GALLERI: Livet för en GoPro-kamera på Alx Danielssons Nationwide NASCAR!
Vi jobbar med klippningen av första videon från Alx Danielssons test för ett Nationwide NASCAR team, och oj vad mycket kul material vi har!
Något som utan tvekan alltid snappar upp något är ju de handfull mängd GoPro-kameror vi har, givetvis köpa från RAIDOPOWER. Här kommer ett litet galleri, ett smakprov på vad de fångat upp:
Det är Alx Danielsson själv som valt ut dessa, och samtliga har en större innebörd som förklarar hur chassiet på ett gammalt järn som detta fungerar.
Man blir lite förvånad men ändå inte; över hur en såhär tung bil med väldigt gamla fundamentala mekaniska ingredienser; ärligt talat hauls ass som den gör!
(Ingen Rock & Roll utan eld, eller hur? Just på testet ute på en bana så slog det mer än sällan ut enorma kvastar från sidan!)
Vi passar på att önska alla en riktigt trevlig helg, se till att börja skruva på era bilar reda nu- säsongen är närmre än ni tror.
(Faktiskt mindre än 50 dagar kvar till Elmiamässan 2013, tänk på det ni…!)
Container att fylla i Japan, passa på och få hem bodykit, fälgar mm. NU!
Kort och gott ska det skeppas en bil med en mindre container på kundens önskemål.
Detta ger drömläge att samtidigt skeppa med stora saker som kostar multum att frakta, exempelvis kjolpaket, fälgar, vingar och mycket mer.
Redan nu är det en riktigt proper lista av godis som ska med, men det finns gott om plats.
Märkena när man kikar snabbt på inventariet just nu är STi, Feels, Impul, T&E Vertex och mycket annat.
(Det är inte första gången vi tar hem saker från T&E Vertex, och det är sannerligen passform ”made in heaven” på allt de gör!)
Tveka inte att KONTAKTA OSS om ni funderat på att köpa något äkta JDM och alltid gett upp när ni sett fraktpriserna.
Trenderna är på väg att svänga hårt från kopior och billiga märken alla har = investera i kvalitet nu!
Ett överflöde av mediafrån 2012: iPhone fylld med sprudlande bilder!
Håller på med lite back-up och absolut sista stegen i att ”summera 2012” en gång för alla så arbetet med 2013 års prioriterade projekt kan gå i full styr.
Inser att mina ”gamla” vanor med att fota saker att blogga om satt i förra året; bara att tiden aldrig räckte till för att få ut det på nätet. Vad göra?!
Rätt självklart egentligen. Plocka guldkornen och kör ut det nu, vi gjorde ändå ingen större resumé av förra året utåt så detta får duga.
Ha inga superhöga krav bara:
Här vattnas det i munnen då det är Gzons 20B RX-7 som letade sig ut på slutet av sommaren!
Finns för mycket att berätta om bilen, som ”på riktigt” ska få göra sin debut denna säsong istället. Så ni alla kan få uppleva hur en välbyggd tre-skivig wankel ska låta!
Tror bilden är från början av Oktober i år, vi kör slumpartat vad vi väljer ut så blir det som det blir.
Dagens notiser: ”Elmia 2013 – Bara 50 dagar kvar + ett citat som sätter ribban…!”
Olika ”Superior-TV” klipp har letat sig ut när SIR PIERRE hedersamt tagit på sig den rollen då fans faktiskt vill se oss flamsa, och även om man vill ta fram ”skäms-filten” ibland så är det i slutändan något att le åt.
Hänt mycket på två år sedan ELMIA 2011 där vi jätte-satsade på media, och varför inte bjussa på ett par notiser som har med detta att göra:
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… 50 dagar till att återigen besöka Jönköping under påskhelgen! Dessa dagar kommer gå otvivelaktigt fort, och även om vi inte gjort en maffig pressrelease om det så vet ni att Superior är på plats i år igen.
Vi tänker likt en kung-fu mästare använda vår samlade kompetens och försöka leverera utan att bränna för mycket energi. Family first!
(Förra årets mässa bjöd OijOij Society på det mest ambitiösa och vackraste i monterväg vi någonsin sett, ska de lyckas toppa detta i år? Foto av: Rani Giliana.)
Redan en hel del överraskningar på gång, och efter ett kommande ”stormöte” i familjen söderöver helgen efter denna lär det dugga tätt med nyheter om hur vi ska vara med i år.
Boka det redan nu iaf, vi bjuder på kaffe och goda skratt!
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… ”I had a deal lined up for three years in Formula One, and when that fell through- I had nothing left. This feels like like that second and last chance, unfinished business”.
Vad behöver man tillägga? Det känns som det finns utrymme för ännu ett citat från Racingstjärnan Alx Danielsson som visar varför vi med få resurser men desto större hjärta sponsrar denna rättutsagt hjälte i hans strävan att göra mer än bara prata om de stora drömmarna.
En sak han sade på resan som fastnat sedan dess förutom ovan rätt och slätt förklarande citat om sin karriär var: ”Sometimes the universe points you in a direction… you just gotto follow it.”.
(En nyckel i att bygga en långsiktig relation är att aldrig vika ner sig i motgångar. Det var många som räknade bort Alx när han var som mest otursdrabbad i 2012 års TTA-säsong. Not so much right now…)
Ingen visste varför vi förra året gav oss på att lägga massor av sommarens viktigaste datum på att följa Alx, men i takt med att hans senaste avstamp mot NASCAR växer- så finns inget mer att säga än att vi kan lukta oss till när passion, kunnande och driv finns hos en partner med råge…
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… såg Django – Unchained igår och tänkte: Jädrans vad roligt det måste vara att heta Quentin Tarantino och se hur saker som säkerligen började som ”vore det inte ballt om…” projekt numera verkar vara en brakande stor kassa-ko.
Den dagen man kan nå en (relativt) liknande situation då man nästintill enbart kan syssla med projekt efter eget hjärta, manus och med tillräckliga resurser… är väl då man bara har några år kvar att leva! 😉
Skämt åsido, enda sättet att nå sina drömmar är att jobba hårt och utvärdera var man är i målsättningarna; samtidigt som man värnar om sina principer.
Inte alltid lätt, vi nämnde ju för några dagar sedan om verkligheten bakom att redigera filmer utan sponsorer/klienter som ett exempel på att man alltid måste kompromissa även om det utåt ser buslätt ut när de inte suttit med de ibland dussintals timmar en produktion kostat…
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… dags att ösa ut en massa beg. delar från lagret i Katrineholm. Ta chansen! Bevaka mer än gärna här i bloggen samt VÅR FACEBOOK då vi ska rea ut en massa blandat godis från verkstaden i Katrineholm.
Då hela inriktningen ska svänga om där krävs det att vi rensar upp lite, kan även tänkas dyka upp en demobil eller två då det blåser orkanvindar av förändring hos oss. In med det nya och ut med det (även väldigt habila) gamla!
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Om ni inte redan märkt det så är vi i fullt bruk av denna blogg före vår Facebook. Även att vi nu under denna period siktar på att behålla det hela svenskt.
Men tveka inte att för den delen ge lite feedback PÅ VÅR FACEBOOK om ni önskar en förändring, eller bara vill tacka för god läsning. Testa?
Dagens FAIL: ”Hej, jag vill bjuda in dig till mitt kontaktnätverk på LinkedIN”… ARGH!
Ett redogörande för att jag personligen gjort en tabbe som lett till många nyfikna, men också oroliga samtal. Det stora sociala nätverket i världen ”LinkedIN” som jag personligen använder sparsamt, lyckades med ett klick på fel ställe när jag väl var igång- bjuda in närmare 1000 av mina Hotmail kontakter. Inte bra! Vill därför lugna alla med att den kryptiska förfrågan och som jag även nu fick reda på påminnelsen (!) som kommer till er… I N T E är något jag själv spakar över. Var bara vänlig och bortse från den, så lovar jag gottgöra er med att bjuda på en läsk nästa tillfälle vi ses. Ni ser ju tydligt på Henrik Oulies fina bild till höger här att jag förmodligen är världens mest engagerade mattant, under en servering jag fick basa över på Rudskogen förra året… Kan inte förneka att den nya tidens riktigt aggressiva sociala medier får mig riktigt ”off” från detta. …men det har även lett till att jag återupptäckt kärlek till bloggande på vår hemsida. Så något
väl har det fört med sig!
