SELECTED: Per Anderssons JDM Subaru Forester SF5 STi – JalleGraphics

29 oktober 2011, 16:13

Under säsongens gång har vi statigt låtit våra duktiga SUPERIOR SELECTED fotografer föreviga medlemmar ur Superior Drivers Club olika bilar.


Det är utan tvekan en kombination som man kan känna sig stolt över; när en skillad man bakom kameran möter en ”Superior import” bil- som dessutom vårdats väl av en entusiastisk ägare.


Just denna lite småudda Subaru Forester SF5 med STi-paket är något som sticker ut lite i den vanliga raddan JDM-sportbilar som vi sålt. Det är så mycket som en Impreza WRX/GT med vissa STi-inslag förpackat i en stryktålig och lojal Forester.


Det kanske inte behövs att nämnas, att Per som körde Audi S6 förut fann helt nya dimensioner i bruksvänlighet. Och har bara öst beröm över sitt köp sedan dess, en otroligt prisvärd JDM-modell som inte skäms för sig i elakt motorljud heller; här kommer ett galleri förevigat av Hjalmar @ JALLEGRAPHICS som togs medan Superior Meet 2011 pågick!



(Att denna Forester av modell SF5 fortfarande ligger i ett av Subarus äldre ”kantigare” formspråk ser man klart och tydligt. Men tycker den på det sättet behåller sin ”råhet” mycket mer än när man ser de rundare former nyare har. STi-paketet som suttit på från fabrik gör däremot givetvis hela bilen, och visst blir man lite kluven över om det är en ”Svensson-bil” eller inte om man skulle få den i backspegeln…?)



(Hjalmar lyckades med ett vaket och snabbt ”location-öga” snappa upp denna grusiga bygg-arbetsplats på vägen till träffen. Visst känns ”arbetshästen” generna i en Forester som gjutna här, samtidigt som fantasin om vad man med 50/50 permanent 4WD skulle kunna göra kittlar lite i magen!)



(En exemplarisk bild över när ”less is more” och en clean miljö med bra lus kan göra jobbet åt dig. Om det finns något att peta på när det gäller bilens estetiska uttryck så är det fälgarna, men där har Per själv medgett att det finns rum för förbättrin. Kanske med ett bar äkta STi/BBS 18″ från den faceliftade Forester STi?)



(Om man nu får slå sig på bröstet lite när det gäller våra bilar vi tar hem DIREKT FRÅN JAPAN, så är det att de oftast håller utomordentligt skick i inredningen. Kollar du i t.ex. England så är det sällan samma skick som om man plockar en auktionsbil i Japan med Grade B t.ex. Perras Forester är ännu ett kanon-exempel på att vissa är i nästintill nyskick innuti!)



(Faktiskt får det bli från sidan som jag personligen tycker bilen ser som vassast ut. Här kommer STi-kjolpaketet till maximal pondus och enormt trevligt ”JDM original-look” ögongodis.)



Med en bra bit över 240 Turbohästar, 4WD, bra chassie och den där gedigna ”stryktåliga” känslan Forester har, så är detta en grym bruksbil för vettiga pengar. Tveka inte att KONTAKTA OSS för en prisbild, men det är helt klart på rätt sida om 100 000:- hemma och klart ifall du anlitar oss för en IMPORT DIREKT FRÅN JAPAN!


Till nästa säsong ska denna sköna Forester få nytt chassie och lite värre bussningar. Efter det är det fälgar som står på tur.


Vad tycker ni? Faller ni för den råa lite ”enkla” charmen denna väldigt udda JDM-modell har? Jag lovar att om ni hört det suveräna lite raspiga Boxer-ljudet den ger… säger bara W I N ! 😎

SELECTED: Final pieces of Superior Meet 2011 by JalleGraphics

29 oktober 2011, 05:04

Since we are in a bit of a bottle neck here with stuff colliding with eachother, we are going to have some material thats been waiting for a while coming ut- and first a gallery our SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHER Hjalmar @ JALLEGRAPHICS took during our own Superior Meet 2011!


Still very proud of that little gathering, and will enjoy all pics that came from it these coming months. This time we got a little more ”lifestyle” and less cars; but Iam sure the lads & ladies within the Superor-family will appreciate this extra much.


Great job på ”Jalle” who embarrasingly enough worked so hard during the day; that he didn’t even sample the awesome food we had made. Thats borderline stupid dedication! 😉



(Having dedicated most of my adult life to the Superior-brand, its a wonderful thing that once that was mostly entirely focused on very young customers has grown up and matured a lot. Some of the guys have more then one kid, and we even have a few customers old enough for grandchildren! But the beauty is that the dynamic spirit between all of us still is the same, hoping to ”mix it up” even more in 2012…)



(In what would to be the Aristo Vertex V300 final journey, it served well carrying all the stuff for the catering. Going to miss this ride, and you can take my word for that its not the last Aristo with 2JZ-GTE engine I will ever drive. This Toyota flagship model is just… sublime!)

