20 april 2014, 09:10
Vi öppnar dagen med vår video från A-hallen. Daniel ”O’Snap” Hovdahl står för redigering även här.
Här ser man vilka trender från förra året som fastnade, och kan börja reka vilka som har något på gång som kan fastna för flera säsonger framåt.
The definite starting point of Swedish Automotive tuning and street trends, here is where we see what carried over from last year- to the few who originate what will be mimicked sometimes for several years.
With several ”Crews” looking to make a name for themselves, and the giants we all know Speedhunters.com as; this is a fresh videomix of Hall A at custommotorshow.se/ 2014 worth enjoying.
Best of Street & Show trends in Sweden (Hall A, Elmia 2014 expo – by O’Snap) from Superior Media on Vimeo.
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Look forward to some special features we’ve shot right here, and hopefully a photogallery or two as well.
Going to be a busy day, if you got the opportunity- get down here to Jönköping and say hi!