Dagens notiser: ”Superbowl baksmälla & USA-hysteri med Alx Danielsson, läget i Japan samt ett par väl valda ord om media som aldrig kommer ut!”
Jag kan inte förneka det mer. USA har smittat ned mig totalt med hela sin unika men på många sätt blandade smältdegel till kultur.
Inatt var det Superbowl-final, och därmed lite sovmorgon som man nu måste ta ikapp. Lika bra att dela med sig av några notiser direkt!
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… hur är aktuella läget för Alx och hans NASCAR-satsning? Tycker vi får mer än bara bra svar i denna artikel i OP.SE (KLICKA FÖR ARTIKEL!) Det är upp till Alx själv att offentliggöra alla nyheter, och tycker här att korten hamnar skapligt till på bordet.
(Snapshot från teamet Alx testade med, Creation Cope Racing. Kan ni gissa vilken bil som är för ovaler och vilken för road course? Foto: David Johansson)
Kort och gott gör vi just nu vår grej med dokumentären och för diskussioner om expanderat samarbete; då vi inget hellre vill att intresset och stödet för denna jätteroliga satsning ökar = fler resor till USA!
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… väderprognos när det gäller BILIMPORT DIREKT FRÅN JAPAN, bättre klimat än på många år? Går inte förneka att det kittlar i magen när man sett hur valutan rasat i fjärran östern på bara några få veckors tid.
Vi följer detta med förtjusning samtidigt som det siktas på grym ”re-launch” av Superior Imports riktiga kärnverksamhet igen.
Tro inte vi legat på latsidan, och vi har redan skrapat på ytan i våra gamla kontakter med massa förberedelser för en eventuell ”ny era” i att återigen ta hem Sveriges med tanke på kvalitet mest prisvärda Japanska sportbilar.
Denna Silvia Varietta (Cab) har vi ju som tidigare omnämnt i bloggen på väg hem redan…
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… ”dom där förbannade filmerna som inte kommer ut från er någon gång då?!” Igår fick man mer än bara en hint från en av sina absoluta favoritförare inom Drifting att vi någon gång borde komma ut med alla dessa filmer som utan tvivel gömmer sig på någon hårddisk.
Ungefär som att vi tar och lägger ner relativt stora summor på dyr utrustning, kostnader för logistik och dylikt bara för att vara på plats att filma… struntar i saker som att kränga prylar eller andra timersättnings-jobb för att filma… bara för att sedan håna er alla med att bara locka med ”vilken häftig film vi skulle kunna göra”.
Superior Media: Gatebil Mantorp 2012 Trailer from Superior Media on Vimeo.
Doesn’t make sense. Eller hur?
Det finns inga bortförklaringar på detta; utan bara en rak sanning. Vi har gjort 90% av detta på fritid och för att vi älskar det! No bulls*it about that!
I de fall som vi haft samarbeten med stöd i form av normalt sett dyra monterhyror eller dylikt (som genom åren på ELMIA) har vi kunnat lösgöra mer effektiv tid och fått ut material.
Samma sak när det är klienter och profiler vi sponsrar för att själva utvecklas.
Men i övrigt så slutar det hela med att exempelvis min högra arm David Johansson på Superior Media sitter sena kvällar med annat (som i t.ex. Drifting och till viss del Time Attack som ännu är sponsorfritt på mediadelen).
Vi var otroligt glada att under 2012 få ombord Daniel ”O’SNAP” Hovdahl i teamet, och han har skött allting på ett fantastiskt sätt; och där har ingen något att klaga på efter att ha kikat på HANS VIMEO VIDEOSAMLING!
Vad drar vi för slutsats av det förutom att vilken kille med en dyr hobby som i många fall kräver sponsring/stöd; fattar att vi t.ex. på denna hemsidan inte har en enda reklambanner eller annan annonsering i våra filmer- bortsett från ”tack till”…?
Jo! Att vi helt enkelt får ha ett ännu bättre arbetsflöde där den brinnande passionen vi har för sporterna inte utesluts enbart av ”paid client work”.
Vi har mycket att lära om att hitta denna balans, men tillvidare är bästa du kan göra; även ni stora tvivlare som inte riktigt vet vad Superior står för inräknade —> sprid vårt arbete och uppmuntra.
Ge feedback som är konstruktiv.
Se detta som ett stående löfte i att det sporrar oss som tusan! Ingen är mer frustrerad över att ovan nämnda tid/energi inte leder till något, men vi jobbar på det och allt stöd hjälper.
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Antar att sista notisen räckt gott och väl till ett helt eget inlägg. Men det är lätt att skriva av sig när något man personligen känner starkt för mer än gärna förklaras till folk som uppskattar vårt arbete- och därmed kan behöva fyllas i hur ”den stora bilden” ser ut.
Nu tar vi tag i allt som en måndag innebär. Stor kaffe någon…?
Vår mest ambitiösa ”trailer” någonsin: ”A NASCAR legends quest to pass the torch”
Om någon lyckats missa det så fick jag och David Johansson ärat, nöjet och den stora utmaningen att följa med racing-stjärnan Alx Danielsson till USA för hans unika chans att testa för ett NASCAR-team.
Till skillnad från tidigare projekt fanns här redan ett tydligt mål med Superior Medias medverkan; att leda en produktion från början till slut- som sedan skulle visas som en stämningsfull dokumentär i Svensk nationell TV.
Utan tvivel var detta inte bara en jättechans och bland de roligaste resor vi någonsin gjort, men med särskild åtanke på hur bra Alx gjorde ifrån sig där- så har vi nu ett jätteansvar att klippa ihop något som gör ”sagan som skedde i verkligheten” rättvisa.
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Vi har redan börjat jobba på en trailer som berättar för publiken om Daytona-500 vinnaren och NASCAR legenden Derrike Cope, och hur han nu söker efter en arvinge att plöja ner sin erfarenhet i för att leda hans raceteam Creation Cope till stora framgångar.
Efter denna vecka är storyboard och manus från mig klart, och allting ligger nu i David Johanssons händer att klippa ihop.
Sponsorers iver borta i USA sätter vår deadline på någonstans i slutet av veckan.
Med den förutsättningen är det bara göra sitt bästa och se framåt mot flera ”reels/promos” men… oundvikligen ligger pressen på oss.
David börjar nå mål med Del 1 i resumén från USA, mer läsning alltså på gång i Superior-bloggen inom kort.
Glöm nu för guds inte det ”ultimate american” som sker ikväll med NFL Superbowl. Ravens vs 49’ers kan nog få många ”icke-fans” att bli förälskade i sporten precis som en själv blivit under NHL-hockey lockout som varade 6 månader…
Dagens Notiser: ”En dag i sorg följt av att se framåt.”