(And speaking of Toyota/Lexus flagships, you could do a lot worse then this bunch. You have from the far right of the pic: Fredrik Anderssons & ”1JZ-Tompas” two very clean and true to JDM Soarers. Then the above Aristo and finally Pierre ”SIR_PIERRE” Ingelsgårds new Lexus LS400 running on brand new MRR 20″ wheels on that occasion.)



(There was a whole lot of photographing going on with several SELECTED guys on location. Here we have Rani RANISFOTO.SE Giliana *aka Flam* shooting Tony Svenssons Nissan Silvia S15 ”L-package”. I’ve seen some of the shots already, and cant wait to work this gallery out somewhere early next week!)

(Sweet pic of some RX-7 FD3S in which you can surely single out which one is the ”heavyweight champ of them all” since its a genuine Spirit-R! The red one is STILL FOR SALE while the other grey car with the GT-wing got sold recently; which is a bummer to all of you looking for a nice Series 8 FD3S…)



(We can’t see his face, but by now we all recognize David Johansson that films and edits all our awesome SUPERIOR MEDIA productions. He was there collecting material as well, but the line of movies coming out is superlong so we’ll just have to wait and see before we see the result. But follow below for more info on…)



(…how this carnage came about and sounded like! We got great quality video of all three tough b*stards who showed up to fight for the unofficial title of Burnout Champion 2011.)



(The gentleman to the right is Steffen Nilsen and don’t be fooled by the pic, he is equally into metal as his dark clad buddy to the left- but the authentic Superior Drivers Club hoodies will turn anyone into wearing white. Okay, maybe not; but you have to agree that they look damn sharp!)



(And we finish things off with some food! Seeing that home-made Teriyake roastbeef sallad again makes my stomach growl. I now have a clear vision of what will be requested for dinner next time I have the chance to decide. Hope everyone enjoyed the food we presented, nothing less then Superior in quality in that area as well…)



And that was it as they say. At least for the Meet itself and pictures from it. Really hope all of you who attented had a great time and hope you’ll support our efforts into making these social events more often in 2012. Since we can use the occasion to take some mighty fine pics to share in the blog, we have more then one reason to do it.


Make sure to ”LIKE” OUR FACEBOOK if you get good vibrations coming from Superior Imports, doesn’t matter if your a Swede, Scandinavian or from Japan for that matter.


We all share the same passion, and mark my words; in 2012 we’ll spread our passion around the globe with a fistful of JDM-love always available!

GALLERI: XXL mängd härliga bilder från Superior Meet 2011 av Peter K!

16 oktober 2011, 16:18

Vi är inte färdiga med Superior Meet 2011 ännu, utan fotograferna har redigerat bilder i makligt tempo. En som däremot bara tog ett gäng bilder strikt ur entusiastsyfte är Peter Kaldjärv som kör en väldigt speciell Honda Civic FD2 som vi importerat DIREKT FRÅN JAPAN åt honom.


Gillade bilderna skarpt och tillägnar därför en del bloggande åt dom också, tycker det visade vilken fin bredd av olika bilar som vi hade på besök där 90% av dom är importer som vi gjort (*stolt  = ja!*).


Det är som jag var inne på tidigare idag ett redigt hallelujah för att träffar som dessa måste det bli mer av nästa säsong. Vi har en gemenskap som inte går att plagiera, och utan att vara pretentiös håller bilar mer än måttet för att visa upp för allmänheten och nyfikna. Så… mer träffar 2012 helt klart! 🙂



(Här har vi mannen bakom kamerans egna bil, som omnämnt en mycket udda 100% JDM Honda Civic FD2 med kombinationen 2000cc V-tec motor och automatlåda! Som loggan snyggt i grillen avslöjar är det ett komplett kjolpaket från Mugen som sitter på, samt att den sänkts med Mugen-chassie och vilar på klassiska Enkei RPF1 fälgar i 18″. Love it!)



(Då mannen som kör denna 500+HK RX-7 sitter precis bredvid mig, så måste det bli nästa bild att blogga om. Denna maskin har fått mycket tuning gjord av oss, och Henrik Gunnarsson som även är en av våra lojalaste mekaniker kan skryta om en fullt byggs 13B-REW wankelmaskin med skalperade lågkomps-rotorer och hela baletten; powered by Trust T78 singelturbo. Han är en j*kel på att bränna däck med, som ni säkert sett på VÅRAN FACEBOOK.)



