strong as a cup of ristoretto: Automobili Lamborghini and all the raw energy they brought to the expo!


Going over all the things we loved at the expo makes it hard to keep all descriptions on a relative balanced level, but let me just explain that this stall truly was one of the showstoppers at the expo. Make sure you also watch the ”100 seconds of…” videoclip we did of their stall.


Extremely happy about that one so go watch it, but now lets see how Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson with free acces did his best to show why we are still in ecstasy talking about this part of our Frankfurt visit…



(Lets try and put this angle of the photo into perspective, and think about how many other journalists at this moment were watching Martins behind being in the way of that one perfect shot. The timing of this photo is superb, seeing the two large monitors had all sorts of crazy video going on apart from the wild bull logo…)



(Seeing two such contrasting colours on the Aventadors was very pleasant for the eyes. I know the typical choice would be the matte black one, but the white would not be totally crossed from the list as a complement if it was just  matter about Monopoly money. Where do you place your heart, white or black?)



(And here is the black Aventador with its devilish temporary owner (?). We played a little game of ”car or …?” and eventhough Christian Bale will drive this in the new Batman movie the choice was certainly not clear for all of the members in the Superior Team on location in Frankfurt…)



(*Obvious tagline* of that Lamborghini surely had our world spinning around. Funny thing is that among over 30 different clips me and Martin shot over two days, there was only one place which had us ”starstruck” enough to forget to put on the microphone the first time around. Ouch! Luckily the Italian gentleman just had a quick laugh about it an gave us acces to the stage one more time to shoot THE CLIP again.)



(And one from the rear of the Aventador giving you all you need about them. There was talks about Lambo bringing their ”Sesto elemento” car again just to make it official that they are going into production, but instead we were presented with…)



(…The Gallardo SuperTrofeo Stradale, which is the highest specified yet to come from them- very close to a racecar for the street. Rumors have it that they have done some tuning of the firing sequence on each cylinder, just to give it an even more unique sound in the exhaust. Not that a factory Gallardo is really that bad either…?)



(A rare (?) shot of the Lamborghini grid girls in a bit more casual outfits then usual, and in a very playful mood. These ladies were rightfully semi-worshipped at the expo, and several extra stops at their stall were made just to put a new smile on any tired mans face again. Martin also commented that they did take a flight home to Rome just opposite of their gate, so you normal visitors wont see them there sadly.)






If thats not a treat for you to end this long week, then you got incredibly high standards! If your lucky enough, you will use this as a boost for that monday morning soon coming up as well. Gotto say just the amount of memories Lamborghinis stall gave us made the trip worth it. But then we got a dozen more almost as good stalls to report from. So, the journey has just began here in the Superior-blog.


Now dont forget to add us to Facebook (OUR PAGE and MARTINS as well) and if you seriously don’t want to miss out on all the ”100 secs of…” clips coming; add THIS LINK as well.


Been a crazy week, which no matter how many fun things we’ve endured has taken its toll on us. But a grande amount of blogging will fix all that. 🙂

SELECTED GALLERY: Brittish special @ Frankfurt IAA (Jaguar, Land Rover, Mini & Lotus)!

Getting back on the wagon in showing you all the beautiful SUPERIOR SELECTED photographs we captured at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTOR SHOW, a ”british special” with brands like Jaguar, Land Rover, Mini & Lotus to name a few!


Among these true gentleman of the car world we haven’t included Aston Martin, but thats because they will get a gallery of their own. But now lets just enjoy 16 splendid pictures by Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson to enjoy while you drink your old fashioned afternoon cup of earl grey tea!



(The new Lotus Evora GTE came down like a matte yellow thunderbolt and truly stood out in proud fashion with its endless amount of pornographicly hot (!?) carbon. Its not the most original conclusion to say matte is ”all the rage” right now, but picking yellow was a winning move to seperate from the rest in our opinion!)



(The most common question I got coming home was expected; ”what was the best car at the expo?”. You wont have much succes asking me this, but when it comes to the chap behind the camera of these photos- the answer is certain when it comes to one selection only… Jaguar C-X16! We did duel a bit about our first impressions since I was expecting it to be more low-key, but as the ”100 seconds of…” video will show- it won me over. Great concept!)



(The ladies in the Jaguar stand were as classy as the cars, not going to go ”Project: Runway” on ya’ll but its great to see women being… women and not just objects to showcase certain parts- often made of plastic…)



(One of the most confusing upcoming ”100 secs of…” clips will be the one with the new Mini Cooper Coupé which I could not… relate to. If you just have to make a coupé of something as firmly molded as a Mini try to make it a little bigger or wider? Or am I just being jelous of them being one of the recent years winners in being a really ”hip” brand or something? Quick mention of this being a ”John Works edition” which is a sportier pimped up sort of model. Got it?)



(One more really good one of the Lotus Evora GTE in all its glory, its a shame that the pricetag gets so damn high whenever you want to pass up to something like an Exige or something more exclusive then the base grade ones. If they are making a pitch to compete above a sort of ”gymkhana supercar” segment they’ll have to get up in size quite a lot on the cars themselves…)



(Land Rover toughened up from the other lads in this gallery, and you got two concepts from them at this expo. They are also a brand that are sort of trying to find themselves again since Range Rover is the ”younger brother in a suit” while the old school ”I can handle anything” sort of attitude isn’t enough to compete with dozens of cheaper brands that offer cars that do the same. A bit… ignorant to say, but honestly don’t have too many opinions about them. How about you?)



So thats a lot of love for the british automakers and a good mix for you to enjoy. We are taking our time here making these posts count, eventhough we are tempted to just splash them out on you all without any text. Got at least one more gallery to share with you before sunday is over, and two more ”100 seconds of…” which you can FOLLOW HERE GATHERED as well!