Under gårdagen begravdes en kär vän till Superior verkstaden i Katrineholm, och vi sörjer djupt. Ceremonin och människorna som man fick träffa var fantastiskt fina och varma- men vi hoppas verkligen inte 2013 kommer innehålla fler som lämnar oss. Vi ser framåt med ett par notiser över saker som man snappat upp senaste 48 timmarna. – – – – – – – – – … ny utökning av bilar som kör under Superior-flagg efter möte idag. Efter SUPERIOR DRIFTS (KLICKA!) lansering förra året för att blöta fötterna inom Drifting, så har intresset hos andra förare varit stort för både sponsring och för att få förknippas med vårt genuint starka varumärke. (Dekoren för 2012 var väldigt positivt mottagen, lagd av WRAPZONE STOCKHOLM och designad av oss själva med DANIEL ”O’SNAP” HOVDAHL som huvuddesigner. Foto/Redigering: Carl Kjellberg) Faktum är att vi efter ett år känner oss väldigt nöjda med vad vi snappat upp; och vad som finns att jobba på. Det var enda målet vi hade med satsningen även om det givetvis låg mycket kärlek bakom då vi älskar delar av ”livet runt” däckbrännandet. Efter ett möte idag är det bestämt att vi kommer ta in nya bilar som under vårt flagg. I vilken ”sport” och form plus allt annat som går spekulera i… avslöjas här i Superior-bloggen vartefter. Ni kommer med all säkerhet veta lagom ill Elmia 2013. – – – … David Johanssons bloggdebut och berättelsen om drömresan i USA = coming soon! Vår filmskapare David som haft huvudansvaret på Superior Media sedan 2010 har fått ett sidogigg med att skriva en liten resumé om våran nästan sagolika vistelse i NASCARS hemmaplan: N/S Carolina, USA. Vi kommer försöka återberätta allt från hur produktionen gick till, Alx framgångar, härliga roadtrips, turistande och annat som återberättar den fantastiska racingkultur som finns där. USA är sannerligen efter denna resa enligt oss ”The promised land”, så vi hoppas ni gillar läsningen David bjuder på. (Hela gänget med ett enda oförskämt stort leende efter första testdagen. Foto av: Mattias Stahre) – – – … ökat engagemang i Sveriges Time Attack mästerskap med bl.a. ny hemsida. Vi klarade den otroligt svåra debutsäsongen ihop med TIMEATTACK.NU med godtyckliga resultat. Superior kommer fortsätta ha hand om media/PR och Webb för serien- men även inga i att dra i de flesta trådar om att anmälda förare trivs.
Kort och gott, kvalitetsansvariga. En ny hemsida är också under utveckling. Startlistan ser oförskämt vass ut med hela 52st föranmälda (betalande) förare. Vi har ännu inte beslutat hur många platser som ska öppnas upp, men siffran 50 nämndes som ett tack från första början. Gå in på och skriv upp er för nyhetsbrevet för de senaste nyheterna därifrån. (Rond #4 annonserades nyligen, och kalendern ser ruggigt vass ut med de populäraste bilarna i Sverige + Norge på listan. Foton av: Rani Giliana. Grafik: David Johansson). – – – … lavin av märkesdelar från Japan lastas in i container, är du också medveten om kvalitet? En långt stående debatt är detta om ”märkesgrejer vs kopior”. Vi dömer ingen för deras val och använder alla märken, men om vi får välja kommer saker ”Made in Japan” självklart överst på listan; och vi uppmuntrar folk att spara lite extra för att anamma samma tänk. En container håller just nu på att lastas i Japan för att skeppa delar från några av de mest nobla märkena. Ännu finns för folk som vet vad de ska ha möjlighet att smyga in något. Tveka inte att KONTAKTA OSS då! – – – – – – – – – – Vi seglar framåt i helgen där det bl.a. ska arbetas med Alx Danielssons fortsatta satsning i USA och vår roll i det hela bortom den dokumentär som är under klippning nu. Ni får jättegärna besöka VÅR FACEBOOK där ni kan lämna feedback på våra inlägg, komma med ideer eller tipsa om något att skriva om.
Dagens notiser: ”Ja vafan ut med det bara…”
Har alltid varit inspirerad av vår gode vän SIR PIERRES GODISPÅSE och hans bloggande. Där kommer man titt som tätt på sig själv att man ”scrollar” (ni vet, bläddrar igenom) för att hitta hans fyndiga ”dagens notiser”. Så efter egentligen alldeles för mycket funderande och be rösterna om ”äh, alla är ändå på Facebook nu” att active ingredient in viagra dra åt skogen- så kör vi igång detta här i Superior-bloggen med! Vi sänker ribban från sensationella saker till bara sådant som är… matnyttigt och som vi en gång gjorde oss kända för; mer personligt mot de mer ambitiösa projekt vi jobbar (mycket) hårt med. – – – … real viagra plan satt i verket att ösa ut material filmat från 2011/12! Ivrigt påhejad av många nästan skrämmande lojala supporters så vill de se mer av vad vi filmat, utan några balla bph cialis insurance SFX, utan episk musik och t.o.m. så det kan handla om när jag och Pierre diskuterar vilken tandtråd vi föredrar. OK, det sista var en lögn. Men ni vill se video, och har inte tänkt att varje sak ska behöva vara lika vass som våra ständigt efterfrågade produktioner från Gatebil-cirkusen: Superior Media – Gatebil All In @ Mantorp Park 2011 from Superior Media on Vimeo. … skilsmässa och saker som ska gå i graven. Vi har insett för längesedan att vissa bitar i bloggande/verksamhet måste gå isär. Därför är en separation inför Elmia 2013 spikad. Samma med att vissa saker måste på ett värdigt sätt gå i graven. Följ dokusåpan om vilka som blir drabbade och hur här i bloggen. – – – … hur man peppar inför Elmia 2013 än en gång? Been there and done that, somliga säger att om man varit på klassiska Elmia en gång; så har man varit där alla gånger. Ni vet hur det ordspråket fungerar. Men jag håller inte med, utan om det finns en plats där det alltid är guldkorn att finna så är det här. Det gäller bara ha realistiska förväntningar och precis som när man letar partner ”låta det hända” istället för att anstränga sig för mycket. Det känns som våra två buy real viagra Superior Choice båda åren bevisar att vi haft rätt inställning, då båda valen efter vi uppmärksammade dom gick till att bli årets byggen i sin ”kategori”. Säg emot om ni känner att priset för biljetten inte gör sig värd bara i att få se monstruöst duktiga bilbyggare som dessa ställa ut för första gången på året: (Superior Choice Elmia 2012: Roland ”DubRolle” Zetterström, Toyota Corolla. Foto av: Rani Giliana.) (Superior Choice Elmia 2011: Christoffer Geiros, Audi A4 VIP. Foto av: Henrik Oulie.) Kort och gott, det kommer finnas något att titta på så struntar man rakt av i det uttjatade. Ungefär som när man surfar runt på nätet, eller hur? Just av ovan anledning kommer vi lägga ännu mer fokus på våra ”Ten of the best” som många uppskattar och har åsikter om efter de två åren vi kört konceptet. Kul tycker vi, och lovar krydda än mer nu när vi återgår till vår ”hemmaplan” för bloggande! – – – Räcker med dessa notiser idag. Vi får mjukstarta, redan skrivkramp i fingrarna. Man undrar hur sjutton man hann med en handfull inlägg per dag redan i 2009 då vi börja blogga om bilhobbyn. Måste vara åldern (30 bast i take viagra = better then ever BTW!).
IMPORT FRÅN JAPAN PÅ VÄG: Nissan Silvia S15 Varietta (Cab) äntligen hittad!
Bloggen har varit på lång vintervila sedan Superior Meet 2012, och vi har hunnit reflektera en hel del över året som passerat. En sak är säker inför denna säsong; vi går tillbaka i våra rötter som Sveriges främsta inom import av Japanska sportbilar. Vi ”ny-lanserar” med att ta hem en Nissan Silvia S15 ”Varietta”! – – – The Blog has been in a long winters sleep since Superior Meet 2012, and we’ve had plenty of time to reflect over the year thats passed us by. One thing is half life of viagra for sure for this season; we are going back to our roots as one of Swedens frontier companies when it comes to JDM-imports. We are re-starting it all by taking cheap viagra pills a Nissan Silvia S15 Varietta to Sweden! Det har gått makalöst fort sedan vi redan 2011 märkte av vilken otrolig respons vår mediadivision gav; men det bäddade för att att mycket annat fick ta ett tillfälligt steg åt sidan. Efter flera hundra importer av Japanska sportbilar sedan tidigt 2000-tal gav den höga valutakursen och lägre efterfrågan på bilar av hög klass en väldigt passande paus i den delen av verksamheten- till nu då som skrivet. Denna väldigt udda fågel faller sannerligen inte alla på läppen, men köparen (som vi ska presentera i ett framtida blogginlägg) var säker på sin sak: Detta ska bli kommande säsongs bästa Japanska glassbil man bara kan åka, med en tydlig touch av ”VIP-stuket” som föddes i Japan. Vi vet redan nu att en hiskligt fet uppsättning Work Meister S1 fälgar är på väg till bilen, och skeppat med i containern från Japan kan mycket väl ett kjolpaket av hög klass följa med. Vi vill glädja alla våra fans med att säga att detta bara är ett första steg i att gå tillbaka i Superiors rötter, och vi kommer fräscha upp main ingredient in viagra mycket kring det som varit den egentliga kärnan av verksamheten. Som ni även märker har vi på denna site gått tillbaka till Svenska språket, även om det kan bli inlägg och inledningar på engelska.