(En annan bil som var duktig på att bränna däck var min egna 200MPH SOARER som fick luftas första gången denna säsong genom att ha ihjäl en uppsättning däck. Bilden döljer en rentutsagt horribel ”stance” rätt bra, men tror att med nytt chassie och lite labbande så kommer de 19″ Aston Martin V12 Vantage fälgar som sitter på komma till sin rätt…)



(En annan import vi är mycket stolta över, även om det krävdes en extrem entusiast i form av Håkan aka ”Skyracer” för att göra den; är denna Initial-D replica Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86. Vad tycker ni hardcore fans av den berömda serien, är det en 100% kopia eller saknas något?)



(Våran division av VIP-bilar är inte så stor, men SIR_PIERRE representerar den väl med sin pedantskötta Lexus LS400 som vilar på en uppsättning nyimporterade MRR 20″ fälgar. Vad tycker ni förutom att den uppenbarligen behöver sänkas?)



(Man skulle egentligen kunna kalla det en standard egenskap för de som är med i Superior-familjen, men frågan är om det finns lojalare och ihärdigare medlemmar i den än paret Dan Toresson och Anusha Christie som äger denna Subaru Forester STi -05. Denna import vi gjort åt dom har nog varit på flest träffar av alla, och går som en klocka vaaarje gång. Favoritbil = Tveklöst!).



(…och när vi är inne på lojala och målmedvetna människor som kör Subaru så kan David Johansson @ SUPERIOR MEDIA stolt känna sig välkommen i den gruppen. Hans Superior-importerade Subaru Impreza GC8 Type-R har också hunnit gå en del mil, och medverkat här och där. Kan ”råka” nämna att David la upp ett riktigt läckert galleri på VÅR FACEBOOK nyligen som är väl värt att kolla in om ni diggar bilen!)



(Här har ni en annan Mazda RX-7 som vi har TILL SALU åt en kund til oss. Inte så illa va? Ta en extra titt och kom med ett bud, det är nog den överlägset mest prisvärda vänsterstyrda FD3S vi någonsin haft nöjet att erbjuda till salu så… Think about it!)




(Vi måste ju även nämna en annan helgo kille vid namn Steffen Nilsen som äger denna ”mint condition” Subaru Legacy B4 RSK av årsmodell 2002. Han har bevisat mer än en gång att denna premium-modell från Subaru hör till de mest allround och mest balanserade sett till prestanda/komfort modellerna som finns överhuvudtaget i JDM-djungeln.)



(En härlig samling Subaru där vi bl.a. har med Bo Janzons Legacy B4 RSK, Martin Gustavssons Subaru Legacy Wagon och Per Anderssons Subaru Forester. Boxer hade nog en liten dominans på träffen ändå när man tänker efter, och inget fel med det!)



(Freddan Andersson från Katrineholm har tillsammans med Daniel Troberg hand om mycket av rekonderingen av bilarna. Detta är förstnämnde mannens egna bil, och putsen är inget att klaga på- eller hur?)



(Tony ”Tonkan” Svensson är ett bra exempel på en kille som vet att man kommer långt med lite tålamod. Hans import vi gjorde skötte vi helt och hållet ”på distans” = att han från dag 1 då han anlitade oss för ett IMPORT FRÅN JAPAN uppdrag tills den var reggad och transporterades hem till honom bara kunde sitta lugn i båten. Denna Nissan Silvia S15 är av den ovanliga ”L-package” modellen som är bland de sista tillverkade.)


(Ännu en fräck bil vi har TILL SALU och verkligen kan rekommendera i det prisvärda segmentet, en Nissan Skyline R32 GTS-T som lovar mycket i potential för en bra busbil. I bakgrunden ser vi Jon Olsson och Henrik Gunnarsson skåda in i en RX-7 som ni säkerligen läst mycket om som tillhör Alex från Ö-vik. Hmm…)


(Att detta inlägg blir så sinnes långt beror på att man snabbt påminns om vilka kanonmänniskor som finns inom Superior-familjen. Denna Soarer med tydliga drag åt Hellaflush-hållet sålde vi till ”1JZ-Tompa” Wennerström som med sina grabbar varit en härlig klick energi på träffarna under sommaren. Det ni inte vet är att denna ”low and slow” bil inte är blyg för att användas- vilket hans deltagande i Burnout champion 2011 kommer visa. Film kommer, lovar.)



(En bil som tyvärr inte hann bli ”klar” för att dela i Burnout champion var denna superläckra Nissan Silvia S15 som vi importerat åt Adam Olsson från Hallstahammar. Med sin rentutsagt svinlånga lista på eftermarknadsdelar som finns på denna godisbil hade han säkert inte gjort bort sig, men det mycket speciella styrsystemet från Tomei Reytek ska mappas om till E85 innan leverans… så vi får helt enkelt vänta tills 2012 för att se mer av denna pärla!)