As always, dont be afraid to post a comment or two below and it would always be a good token of appreciation if you ”Liked” our Facebook pages (both OURS and photographer MARTINS!).

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Lamborghini pure sex @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

superiorsfet4I doubt there is much to tell when it comes to Lamborghini as a brand, and what you can expect such a godlike institution in sex appeal to give us at an expo as huge as the FRANKFURT IAA MOTOR SHOW 2011.

We were (of different reasons) totally starstruck by their stall here, bringing 2x Aventadors and their ”final edition” (?) of the Gallardo; called Super Trofeo Stradale. Accompanying each of these three jaw-droppers were three equally (??) stunning signorinas which had plenty of the crew talking throughout the expo… 😉

Just sit back and relex, try to catch the details in this info- and please do notice the unmistaken smile on my face as it truly is turned up a notch or five-hundred as I did say in the video as well. Lamborghini, we love you!


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds off Lamborghini from Superior Media on Vimeo.



Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson took plenty of nice photographs there, so apart from this video really giving you a good glimpse and plenty of drool-reasons; we’ll make sure to cover this even more. Just be patient…

Got a ton of clips coming out this weekend, its time to get busier then ever and spoil you to god awful limits.


People are working non-stop to share everything in a rush- please show your support by a simple comment below at least! 🙂

SUPERIOR SELECTED: Brief pictoral summary Frankfurt IAA Motor show 2011

Finally the officially first SUPERIOR SELECTED gallery of many to come from the FRANKFURT IAA MOTORSHOW 2011 event. This is just scratching the surface of this humongous expo which if not the biggest then easily one of them!

Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson is the man behind the camera, and while still working on getting the material sorted out- this is like I wrote a mixed bag to know whats coming. If you got any special requests, dont be shy to comment below and make sure to LIKE OUR FACEBOOK so you wont miss anything coming out here.

(Starting out with heavy hands, we got this MANSORY deamon of a car for you. This Ferrari 458 Italia has got any carbon bit you could ask for, and for those who feel ”there is never too much of it” I dare to say this is a real dreamcar. They had several of the worlds premium vehichles at their stand and did everything in black and white which was quite sexy. But why do I get the feeling the JDM tuning-scene knew about the goodness of this like 10 years ago already…?)

(There were dozens of world premieres going on all the time, and we gave up after the third or fourth one eventhough some were quite a show to witness. This is from Subarus stand unveiling their new Subaru XV they call a ”compact SUV”. To be honest comparing this presentation with something the bigger brands had made it look quite… simple. But I’ll never forget Martins reenactment of it later on our hotel, with perfection capturing the moment by crossing two socks over a shoe… Oh you had to be there to get it.)

(We’ll have a lot more from the Aston Martin stand as well, which was somehow a dissapointment lacking totally in flair and cars just ”mashed in” together. How can you feel otherwise when I actually had to take my second lap of this place to spot the One-77 they had brought along? Since its one of my personal dreamcars I took a real close look and confirmed what I suspected; this car doesnt look nearly as much of a supercar on pics as in person. The lines are just ”too perfect” to understand how wide and mean it really is from just a picture. What do you feel about the colour?)

(There were plenty of good-looking women at the expo, and the common theme was that the classiest had Italian heritage. Naturally stands like Alfa Romeos were very popular to revisit during the day…)

(Just like you can imagine, the amount of ”design concepts” being shown was almost silly. Some were just plain unnecessary as if the ”if you dont have anything good to say, don’t say it at all”. Its afterall a matter of showing what the engineers in more playful and without boundries are coming up with within the brand, not a type of gimmick you must have at a large expo. With that being stated, how do you feel about this Chevrolet concept?)

(Although far from being a combination of an expo which also includes motorsport, Audi were busy showing their new Audi A5 DTM coming this season. Some brands brought their ”big dawgs” in different racing classes with them as well, but it was honestly far from a priority- and they were more or less treated less then ”icing on the cake”. This was actually outside of the huge built from scratch hall Audi had, proving that statement. More from inside there coming…!)

(Something we wont try and keep secret is that we really liked the Lamborghini stand at Frankfurt. A lot. Immensly even! Having two Aventador and the brand new limited edition Gallardo Super Trofeo Stradale gave plenty to look at. I do know something the people did not like to look at was Martins back when we got a special moment inside the closed barriers surrounding it = you know we got gooood pics coming up.)

(The Superior Team which gives me a super occasion to individually thanking them one by one. From the left: Martin Persson (FACEBOOK) who was my partner all days, never afraid of some hard work and to give brutally honest opinions in decision-making. Pierre Ingelsgård who with his enthusiasm and knowledge lightyears ahead of my own in the ”connoiseur” type of cars was a very valuable addition to the team, be sure to read his OTHER BLOG to know more about the charachter this dude is. And finally to my own left we got Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana who is like a younger Martin in the making, both in skills and charachter. Never ever a single whine and positive attitude to always give it his best contributing to the team. Thanks to all of you!)

Hope you enjoyed this, and dont be afraid to drop of a few comments below if there is anything you want to ask us. Being down there in Frankfurt was honestly a car enthusiasts slice of heaven; so we really want to share with each and every one of you. Dont be shy to give requests!

Still just a small sample gallery, and lists are still being made on what to blog about from the expo. I think we will start to get seriously busy in around a day or two, but we also hope some SUPERIOR MEDIA ”100 second of…” clips will drop in the blog regularly.

You can expect tons of stuff coming, so really hope you have bookmarked THE BLOG and have ”liked” us on OUR FACEBOOK so you never miss anything. 🙂

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