Vi har många saker på gång med som ska underlätta er upplevelse av siten, tillsvidare får ni mer än gärna ge cialis 20 mg tadalafil feedback på denna Varietta på VÅR FACEBOOK. Som en uppföljning ska vi avslöja vem köparen är, och vilka bilar han ägt innan. Det är ingen blyg kille när det kommer till ”S-bodies” kan vi iaf. dela med oss!Celebrating a minor upgrade to the blog with a pic of pure Superior love!
We are keeping busy building the future, and ahead of a big series to follow during winter- we thought about upgrading our Blog a bit with a larger content window.
Not sure you can see the changes, except for old posts being a bit ”all over the place” now, but lets see if this picture by Carl Kjellberg can help you see the upgrade in size:
(Shot during TIMEATTACK.NU Round III, Mantorp Park- this is one of the best emotional pics I have seen this summer. Smiles, gamefaces and one hell of a machine combining many elements that make Superior what it is!)
Just to test around a bit, here is another pic of the ”old” full size:
(Another masterpiece by Carl Kjellberg who shot this made 4WD Audi drivetrain Mini during Gatebil Mantorp 2012.)
We will continue to make small improvements just so the ”final chapter” of this blogs history will be a pleasant one.
After that… its time to step into the future which could be all black or bright white. Only time can tell what our plans are…
END OF THE YEAR GALLERY: Everything you needed to know about Superior Meet 2012 (100+ pics)
We like to do things our way here at Superior. And when it was time to sum up the year with one last little meet for our family and friends… we sure made no exception to that style.
Here comes a violently good gallery by several photographers, two of them established within the SUPERIOR SELECTED crew- and two extras who add even more meat to the package you’re about to see.
The concept of Superior Meet 2012 was to have fun and try out some things for further developing ideas for the future.
We were surprised by getting so many high profile guests for a ”test run”, and couldn’t ask for more when it comes to material our Filmmakers David Johansson and Daniel Hovdahl got to work with now during winter…
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Martin F. Persson – BILBILDER.SE:
His pictures speak volumes already, but its been outside the track; and not in the pit area- but far beyond it that Martin has proven his worth to the SUPERIOR SELECTED group.
Despite getting married late in the summer and more or less being offline for the 2nd half of it; he made a fitting ”comeback” for this event. And these two handful of pictures are a good starting point for us:
(Begin with the end? How Noir! This is what the whole day ended with, metaphorically correct with ”one big bang” as six cars pushing the limits for several laps embraced the consequences with a laugh.)
(Did it rain? Sure did. And Norwegian Team RFS did not give a single f*ck that day.)
(Further proof that this might have been some extreme form of Rallycross before Drifting, and it was the most fun they’ve had in a good while.)
(Its been a long first season for the recently started SUPERIOR DRIFT gang, and ignition problems with the S14 while the S15 ended its day next to one big rock (!) might not have been the dream ending for the story- but we’ll fix that next year better then ever!)
(Wham! Bam! Splat! Oivind Oversveen in the house with his mad ”Mr. Burns” Supra!)
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We added a few guys to our pretty much organic group of contributors this year. And a guy I initially labeled as a ”prospect” grew faster then weed on a porch, and was suddenly delivering more high quality galleries then we could handle!
As a good friend of Daniel Hovdahl and invited drifter Kenneth Groth, he still haven’t gotten a ”home team discount”; the pictures are good enough to be called ”Selected” anyway.
(Things started out not so hot for the little MX-5 carrying Henrik and Daniel Hovdahl: Puncture! Who could have known ”stance” was impractical and dangerous?!)
(These Gulf livery S15’s belong to Christer Halvorsen, Torunn Hegge and Kim Skedsmo. They had one distinct advantage above the rest = Speed. Definately suited for both rallycross and competition Drifting.)
(Sweet pic of SUPERIOR DRIFT minus Daniel Asps S14, and a hella-bunch of familiar people.)
(DTE Systems which is the flag under Oversveen (Supra) and Steffen Rudsengen (LS1 S14) run under, left with cars that had more then just battle scars when the day was over…)
(Someone had the bright idea to try and drift the GoCart track nearby, and soon more followed. Cant wait to show you the video of that in winter…)
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(Certainly not very often anyone is able to capture a focused pick of a mad Mr. Burns Supra…)
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(Kenneth Groth deserved some kind of medal for the way he handled this season. One total wreck and new chassis within two weeks = you must watch the video below! Christer Halvorsen and Kim Skedsmo look on from the right.)
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GIR: Gutten i Røyken – ep.1 from Daniel Hovdahl on Vimeo.
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(Alvin Laegreid was one of the big contributors to this happening, bringing his buddies from Team RFS and others to the mix. Will just a ”great guy” statement say it all?)
(Superior S15 driver Thompa Pettersson brough his new girlfriend along, and also let her drive his car… … … its here somewhere on how that ended.)
(Two frozen filmmakers with Daniel Hovdahl (left) and David Johansson (right) checking out what to hunt with their lenses throughout the day. You bet your sweet ass they got a lot of good stuff filmed that day.)
(This is the day ”after” a lot of hard partying. We used the last bit of hangover energy to do this positive group photo…)
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A fellow from Superior Drivers Club and been around for a while since we imported a mint condition Subaru Legacy B4 RSK 2002 for him.
Has developed a nice eye through the year and we had to include his gallery here as well:
(On the track day part where a dozen or so cars took runs, there was a nice chunky part of Mazda RX-7’s present.)
(Our friends from NKM Racing Team were there too, but without any of their TIMEATTACK.NU cars. Instead bringing their ”second hand” track day racers. Lucky guys!)
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(Pretty dynamic pic, the boys from DTE Systems never seemed to go after anything else then full throttle = Holdt Stumt!)
(Superior Drift crew chief Thomas Wennerström drove his Toyota Soarer JZZ30 which has a lot of smart upgrades for a potent street drifter.)
(Kenneth Nornes of Team RFS brought his 2JZ-powered ER34 Skyline and was not afraid to use it despite such a for norway rare body to drift.)
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Henrik Lindqvist, Driver TIMEATTACK.NU:
For our last batch we go to a less experienced photographer, but who still captured some nice shots to describe our day in the rain.
Henrik usually drives in the TIMEATTACK.NU series with his Ford Fiesta ST, and jumped on the offer to finish the season with some practice. Enjoy:
(As mentioned Daniel Asp in the SUPERIOR DRIFT S14 had troubles, and also lost his signature orange filmed lights. Better or worse without them?)
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(Since you can’t hear the engine sound of this unique Superior Workshop Katrineholm RX-7 with 20B-REW tripple-rotary engine, I think owner Martin ”Gzon” Gustavssons choice of wheels will make you fall in love with this car: Yokohama Advan RS 19″)
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(The whole day ended with a Battle Royale that has not been seen before on Swedish ground. Video video video!)
(Håvard Nesbo also helped out filming and pretty sure he got very close to the action…)
(Can you imagine getting stuck like this? Alvin Laegreid sure could. And he was not alone, plenty of spectacular accidents and everyone had a blast testing the boundries in the rain.)
(Everyone was laughing at the guy trying to be a boss dressed in his winter-clothing. But at the end of the day… guess who was still farm and full of energy to direct the Battle Royale? 😉 )
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I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in this meet, from the norwegian drifters, media, track day people, crew who helped out and all your friends brought which seemed like genuine people.
Now we are ready to take the Superior-Blog to the next level, but that will mean some sacrifices. Follow OUR FACEBOOK (CLICK!) as we share rumors and fun facts. 2013 we are coming back stronger then ever…
SUPERIOR MEET 2012: Ending the season on a high note among friends & family!
How to end a year of testing new waters and throwing us at so many new challenges; that it feels equally alike that time has stand still and passed at the speed of light…?