(Sista bilden i detta förträffliga galleri är på en Holy Graal av Mazda RX-7 = Spirit-R Type-A! Denna pärla har ägaren Gzon haft till salu ett tag, men smakar det så kostar det- men kan sätta samtliga fingrar på handen på spel över att denna är den mest ovanliga och mest välskötta RX-7 som någonsin satt sina däck i Sverige. Kika på SPECIFIKATIONEN HÄR och kom med ett bud så du tillhör den absoluta JDM-eliten redan idag!)



Oj oj, blev en del att skriva om… Men ändå räcker det inte för att visa vilken otroligt lyckad ”intern” träff vi hade denna underbara lördag. Jag hoppas ni tyckte det var en säsongsavslutning som hette duga, fast vi inte satte ett högre mål än att ha lite tid ”för oss själva” och bjuda på lite god mat! 🙂


Tveka inte att kommentera nedan och även GILLA VÅR FACEBOOK där diskussionen fortsätter delvis. Fasen, nu längtar man ännu mer till säsongen 2012…

SELECTED: Superior Meet 2011, mixed lovin’ pictures by Talvis

9 oktober 2011, 18:22

Yesterday we had our first own ”Superior Meet” just to grab that one last chance for the people who support us to show up and say goodbye to the 2011 season!

With a powerdraining summer behind us, we decided to keep it simple and small- and in return got awesome quality and plenty of time to talk to everyone in the ”family”!

On location we had several SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers and the first one to publish his gallery of the meet is Christoffer Talvis @ GREENLIGT MAGAZINE (be sure to check out their site and upcoming gala-dinner for all the carbuilders here in Sweden, we are attenting and so should you!).

To quickly sum up his best skills IMO, you could say he relies on pretty ”natural” pics and likes to mix it up = perfect to start things of with his pics. We got a bit of everything here; people, phat JDM-cars and even some good food! Enjoy! 🙂

(Lets start with my personal favourite of this gallery, you have to be a little sad that this ”summery” vibe is gone in a week or so; and faboulous ”stock look” builds like Peter Kaldjärvs FD2 Honda Civic and Fredrik Anderssons Toyota Soarer JZZ30 VVTi will be locked away for a few months…)

(Plenty of the absolutely most loyal members of the Superior-family showed up together with some new faces. for once I felt happy to at least give everyone a few minutes of meaningful talk. We’ve never been good at dedicating time just to chill out, but this was as close as we came and it meant a lot to me. Thanks!)

(Are you mad? Two RX-7 Spirit-R…??? Nah, ”just” one Type A model with some insane Volk 19″ wheels while the other one is a very nicely done replica with at least the same production year; 2002. Can you name which brand of parts is mainly used at both? It starts with an A…)

(Several photoshoots were conducted as well, like this fantastic Mazda RX-7 RE-Amemiya N1 widebody which had a lot of people around it all the time. Here we have Jalle @ JALLEGRAPHICS being stalked by Talvis while shooting it. Guess if I can wait to see those pics or not?)


(Our friend Kalle Strand also dropped of his Pontiac GTO with a massive supercharger of at the meet before he left. It was too bad we could not find a straight 402m long road that ends with railroad-tracks. That would have been epic to say the least. 😉 )

(This is how a Nissan S15 Silvia should have looked from factory, with LED-lights and that wonderful low wing which I cannot name right now. That bid HKS-exhaust does look quite better then the tiny one from factory as well. Adam Olsson who owns this quite souped up ”drift me” S15 can be proud of his car!)

(There was a huge load of fresh homemade deli-food being served which we put a lot of love into. By far one of the highlights of the day and something we made a priority. A good meal is one of the main ”easier” enjoyable things in life.)

(…although some of the dudes from the city of Växjö like David, Dan and Stefanos chose a quite different place to eat from

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the others. We dont have more pics of this car in this gallery as we are saving it for later, but maybe some of you that were not there can take a guess on that it is…?)

(A loooooong season surely takes it toll on you, but as the legendary song ”Show must go on” by Queen says ”…my makeup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on. Not that the lighting in the garage is very flattering at all, but I do need vacation even if moments like this would make me pass on that for the rest of my life.)

And thats the first part, which me did in English for our international fans. The others will be done in Swedish but I hope you all enjoy our posts wheter its in a different language then your first or not- the pics are the ones that speak the most anyway…. 🙂

Many thanks to Christoffer Talvis @ GREENLIGHT MAG for being so quick with these pics, and equally many thanks to all of you who showed up and closed the season in nothing less then Superior-style!

SELECTED: Porsche 911 & Bentley Continental GTC + mixed Italia @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

3 oktober 2011, 10:04

In a sad, sad way; this is among the last SELECTED GALLERIES by Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson from the gigantic FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO. We had a real good time there, and I hope it shows in all his pictures plus the 30+ or so VIDEOCLIPS we did there.


