3 november 2011, 14:18
Today we have a nice little autumn event the exclusive car & culture magazine GRANTURISMO put on when they decided there are far too many auto news on the premium side, but so few events to display them at here in Sweden. So after many phone-calls, they came up with a very good ”card” of exhibitors that gave us more then one positive ”deja vu” from the huge FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO we attended earlier this fall. On location we had our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographer Christoffer Talvis, who is one of the editors of Swedish online GREENLIGHT MAGAZINE, where Iam sure there will also be a feature of this event available soon. But we are rolling along in comfortable fashion, just giving you some great pics coupled with subjective and hopefully for you; interesting blogging. Here we go!
(The new Jaguar XKR-S is the fastest production car from the English automaker since the legendary but possibly overrated XJ220. With its 550HP and what is described as a ”mental” V8
sound, you can make sure that in combination with this fantastic ”Smurf-blue” color its going to turn some heads; all you need is 1.4 million SEK and your there…) (One of the main reasons Talvis visited this Expo was because it could be the only chance as a Swede to see the *sold out* Lexus LFA. Its touring the country at the moment, and as a lucky SOB he was able to test-sit this beast. From this angle its a bit ”loud” for my taste, but I do know from the cock-pit its the dream of any sci-fi or computer-game geek. Dream car for sure!)
(As a nice touch, the organizers brought it some ”cultural” elements to the expo, not only with fancy accessories like this gorgeous Hublot Big Bang watch, but with some delicacies as chocolates and such. In the right setting, we’re liking this ”lifestyle” approach to it and it escapees that ”pretentious” feel you might get once you start playing around with luxurious ingredients at a car-event.)
(The Maclaren MP4-12C has had a rough ride since its debut around 2009. Its not achieved any of the success its predecessor the F1 had, and frankly at this segment of cars; feels quite ”bland”. Its an engineers dream and won’t get embarrassed anywhere, but in this age of Pagani, Ferrari and Lamborghini just mentioned this Italian contributions- competition is fierce and you can’t be mellow yellow *word pun intended*.)
(By far the ugliest part of the expo, was this odd Chevrolet Corvette found outside. You can bet your entire fortune on that this was not what the designer team doing the Ferrari FF were inspired of when they began working. Its ”crap Photoshop” bad, or is there anyone among you who actually likes it…?)
(Here is one which we published as a preview on OUR FACEBOOK PAGE (LIKE!). Clearly two of the more affordable but best performing sports-cars from both sides of the Pacific Ocean facing of their rears; Lexus IS-F vs Chevrolet Corvette. Which one would you take out for a day? This was just the first part, giving you a little sample of the expo. For part 2 we got 16 more pics and a few words from Talvis himself to comment on the feel of it. We hope Sweden can revive its status as a car country to have more events like this one. Even if they are small, its a chance for the real enthusiasts to do something in the off-season. I can still remember many years ago how the big Stockholm Auto Expo was something you looked forward to, shame its been away for so many years now… We thank Christoffer Talvis for his contribution, and take the opportunity to mention that his GREENLIGHT MAGAZINE is holding a vote at the moment that will honor all of Swedens car builders at an award show very soon. Go there and vote now! 🙂
5 kommentarer till “SUPERIOR SELECTED: GranTurismo Auto Expo, Stockholm (1 of 2)”
Det är faktiskt inte så ovanligt att dom byter ut glasluckan på Corvetten till en ”kåpa”.. Så har dom gjort sen Stingrayn.
Vi har haft 1-2st sådana Corvetter på Elmia dom senaste åren.
Corvetten är faktiskt underskattad när det kommer till lastutrymme, i min gamla ZR-1 så fick jag plats med två flyttlådor.. Eller 3 polare liggandes.
Men dom kåpr jag har sett tidigare har iallafall sett ut att passa mycket bättre.. Kan va att han har tryckt på en C5 kåpa bara.
Måste vara något sånt… Men vad tycker du om kopplingen till FF? Så långsökt är det ju verkligen inte…
Nene absolut inte, Men då var ju detta kittet före Ferrai iallafall =)
Och då skulle jag nog föredra det som på Corvetten,, Du slänger på din glas eller lexan ruta när det ska vara snyggt och snabbt, Och sen på med kåpan (förr glasfiber) i plast eller kolfiber när du behöver lasta. Även om jag gillar FF mycket..
Oh ja, att Corvette var före med detta tillbehör förstår jag. Lite udda… Aha, så detta är bara själva bakluckan som man byter? Riktigt praktiskt isf!
Ja precis, Rätt så enkelt med ”bara två skruvar” more or less.