Gather your family, friends and add a bunch of exciting guests at a rented track… and just have fun!
This weekend we’ll hold the second annual Superior Meet and yet again it will be a closed affair limited to our invited friends and supporters.
We like to do things the other way around, letting the world and critical masses know what we are up to. But this time we felt we needed a little peace and quiet from that, and to also show how much we care about the loyal friends of Superior who stick by us well outside just the confines of ”E-friendship”.
So for this occasion, there are a few things we would like you to know; as all of this will be captured by some of the best photographers and filmmakers we have in our small little empire.
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Drifting it out – Superior style:
As you can see, the handful of guests that will be on location apart from our own SUPERIOR DRIFT are all some of our personal favorites from the GATEBIL circus.
Being a personal ”favorite” there has more to do then just the ability to create smoke and control your car while in reckless motion. Its more of a character trait, and that being said- there are so many more we would have liked to have there as we have a lot of love for Norwegian drifters but… Alvin, Öivind, Kenneth & co were the ones who jumped on the idea of a meet like this. And thats how it ended up basically.
…or did it?
Nope! Just a day or so ago, we got some more company as they got wind of our closed meet. So we will now be almost two handful of madmen at the track:
(BTW, dont you just love a cheese banner like this? We would definitely not call this ”Selected” work of ours. But all this came as a surprise for us so… lets just forget about it!)
Ah indeed, more great drifter with a strong focus of 2JZ-powered round of cars. Why not!
The main mission is to shoot a Battle Royale and have lots of fun. After that… We’ll just see what happens. When David Johansson is teaming up with Daniel Hovdahl, we know we shall be in for a treat video-wise during winter!
– – – – – unofficial seasons ending training session:
We’ll also host a dozen or two of our friends and members of the sleepy Superior Drivers Club who will get the opportunity to drive the final drops of adrenaline from their bodies on the rented track for several sessions.
Among those coming, although we urged people just to even bring their ”daily drivers” is Tony Wenngren in his awesome Time Attack RX-7 we at Superior built many years ago. Still runing strong as a rotary-powered beast:
(Martin Fördal Persson is coming to photograph for us, and make sure the guests leave with at least one damn nice pic of their cars.)
We really hope for some enjoyable driving out there, and will keep our lips sealed on what else might show up.
(… three guys that will come and not making a fuzz about it are Erik Karlén, Victor Lennman and Daniel Wembo of NKM Motor. Will be fun to see what Wembos other car from the GT-R looks like… Porsche 996 GT3!)
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Its all about the family… and quality of lifestyle pics:
Apart from already mentioned Martin Fördal Persson (Yeah folks, he just got married), we’ll have Rani Giliana and Norwegian rising star for the SUPERIOR SELECTED team Henrik Oulie there.
(Rani shot Alvin Laegreids Supra earlier during Gatebil Mantorp, and now it has more power then ever in time for this Meet. Expect many cool pics!)
(Henrik Oulie is a close buddy of one of the premier drifters invited; ”The Drifter in black” Kenneth Groth.)
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The evening will be a wild affair too, as over 40 persons have decided to invade a poor little camping village where we’ll hold our ”Viking style Barbecue/Aftertrack”. Should be fun!
If anyone somehow felt left out from our process of invites, dont be shy to send us en E-mail with contact details. It is possible to make anyone enthusiastic about what we do a part of the guest list…
We have a long list of ”shout outs” for those who have supported us (among many) to be able to have this meet despite any dedicated budget and limited time planning it. You know who you are… Thanks!
DESKTOP: ”Its been a busy season” – Superior Drift wear n’ tear by Carl Kjellberg
Well hello there, are you still here? Waiting for better times? That revolution which you are used to when Superior are focused and going into battle?
You might have to wait a bit longer, but trust us when the silence of 2012 means work ”behind the scenes” for 2013 (-14?) has been more then extensive.
We would like to reward our loyal fans with a symbolical desktop of our recently started SUPERIOR DRIFT (CLICK FOR FACEBOOK!), that is also starting to show its been through a lot this season:
Make sure to click the image to get it in crisp hi-resolution. Big thanks toCARL KJELLBERG who likes to pop in and to sweet desktops as a SUPERIOR SELECTED guest sometimes. Much appreciated!
Need more hidden messages, cryptic talk about the future? Didn’t think so!
We are just going to focus on doing what we do best, post our productions from this season mixed with good photos- and then you are more then welcome with the feedback ON OUR FACEBOOK afterwards. Deal? Ok!
RACE REPORT: Superior Drift goes to Bilsport Action Meet 2012
Here is the final piece of the ACTION MEET 2012 puzzle, a race report from the weekend from SUPERIOR DRIFTS point of view.
Enjoy some of our photos taken by SUPERIOR SELECTED Carl Kjellberg. Some snapshots with the iPhone too.
We would like to thank BILSPORT for hosting us, and really hope this becomes an annual thing- because despite that there were quirks to work at… the driving kicked ass which you can read here in the RESULTS and GALLERY!
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Departure —> Arrival:
We have slowly been finding a team formula making our lives much easier in simple things. No bombastic plans were made here, except for the team to perform and meet the criteria for media for our hosts BILSPORT.
As a precaution, we called in Daniel Hovdahl (O’SNAP) to really add some cream to our library of material. You have not seen much promo-material for Superior Drift, but we have a long and exciting low-season coming up where the foundation for 2013 will be layed- so except more then one surprise to show what we are truly made of…
For Action Meet beforehand, we needed some basic graphical stuff made which Daniel whipped up in a basic lunch break- Then to prepare and to pack enough stuff to eat, breathe and sleep this event for 36 or so hours.
That turned into a bit more then we had imagined, but surprisingly enough the Superior Drift street Soarer swallowed it all and we had a comfy ride.
We are blessed to have good friends all around the scene, and our own official Pro Racedriver Alx Danielsson had his old garage at Mantorp Park which we could set base.
You should all do yourself a favor and support this incredibly talented and unique guy on his march back to the top in Swedish racing, we are doing simple stuff for him at the moment and enjoying every minute of it- and as our standard saying goes… more is coming your way.
Backbone is the Asp family, along with friends of Thompa and Daniel.
A good group, and we had a cozy evening together dining in the sunset *naw* before retiring in good time at our garage.
The ”family within the family” was strongly gathered as Superior Drift has become a ”cell” within at just this short time.
Apart from a highly annoying and regressed group of car audi guys and their probably ”freudian” size of bass; we had a good night of sleep neatly tucked between a whole bunch of race cars.
Don’t say you ”Eat – Sleep – Race” unless you’ve tried this experience!
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Preparations for race:
The mood was surprisingly loose at the morning as we had another ”family style” breakfast buffet.
The days of flashy race trailers and set tables are a few years ahead, but everyone are chipping in and its always a pleasure to get started on raceday!
Our event sponsors AT Däck arrived in good time, owner Aldin was a real soldier and found his way to switch us up for fresh meat to devour.
He arrived together with a real good friend and owner of a ”Superior imported” Skyline ER34 with a widebody Crossfire kit. Yum!
Thanks to Micke Svensson for letting us his tire-machine. We hope AT Däck appreciated the rented space for this event, and we would love to develop this formula for future events too- as 2012 for us is a a way of just getting established and just pursuing much sponsorship (yet).
While the guys were getting prepared, I went looking for cars to feature and throw an extra eye on.
Especially for our Ten of the Best list, but a separate report from this is coming and we will have plenty of tasty pics from our SUPERIOR SELECTED man Carl Kjellberg (damn buff guy too, no homo!).
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Frustrating enough, the logistics of this event is quite a challenge to pull of. As they run some of Swedens sharpest ”semi-streetable” drag cars on the long straight on Mantorp Park; they were hoping to let the drifters run in between.
Big no-no to be honest, and it even had ”cool as a rock” Lasse Asp Sr boiling with restlessness as drifting is an adrenaline-sport.
No proper and continuous training not only hurts the contenders, pretty sure the crowd at this point felt a bit cheated- but it was picking up later on.