But its also a relief to publish it all, and give you the ”goods” so we can move onto other events- there is a dozen of other we have media from; especially video. So lets give you a mix of Porsche 911, Bentley Continental GTC and some different Italian brands to finish it off!



(This beautiful rear light belongs to the Alfa Romeo 4C concept which among several wonderful details had a really unique ”metal” finish to it. There are few brands who can do so many curves and lines on one car and make it work; this concept solidifies Alfas spot as one of the estheticly best out there…)



(Nope, this is not a faceliften Porsche Caynenne. Its not a Jeep Grand Cherokee concept either, although there is a base of one hiding under there somewhere. This is actually the Maserati Kubang which is a daring move for the classic automaker to make. Being a fan of Italian design I do not object to it, but I do hope the ride height is possible to adjust for those few occasions *actually 99% of the time you use your car* that you are not out in the wild driving!)



(I think in hindsight Porsche realised that their 996 generation was a step in the wrong direction for them. Now that the 991 generation is a refinement of the previous, we know ”flattened out” front lights is not the sh*t.)



(Moving on to the rear of the new Porsche 911 there have been some niced ”slimming action” to the lights! I think its pretty useless to describe how fell the lines of a Porsche flow, their work for the past decades does that far too well…)



(This pic reminds me of an old Kylie Minogue song and I think you can take a guess which car had our world ”spinning around” by the chopped roof and big B in the center of the wheel…)



(…following the above picture, its indeed the new Bentley Continental GTC. Being a huge car close to 2500kg it still looks sleeker and more gracious then most of its competition. Running a big W12 engine will probably give it performance to match that look as well. Just a splendid car in every sense!)




Several deep bows later, we can only thank Martin for his contributions down at this expo, looking forward to some of Rani Gilianas work as well which will put us on the finishline for this!


Got any favourites? Let us know, and be sure to join the action in our FACEBOOK GROUP as well! 🙂

SELECTED: Aston Martin Zagato concept & more @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

1 oktober 2011, 20:21

We did save a real treat for you at the end, Aston Martin is one of the worlds best (all categories) car manufacturers- and you could tell why at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 with their big line-up of cars such as the Zagato concept which has blown the mind of any living man…


Martin BILBILBILDER.SE Persson who took these pictures and me both agreed that although hey did lack some imagination and all the vehicles were ”crammed” into their stall; it was still a really impressive sight. For myself being a huge One-77 fan it was awesome to see one in reality. Shame the colour was a bit… dodgy? 😉



(Agree or disagree with me on this one…? Colour is more suited for a Hyundai trying to be hip more then one of the most awesome cars ever built IMO.)



(Big problem here. You are a succesful billionaire and its friday night in Monaco, time to hit the casino and you open up your garage and face the two above cars… Which one would you choose?! Trust me, if I ever have problems like these the first thing I would do is to… blog about it for my trusty readers. 😉 )



(But keeping it real, here is a car most of could afford if we dived into a huge mortgage situation per month. Its called The Cygnet and is without shame actually a Toyota IQ that Aston Martin has totally revamped in the exterior and interior. Me and buddy SIR_PIERRE had a discussion a while ago about the ~40 000 Euro pricetag which he thought was insanely high. I was of a different opinion, take a fully loaded brand new IQ and let a tuner half as good as Aston Martin totally revamp it; think the bill and result would be anywhere close…?)


(Lets return to that problem of picking car again. I’ve decided. If the Zagato concept was parked with the rear facing me I would give it the nod. I think Martin found the cars perfect angle here, and all we can do is applaud him and most importantly Aston Martin + Italian designer Zagato for creating this masterpiece…)



(Final pic is a symbol of my own stupid hindsight. While we were in Seventh heaven for a few days there, I really regret not giving some cars a personal closer look. I have always been such a huge Aston Martin fan and these cars need to be given a closer inspection to be fully appreciated. Home now and seeing these detail pics… I feel a bit sad not to have done that…)



Actually just two mini-galleries remaining from all the bulky stuff Martin got from the expo, and its a sense of pride but plenty of relief we’ve published everything on THIS IMPRESSIVE LINK. Hope you’ve had a good time, even if its been a bit one-sided when we usually do very well ”mixing it up”. 🙂


Dont miss all the VIDEOCLIPS HERE to really match up with the SELECTED GALLLERIES that have invaded the blog recently.


Its going to be one of the most pleasurable things yet in my life to review our ”portfolio” and plan ahead for next season, many good things planned for 2012…

SELECTED: Europe mix (Bugatti, Volvo, Porsche & Bentley) Frankfurt IAA 2011

29 september 2011, 20:58

Time to finish it with that little expo called FRANKFURT IAA 2011, just a few galleries left and a handfull or two of VIDEOCLIPS from me- and then a lot of what I would like to call ”bonus material” from Team B = Pierre and Rani.


After that, top priority will be on the SUPERIOR MEDIA movies we have stocked up material for during the summer, but instead of diverting from the subject; lets enjoy another gallery from Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Persson which is a healthy mix of brands like Bugatti, Volvo, Porsche & Bentley:


(If you have followed all the blogging from FRANKFURT IAA, you’ve noticed that we more then once stated that racecars are definately not a priority here. But the rare one still made an impression, this GT3 RSR was probably the dirtiest and in by far worst condition- but that did not harm its natural rough aura at all.)


(The leader of Team B, SIR_PIERRE noticed the same car and how easy it was to turn one of the most premium of all supercars like the Bugatti Veyron into such a… dull thing? Normally classical red is racy and extravagant, but here it looked sort of cheap and tacky- especially the wheels!)



(The mega in size and classiness Bentley Mulsanne was proudly representing the UK in this classic wine red colour. You can almost smell the noble scent of really fine London Earl grey tea and newly baked cookies from Harrods. And yes, I do have a friend in the english capitol that promised to bring me home both of those things…)



(Yeah, one more Bugatti and even more negativity. I usually dont comment on things I dont find interesting but… This is from a sad way my chance to ask anyone. What the hell were they thinking with this complex pinstripe design?? Reminds of some interior furniture in a hipster gym or something…)



(Volvo certainly brought their A-game to the expo, and this luxury-concept actually did a little bit of sense speaking to one of the developers behind it. Their thought was ”Scandinavian minimalistic and pure design”, and while the exterior is certainly fitting the bill handsomly- it was the interior which was *bang* spot on in our opinion. Worth the extra googling!)



(VolksWagen were furiously promoting their VW UP model that they want to take over the world with by fitting into a unique (?) class just below the Golf but a small step up from the old Lupo. Apart from plenty of staff members dressed as scientists there was a bunch of hip patterns breaking out in the stale white majority of their stall. Creepy in a hip way!)



Of the remaining goodness we have Aston Martin with their stacked presence and a few minor ones like Bentley GTC vs The new Porsche 911 and also some Italian flavours to round things of. Martin was a really busy son of a #¤%#… at FRANKFURT! 😀


Now that we are getting closer to the end of the expo round-up, have you like what you’ve seen? Its just an awful lot to cover, but we really digged the mix of stuff there… Comment below!

SIR_PIERRE: Megamix från Frankfurt IAA med läckra bilder!

28 september 2011, 19:03

Time to go Swedish style in the blog when ”Team B” at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO show us a huge chunk of what they got down in Germany!

The text (Swedish) is by SIR_PIERRE who also runs his personal ”boys will be boys will be gents sometimes” kind of blog as well HERE– be sure to check it out if you like women, watches, cool shoes and much much more.

Pics are by Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana who is one of our SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHERS and always competes hard to bring quality pictures. Be sure to drop a line or two in the comments below so you can give them their appreciation. Here we go!


Yeah jag har varit jävligt seg på att skriva om våra dagar i Frankfurt.
Men Micke har hållt er flitigt uppdaterade, Mina videos dröjer lite till, Sen får vi se om det blir några vettiga inlägg runt dom som planerat.

Här är iallafall 2/3 av Ranis bilder.

Techarts version utav Porsche GT2 RS.. Tänk att en så rå bil kan se så prålig (och lyxig) ut.
Men låt inte er bli lurade av denna påfågel..
* 720hk
* 900nm
* 0-100 = 3.3 sek
* 0-200 = 9.5 sek

Ferrarimontern.. Den enda montern som det var kö för att komma in till… Och.. Det var inget speciellt alls..

AC Schnitzer ACS1 Sport Coupé.. Med biltema liknande gälar.

Ruf stod lite bortglömda utomhus..  Jag ville ta mej en nämre titt på targan.. Men det fanns inte riktigt tid.

Aston Martin Cygnet.. Denna fick inte stå bland dom stora grabbarna utan den fick stå lite gömd på taket av deras montern.

Den var faktiskt riktigt lyxig.. Men för nästan 350.000kr…. Ne tack.

En Maybach.. Den lilla varianten.. Knappt värd att kolla närmre på tyckte jag.. Utan jag och rani gick mest dit för att se vad för freebies dom hade.. Inga visade det sej.. Så istället roade vi oss med att hitta fel på bilen (Video kommer)..

Och i efterhand fick jag reda på att detta var en specialbyggd One Off för just Frankfurt.
Den heter Edition 125 och byggdes för att fira automobilens 125 år.
Så den hade en massa extra lull-lull, Annat läder, Tyg, Swarovskistenar osv osv osv.. Men vi var inte alls imponerade.. La inte ens märke till det..