But at least Superior Media mainstay David Johansson had plenty of time to shoot material in the pits:
From each drivers perspective, here is what they had to say together with a few quotes from other parts of the crew:
Daniel Asp: ”I have a lot more angle now, just need to find speed. Probably avoid the sand a bit too, although it was a quite effectful and even got a scoop of it in the car… Ooops!”.
Thompa Pettersson: ”Gearing is new for this event, and I haven’t found the ”sweet spot” yet where I can dump the clutch well through gears in turns. Working on it!”
Björn Runfeldt (spotter): ”They need to commit more, speed speed speed. Maybe a bit of confidence lacking here, lack of training doesn’t help that.”
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With bland results and practically futile amount of training, it was getting into the qualifiers with low expectations.
Daniel was first out with the Rocket Bunny styled S14, and struggled badly in his first run- straightening out several times and not having any speed. Could almost feel a lot of hesitation from behind the wheel up to the rafters.
Second run was even worse, sliding quite badly into the sand with a jump that could make it into an episode of the ”A-team”. Unfortunately something got caught in the impact, and he got the worrying ”low oil pressure” warning meaning it was over this time around…
Thompa seemed to had gotten over some of his deamons, with decent speed on initiation and clutch-kicking his way around the track.
He didn’t burn the house down, but decent strides forward and should be enough for a Top 16 qualification.
In all honest and brutal straightforwardness, this was easy to predict- not only for our team but for many others too except for maybe the top echelon of drivers = Lack of training meant very shaky runs, and add to that long periods of waiting for being allowed to run.
Actually the other half of drivers could have taken a lunch break when qualifiers started until the first one had run. Imagine that if it was a sleepy experience for the crowd, how much of a looong enduring pain it must be for a drifter filled with adrenaline?
Tough cookie, we’ll just have to find another way to bite it next time!
Sadly, the writing on the wall for Daniel was done pretty early. And he was quite disappointed in the pits being out of the Top 16.
But we all have our focus on the future and are at great spirit anyway!
Nothing to add to that, another rock added to the foundation of building experience in proper race mode- which undisputedley cannot be argued can be replaced by but grinding it out competition after competition.
Thompa had a tough opponent after slipping in qualifying 15th, going up against a car and driver filled with a desire for vengeance: Limmet DrifTeam.
This 1-series BMW has been something we’ve followed since its premiere at ELMIA EXPO 2012, and just as he had sorted out the chassis of the car and gotten good results in all events attended- busted his gearbox during Gatebil Rudskogen.
But now he was back, and with a vengeance; although he was hitting dirt in the lead run and giving Thompa a proper chance to advance… the Superior Drift driver was stressed out by the Supercharged german V8 and ventured far into the sand in the 2nd run.
Only highlight was that he got a decent jump on the Bimmer and the ”what if” he had held it… is not of any interest at all actually.
Competition over!
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There is a lot more to be said and some pictures to be added, but we’ll work on this report and hope you check out the SUPERIOR DRIFT FACEBOOK until then for more!
Thanks to everyone who supported us this weekend, and with the pics in mind- especially Carl Kjellberg!
GALLERY: This is how they Drift in Sweden – Bilsport Action Meet 2012 by Carl Kjellberg
As we try to put an event behind us swiftly with plenty of media released quickly; we have a treat for you from BILSPORT Action Meet 2012 tonight.
Nice and meaty gallery from SUPERIOR SELECTED Carl Kjellberg, depicting all the action from the drifting- and make sure to read the SUMMARY/RESULTS HERE too!
This event came in driving skill right on top of the list, but lacked a bit in the smooth and borderline luxury facilities/schedule that TIERP DRIFT CHALLENGE had put on a few weeks earlier.
One thing is for sure, with two such awe-inspiring events behind us; drifting has a sweet future ahead of us for 2013…
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(Start of with the final run? Why not! Daniel ”Limmet” Liimatainen in the 1-series finally got a podium finish but had little to put against Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson in the signature green widebody S15 sponsored by J-spec.)
(On his way to the final ”Hollywood” was relenentless and showed nobody any mercy, which is one thing I like about him- not giving any leanience to his opponents no matter their name. Rumor has it in fact, that Johan doesnt even like to practive more then ”just enough” in order to save up adrenaline and focus for his battles…)
(Speaking of determination and ”no-fear” attitude, Christian Halvorsen; almost a namesake of our Swedish star- showed that the only way to avoid getting ”smoked out” is to stick it right in the rear. Here being succesful vs Rockstars own Mikael Svensson.)
(At the same event, Halvorsen had his teammate Kim Skedsmo with him- but the #2 Gulf S15 was far from as fortunate as the other one…)
(Underdogs? We love underdogs! Here is one of them in Andreas Jansson, whose Bad ass parts S13 is always capable of beating the best and even placing really high in the ”Breisladd world championship”. It was not his day this time though.)
(Another underdog we felt sorry for, Andreas ”Mad Mange” Magnusson smashed his side at Tierp and was hungry to do a good result- but failures and a trip to the sandbox ended his day early.)
(Someone who used to be an underdog instead was faintly dissapointed with his performance here. Teemu Peltola from Black Smoke Racing got eliminated in the Top 8 and did not feel comfortable with the way the runs were flowing.)
(Luck ran out for our friends from Raidopower Motorsport when Tokan Bielkelöf got eliminated in a close ”OMT” vs the above Mercedes wagon. Seemed as a catalyst of bad luck as seeding was not to his favour, and he just lost out the regional champ due to this. We still got your back to push for the SPDS-series win Anders!)
(We end this blogpost with a nice widescreen picture of a widebody Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson, who is that good that he gets all the attention. We cant wait to beat him one day with the Superior Drift cars. 😉 ).
***PLEASE NOTE! Thumbnails do not work, but click them and violá you will be able to browse the full 20 pic gallery!***
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We would like to thank BILSPORT for their hospitality, and hope to have a ”general” gallery from the rest of the event too despite ”logistics” and focus on drifting keeping us scattered.
Check out this gallery on OUR FACEBOOK and go ”tag” yourself if you are one of these hardcore drifters!
SUMMARY: A new benchmark is set in Swedish Drifting – Bilsport Action Meet Dotz Drift Challenge results!