Phaeton vs A8.. jag väljer Phaeton, varför? Video kommer.

Artega GT.. En snygg och underskattad bil tycker jag..

Hur får man en Veyron att se tråkig ut?  Jo man gör den helröd..
Birdmans kärra??

Riktigt maffig den!

En gammal 300SLR gjord av gamla bildelar.

Hur gör Mansory om dom ska göra en golfbil?  Dom gör den i kolfiber såklart.
Kanske något för Mr Pagani?

Bland en samling fina gamla Mercedes vagnar (Som vi inte har bilder på?) så stod detta bygge.

2 gamla tyska sportbilar… Utan dessa legender så hade inte världen sett likadan ut idag.. Det kan jag lova er.  Och då menar jag inte bara sportbilsvärlden.

Varje gång jag stöter på en 300SL så blir jag förtrollad… Stod en sån på flygplatsen med (Bild?)

Ett rätt så coolt koncept ifrån Land Rover som vi aldrig kommer få se i produktion.
Men motorn kanske det kan bli något utav.  En 2 liters hybrid som fanns både som bensinare och diesel, Och med 8 växlad låda.

Snyggare än förra.. Och snyggare än coupen?

”Är detta verkligen den nya 911?”  Jepp det var det.. En bra bil.. På alla sätt och vis.. En hel del nyheter som gör världens bästa sportbil ännu bättre,, Mer vardagsvänlig.. Lyxigare.. Snabbare (Lika snabb runt ringen som 997 GT3) osv osv osv… MEN… Jag saknade ”Nån gång ska jag äga en sån” känslan/behovet..

Bentley hade bokstavligen en hel affär med prylar som dom satt sitt namn på.

Absolut snygg… Men.. Ja ni vet.. Det där ”WOW!” saknades

Världens bästa bil… På ALLA sätt och vis..

Well.. Lat som jag är så kan jag lika gärna klippa in hela mitt ”Tunder inlägg” här.

Det vanligaste missförstånden hos folk när jag berättar om Frankfurt IAA är ”jaså där var trimmade bilar också?”
Men ne.. Så är det inte.. För då hade dom inte varit där.
Dessa ”Tuners” som var där.. Har inte trimmade bilen i den bemärkelsen vi känner till
Detta är alltså bilar som har så många egna delar ifrån sin tuner, Att dom räknas som ett helt annat bilmärke..

Se det som såhär.. Det är tuningfirmor som lånar kaross och bottenplatta ifrån ett känt företag, T.e.x Mercedes, Porsche, BMW osv.
Och sen så bygger dom upp sin egna bil helt och hållet, Men inom dessa ramar då att använda bottenplatta och många gånger en kraftigt modifierad kaross.

Lite så som jag ser min egna bil..

Detta just för att det är onödigt slöseri med tid och pengar att ta fram egen kaross och bottenplatta.

Sen visst.. Du kan åka dit med din redan köpta något begagnade eller allra helst fabriksnya Mercedes, Och få antingen ALLT bytt.. Eller stegvist.. Just det du tycker är viktigast.. Motorn.. Chassi.. Inredning.. Upp till dej.
Men dessa Tuners köper alltså oftast in nakna karosser osv och sen gör allt från scratch.. Nu ska jag inte dra alla över en kam och säga att alla dessa tuners gör så.. Men många.. För det spar tid och pengar.

Så.. Dessa tuners som var på Frankfurt IAA är alltså egna fristående biltillverkare.
Inte AMG.. Inte M osv..
Något vi kräsna människor många gånger säger är ”Gör om, gör rätt”.. Och det är just dessa tuners gör..

Det är folk som mej (fast med pengar) som dessa tuners lever på.. Och för..
Ferrari-folk kanske kallar det idioti.. Vi kallar det sleepers 😉

Egentligen.. Som jag alltid sagt.. För att ni ska förstå skillanden mellan t.e.x Brabus och Mercedes.. Eller t.o.m AMG.. Så MÅSTE det upplevas… Finns ingen annan chans att få folk att förstå att en Mercedes S klass kan kosta 5.5 miljoner.. Och ändå vara prisvärd.. På ett ställe där du bokstavligen har Maybach, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Porsche, Lambo.. Ja you name it.. Vägg i vägg..

5.5 miljoner kronor… Det är mycket.. Väldigt mycket pengar..

Men från vilken stor tillverkare kan du få det mest extrema lyx i form av bästa möjliga skinn.. Allt handgjort.. ALL tekniskt hittepo som du kan tänka dej utav Apple.. 4 sittplatser… Och… göra 0-300 på 23sek med hjälp av 800HK och 1420NM!
Och du kan cruisa upp till 370km/h innan fartspärren slår i.