It was time again to venture and see how far the Swedish Drifting scene has gone, with a highly staked (50 000:- SEK) BILSPORT Action Meet – or more in detail the Dotz Drifting Challenge! We were just a few weeks ago at a state of the art facility at TIERP ARENA and watched some decent runs but a damn tight ship in execution; and here the roles would be a bit reversed. Lets start with qualifiers! – – – – – Qualifiers: In what might have been the longest and most restless stage of the day, I took a seat in the audience stand and watched as 20 something cars tried to be one of the 16 that progressed. Naturally main focus was on SUPERIOR DRIFT, but having gotten to know everyone within the drifting circuit here in Sweden makes it even more interesting. We also had a few norwegian guests, and also a finnish one (very familiar) so the starting line-up was definitely as strong as it ever could have been. But back to the restlessness, because most of the runs where quite tedious and careful and you had to wait a while in between the single runs. The speaker was not properly ”warmed up” either, not really getting into the context of drifting to the audience- and probably not fed direct info from judges either. So we are all in for a quite *undramatic* narration of the event. For the driving at self, there were some highlights seeing the ”Big 5” in Sweden going at it. Guys like Johan Halvarsson, Limmet DrifTeam, Tokan of Raidopower and hungry veterans like Mikael Svensson and ”not so innocent” newcomer Daniel Björck really set things off far from the rest of the field. Was also incredibly amazed on Andreas Janssons first run which was jaw-droppingly good in my opinion. This guy has the chassis and skills, but seems to have lots of struggles on the technical side which is a shame. More cars noticed indeed were Christian Halvorssens Nissan Silvia S15 in the classic Gulf colors, a lot of rock and roll ”Gatebil style” but not a very high qualification spot. Things would tell it doesn’t matter much when the heat is on… Our own boys did not do more then to add competition experience this time around. Daniel Asp struggled badly and hit heavy sand with a big thump meaning he wasn’t totally nullified; but the other run was nothing to brag home with either. Gone from competition! Thompa Pettersson in the old Driftspeed Formula Drift S15 had higher hopes, but was shaky and just managed to qualify although he wasn’t the only one having problems. In summary, the qualifiers were struck in a bad way by limited training and too long waiting times. That makes absolutely nobody a happy camper… The scores finally looked something like this, my subjective views don’t mirror them do they: – – – – – Top 16: We’ll let the pics to most of the talking here, and if you get into it you will see how the Top 16 qualifiers eventually looked: (Halvarsson vs Pehrsson: Johan Halvarsson is by default the ”big dog” in any Swedish Drifting event he enters. And he barked down the S13 with R32 GT-R front pretty badly with an easy win.) (Andreas Jansson vs Dotz Drift: Being so good in the first round, I was expecting a lot from Andreas and he had a adrenaline-filled runs with the Dotz sponsors car; but surprisingly enough got eliminated.) (Mikael Svensson vs 7-series BMW: Mikael Svensson had high hopes for this event, the seasoned driver for Rockstar / Team SWR made short work of the big 7-series smoking him out!) (Dennis Martinsson vs Christian Halvorssen: Dubbed by ourselves as an underdog in any event, Martinsson in the Mercedes could have been in a breakthrough here- but it was not to cialis 30 day be here as Halvorssens norwegian thunder kicked in and he chased the hell out him!) (Limmet DrifTeam vs Superior Drift S15: A bit of a city-rivalery as Gothenburg regions Daniel ”Limmet” Liimatainen took on Thompa who hails from just outside Stockholm. In short words, some dirt and unknown ”boundaries crossed” in the first run; but Thompa could not handle the transition very well and ended his day in sand and without a rear bumper!). (Robin HA vs Fredrik Sjödin Heavy-hitting run just like we want it! Lots of wiiide angles and action. Shame Robin HA planted his car in the first sandbox in the second run, easy win for northerner Fredrik Sjödin.) (Björck vs unknown: Daniel Björck has showed up with his VW V8 beast and : made many drifters afraid indeed. And in perhaps the smokiest first run, followed by the most aggressive chase-run; went on to Top 8.) (Tokan Raidopower vs Black Smoke Racing: The most interesting run of the Top 16, with an unfortunate seed for Tokan of free viagra pills Raidopower running into the mythical beast called Black Smoke Racing. We could go a lot into detail here, but it was damn close and personally I could have given Tokan the nod for keeping more distance, but it went to ”one more time”. Unfortunately Tokan let himself down there and hit sand in his first run, and was probably the most disappointed of all drivers after this weekend…) – – – – – Top 8: (Johan Halvarsson vs Dotz Drift: No mercy yet again shown by Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson. Nobody chases like him in Sweden, the Dotz car was an easy snack indeed.) (Halvorssen vs Svensson: Christian showed fearlessness from the S15 and chased Mike really well through think smoke- and then with his well-built machine really put on a clinic in speed going deeper into this and winning us over big time as fans!) (Limmet DrifTeam vs Sjödin: Good technical, but not spectacular driving by both leading to a ”OMT” (= One More Time) which was also close; but the man with the neon smiley stickers advance to the semi-finals.) (Daniel Björck vs Black Smoke Racing: This was the only battle I felt was a let-down, as Turbo+compressor and diesel fueled taking viagra with cialis Teemu Peltola got eliminated by Daniel Björck. A bit more speed and action was my analysis of why.) Semi-finals: (Halvarsson vs Halvorssen: Drop me a big can of OMG (OH MY GOD!) for this battle! The similarly named and joint S15 driving nut cases did the best driving I’ve experience live and did it TWICE! I had really warmed up to Christian Halvorssens Gulf S15 and his incredible speed in lead runs, but he pushed ”Hollywood” Halvarsson to be the true star that he is- and I can’t argue with the judges giving him the win. All in all, if you were here live and saw it in person… you won. Bigtime.) (Björck vs Limmet DrifTeam: Again with a rather unspectacular run involving Daniel Björck, he seemed clearly frustrated by Limmets pretty slow driving in the lead. But hitting a clipping-point with impact which sent the cone at my feet some 20m away did not help either. Daniel Liimatainen to the final vs ”Hollywood” it was!) – – – – – Third price: (Halvorssen vs Björck: Things got pretty heated here, Halvorssens Gatebil-like driving but with merciless accuracy was hard to handle for Daniel; who after the first run was bumped into after the finish- sparking a bit of emotions. In my opinion a perfect finish to the smokiest run of the day, controversy is good! Then in the lead, the gap was once again created which had taken Norways hope this far to finally seize a well-deserved top finish!) Final: (Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson vs Daniel ”Limmet DrifTeam” Liimatainen: No sense in describing this final run as it seemed fueled more about emotion then skills. Johan Halvarsson took his revenge from the previous Gatebil Mantorp debacle when Daniel eliminated him- and took first place and a nice sum of 20 000:- SEK at that. Congrats! (From the left: Daniel Liimatainen, Johan Halvarsson and Christian Halvorssen.) – – – – –
We hope you true fans of drifting appreciate this elaborate race report of Dotz Drifting challenge, and you newcomers to Drifting feel satisfied too. This was in terms of driving an awesome event, but needs a lot of work to make the whole experience truly shine. Just too delayed, but we thank BILSPORT for putting it on; and think that with some work in creating flow and less interruptions legitimate cialis online this could be the big finale it deserves to be…NEXT EVENT: Superior goes to Bilsport Action Meet & Dotz Drift Challenge!
After getting our Superior Drift teams debut done at TIERP DRIFT CHALLENGE, we move on to our next competition which will be a good one- BILSPORT ACTION MEET 2012 and more specifically Dotz Drift Challenge!
We were only pleased with getting it over with, and hope to do better at a much faster track. This is a meet we have been to for many years in a row, and hope to have a lot of support.
(Picture by: Steffen Nilsen of Superior Drivers Club. Team Managers car; Soarer JZZ30)
The whole family & friends of Superior are invited here, as this is the only event that features the best in Dragracing, Drifting and showcars all at one place for one day.
Throw in a little Gymkhana and you’ve got most bases covered in the auto-enthusiast community, as our movie from last year proves very well. Something for everyone!
What will Superior be up to at this meet then? Lets find out:
Superior-family hospitality:
Family comes first, and we intend to have a nice stand on location where friends from past, present and future are more then welcome.
Expect plenty of coffee to be served and perhaps a little snack? Our event sponsors and different benefactors wont be disappointed.
Don’t be afraid to come by and say hi. All our cars from the Superior Drift team will be at your hands to take a photo in, children are extra welcome!
SUPERIOR SELECTED ”Ten of the best”:
We continue a tradition from most our meets we’ve done together with BILSPORT MAGAZINE who is our host for this meet.
The concept is simple, we pick ten cars that hit our stomach and hearts the most. Among previous winners you can find icons in the Swedish car culture scene such as Roland aka ”Dub-Rolle” and Christoffer Geiros:
(Rolands awe-inspiring Corolla made our jaws drop during ELMIA CUSTOM AND MOTORSHOW 2012, and was then in full domino-effect to conquer the world with features on SPEEDHUNTERS.COM and many other big media outlets.)
(The first ever ”Ten of the best” winner was Christoffer Geiros and his simply put s i c k Audi A4 build. This was during the CUSTOM & MOTORSHOW 2011.)
As usual you can expect us to come shoot a lot of video, so we can make a new movie of this years meet. But also to have a really good time and spread positive vibes in this last (?) truly big meet of the year in Sweden.
(The full squadron that is Superior Drift will be at Mantorp Park this weekend, and hope to make some noise in the 50 000:- SEK drift competition. Pic by our friend JALLEGRAPHICS!)
We would like to think BILSPORT for the continuous support, and truly appreciate them for hosting us and believing in what we do at Superior.
There will be several event sponsors and maybe a few surprises to announce as well, but keep looking at OUR FACEBOOK for the spontaneous ones while the big news drop here!
GALLERY: Being the best sideways, Drifting at Tierp Arena – By Kometfoto
As you probably already read in our SUMMARY OF TIERP DRIFT CHALLENGE last sunday, there was a lot to offer at TIERP ARENA this weekend.
Its time for step two in our event coverage, finishing things off with a video which might take a while. Just enjoy these pics freelancer Patrik KOMETFOTO Karlsson took during the event and was kind enough to pair up with our blog!
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(Save the best for last, or start with it? This extremely close battle between our own Daniel Asp in the Rocket Bunny LS2 powered S14 and Jim Olofsson in his old BMW E30 had everyone talking. Are you uncertain why?)
(This R32 Skyline driven by Martin Poorhamidi was one of those ”I need to take a closer look” kind of things I never ended up doing. Shame as the constantly hassled Dane looked to run an impressive custom body kit and a screaming single turbo RB20 engine…)
(One of our favourites in the lower class, but the only thing stopping this 2JZ-GTE powered IS200 from running with the big boys is a roll-cage. Great workmanship and driving skill gave Jens Stark the overall win here!)
(We’ve ran into a small and enthusiastic guy on more then one occasion nicknamed ”The weasel”, so it was fun to see his ”Grassroot-ish” 200SX with a 1JZ-GTE in action finally. Top 16 was all she wrote though.)
(Good proximity didn’t matter as Mr.Skogsby in the silver S13 got eliminated by veteran Mikael Svensson in this Top 16 battle. It does impress us though that only one of them is street-driven… guess which one?)
(The Superior S15 owned/driven by Thompa Pettersson has a biiig ”need for speed” and really didnt cut loose until twin-drifting with the best in Sweden. Although the car has heritage from Formula Drift and more, its still an underdog in competition.)
(Another car from the lower class, with someone who deserves acknowledgement for his dedication as a rookie in the sport. Fredrik ”LoFet” Löfmans Supra will with more power and experience for its owner be a force in the future.)
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(90’s Camaros competing in Drifting, with heritage from purebred racing…? Pelle Erikssons ”Swedish Drift Force” team have slowly stocked up on resources, and just like us been patient competing. Martin who drives this car was eliminated in a typical ”refs got it wrong” battle with ”Tokan” of Raidopower Motorsport but; we’ll leave more then that unsaid and say we want to see more from the ”primer grey” US cars!)
(Tokan of Raidpower was once again involved in a controversial judges call against red-hot Daniel Björck in his monster RWD V8 Golf. I actually believe firmly they did the right call here, but a real winner creates his own luck and Anders aka ”Tokan” is doing his ’thang while others focus on whining…)
(Slap that clipping point Mr. Asp! After securing good enough points to qualify, Daniel decided to gamble a bit and went ”all in” which nearly paid off. But since drifting is about putting on a show, I doubt he has regrets about the low score from this run.)
(One of the most consistent but yet a bit ”un-sung” drivers in the Swedish drifting scene is Mercedes E190 lover Dennis Martinsson. We really like his odd choice of car, and its a sweet sounding machine too. Almost took him to third place, but Daniel Björck nudged him away unfortunately. Still very highly ranked and a favourite of ours.)
(…and here ladies and gentlemen, you see the top two drifters in Sweden at the moment- fittingly facing off in the final of this event. ”Tokan” of Raidopower could not match a Johan Halvarsson of Team Jspec thats focused to win. Congrats!)
(The podium, from the left: Daniel Björck, Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson and ”Tokan” Bielkelöf. A very fair Top 3, except we would have loved to see one of our guys there too… 😉 ).
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Again, big thanks to the awe-inspiring TIERP ARENA (go ”Like” ’em!) and their staff who made this a stress-free event for us to debut at.
If you want to read more about drifting them check our the SUPERIOR FACEBOOK and also the one specifically for OUR DRIFT TEAM. Appreciate KOMETFOTO for the pics too!
SUMMARY: Swedens elite tiresmokers face off at Tierp Drift Challenge 2012!
The smell of tiresmoke from the Final 16 at Tierp Drift Challenge is still fresh on our clothes, and we’re getting you up to date with a summary right here right now!
This was probably Swedens most prestigeous Drift competition yet, set at the newly built TIERP ARENA– you just couldn’t ask for better ingredients to showcase the sport.
Pictures are screenshots filmed by Daniel ”O’SNAP” Hovdahl for us, and we hope top present a few finished videos in the near future with the best from this event. Enjoy!
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In three qualifying attempts you had your two best results place you into a classic ”top vs bottom” format. Only the Top 16 qualified, and suddenly people knew you had to be sharp from the first practice to get somewhere.
Kudos to the Swedish Motorsport Federation who decided on this format, as the competetive part of drifting up to this point in Sweden has been a little ”undemanding” on the drivers.
Therfor some were unfortunate, like our buddy Andreas Jansson in his Bad Ass Parts sponsored S13; who discovered his turbo had crapped out in the first run… and then an all-nighter later stood on the line without practice and eventually missed out.
Better luck next time mate!
Our own Superior Drift debut was of mixed results. Daniel Asp in the Rocket Bunny LS2 powered S14 drive ran solidly.
When he had already posted two runs that would take him on, he decided to ”crazy up” a bit and actually put on quite a show picking out each clipping point like a champ (although unintentially and just on the wrong side of margin):
Another big incident during qualifiers was ”Tokan” of Raidopower and a harsh backwards crash into the concrete wall.
In the corner of my eye, and it didn’t seem bad at first; but after some pit heroics straightening it out- he was lucky not more was busted in the drivetrain etc. Look at the carnage!
Damn impressed by this VW Golf with a V8 driven by a Mr. Björck, whose brother is a driver in the TTA Elite league of racing:
Apparantly driving skills run in this family, and the car itself had many people more then impressed…
At this moment the best we could get in order to follow the qualifying was this pic of the Top 16 tree.
So just click the picture and make out the best you can from it!
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Top 16:
For the finals I actually drew the short straw of the whole spectators experience, just seeing plenty of the big corner action and not the final more technical part.
The idea for the layout was for it to be totally dedicated for the huge rafters of audience, and I definately think they got their moneys worth.
Drivers were also extremely positive, Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson said he really had the ”time of his life” driving here.
Big positive words coming from the by far most established and respected ”semi-pro” drifter we have in Sweden…
Too bad our own Thompa Pettersson had to run into him as the opener, but he refused to be a sacrifical lamb and put up a decent fight in especially the first run- but ”Hollywood” passed on deservedly.
Upsets along the way were few, some established drivers like Mikael ”wunderbaum” Svensson spun out, while birthday boy ”Mad Mange” Magnusson gave us the hardest crash of the weekend:
We really hope he will with the aid of sponsors get his custom built Opel Calibra together very soon. Always big fans of something different…
Daniel Asp also spun out misjudging his speed trying to catch up northerner Jim Olofsson in his E30 BMW. They did in our humble opionion bring us the tightest follow-up run though:
Rounding things of here, the final four consisted of the following:
Daniel Björk (VW Golf V8) vs ”Tokan” of Raidopower
Johan Halvarsson S15 2JZ vs Dennis Martinsson Mercedes E190
Controversy in the judging of the first semi, but series leader ”Tokan” eventually advanced after a ”one more time”- while Halvarsson made short work of Dennis ”Dempa” Martinssons very nice sounding Merc Turbo to get to the final battle.
In there we saw ”Hollywood” yet again live up to his ”the best drifter in Sweden” epithomy, and all we can do is to ask ourselves how long ”Tokan” can cling on to his POWERDRIFT SERIES lead before the ”blacksmith” catches up…
(From the right: Daniel Bjørck, Johan ”Hollywood” Halvarsson and ”Tokan” of Raidopower Motorsport).
Was this indeed the future of Swedish Drifting, at a ”bite size”? The crowd of almost 1500 people would be fools to disagree, and it truly goes both ways that TIERP ARENA with their big league facilities matched well with a up and coming Motorsport such as drifting.
We would like to thank the entire event staff, from the manager Emelie Carlswärd to every member of the staff who worked at the event. We were professionally treated at every little inch of the event.
From getting coffee to the press room to getting humble free time at the track to shoot some promo for both the arena and ourselves:
Also a thumbs up to the Swedish Motorsport Federation officialls, who are proving everyone wrong in being ”stuck in the past”. They did the formal running of the event at the track with time to spare at every block of the schedule. A l l weekend!
More of this please, keep up the good work everyone involved these two days!