Folk… Detta kan inte jag beskriva för er vettigt nog per text.. Eller visa per bild.. Enda jag kan göra är att hoppas att ni nån gång får uppleva en Brabus, Techart, 9ff osv osv live..

Risken är dock att ni aldrig kommer få se en fullblodig sådan i Sverige…

På Frankfurt IAA så hade vi ett 100 tal 😉

Brabus i mitt hjärta sen ca 17 år tillbaka.

Försöker Ford kanske visa att dom har Aston Martin i familjen?

Cadillac CTS-V Black Diamond Edition.. Jag hade faktiskt kunnat välja en sån istället för en Corvette.. Vissa dagar iallafall.

Cadillac Ciel.… Vilken hit detta hade kunnat bli!

Jag hoppas verkligen dom kommer göra verklighet utav detta.. Och sätta ett vettigt pris.. Då är jag sugen på en..  Detta kommer/kan bli en lika stor hit som Chrystler 300C var.

Årets nyhet ifrån Subaru.. Ännu ett steg mot framtidens Toybaru.. Ny färg på plasten..

Första gången en GS lockar mer än en LS…?

Stela och tråkiga dom med..

Hela hall 3 var faktiskt så.. Tyst.. Stelt,, Tråkigt.. Förutom Suzuki då som desperat försökte vara livliga.

Dacia Duster har jag skrivit om tidigare-

Infiniti hade högtalare i nackstöden.. Har jag nog inte sett så tydligt tidigare.

BTW.. Infiniti montern var så jävla stel och tråkig! Dom hade svartklädda vakterna som sa till dej så fort du ens gick nära bilarna!  Och Nissan var inte på plats alls.

Det kommer lite mer ifrån mej så fort jag pallar.
Missa inte alla inläggen i Superiorbloggen om årets Frankfurt IAA

Om ni orkat er hela vägen hit… Vad tycker ni? Är det större och längre inlägg som dessa som gäller, och är engelskan något problem?


Kommentera nedan så blir vi mycket glada då kritik betyder allt för oss!

SELECTED: The women of Frankfurt IAA 2011 – ”Best of mixed”

27 september 2011, 21:03

This isnt really our thing, but walking around the expo and seeing all these beautiful women with the equally gorgeous cars paired up made it tough not to take that ”extra pic”. We know that FRANKFURT IAA 2011 is not only the home of the best cars, but the best women to showcase them as well. And we intend to prove it now!


No need for any blogging here, you’ll be the judge on what suited your taste and was worth spending a few extra seconds to look at. If you have to force an opinion out of me, I’ll say there was an Italian domination on what was… prettiest. Not saying more then that, Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Perssons pictures will do the rest:


Alfa Romeo:









(I think in the end this is a pretty rare pic, as they were never dressed this casually during the expos more busier hours…?)





Alfa Romeo (again, for a damn good reason!):










We are a bit slowed down here by a change from PC to Mac, and that must sound incredibly silly but… No excuses, takes time to change platforms if you dont want to spend weeks of frustration instead. But this gallery is a little compensation for the lack of acticity recently. 😉


We know by now you cant possible have missed all the ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEOCLIPS we did from the expo, but we would love your feedback on them- even if you have to try very hard to give us pointers to work at = give a better product next time.


Dont be shy, fire away below!

SELECTED:Trackday action @ Gatebil Rudskogen by!

26 september 2011, 13:05

After taking a day off to heal the wounds after a night out, we bring you Ronnys  ( pictures from Gatebil Rudskogen. This is the final part although the sneaky guy did deliver one more which we will publish in the future as a ”bonus”. 😉

This part is all about action from the track and we really think there is no point to explain what we already know about what type of driving is done at the Gatebil events = reckless and with no mercy to the cars at all!

(The Alm brothers are well known ”Gatebil heroes” and bring something quite unique to the world of powerdrifting since they do it with permanent 4WD instead of the usual. And yes, like you can figure it out it means twice as much smoke as well- and at the same time twice as entertaining to watch!)

(And here is a typical view on how it can look at a busy moment in a turn at Rudskogen track. The anarchy that happens when you put so many extreme cars out at the same time is a sight to behold, but somehow there is a sense of awereness from everyone which makes it less chaotic then it should.)

(Kai Roger Bakken is also a big name with his Audi S1 replica that totally mad races in the ”Extreme series” and rarely finishes outside the Top 3. His healthy rivalery with TS-Racing and their Audi A3 is something to always look closer at, these guys never dissapoint when it comes to giving 100% to even but a 0,001 of a second = fearless and sickly entertaining!)

(Its quite possible the biggest draw to these events is that you get a enormously twised variety of cars being ran. Here we got a newrer generation BMW M3 which is treated just like any ”hacky” JDM-driftcar. Respect!)

(…and did we need to remind you about that twisted variety of cars running at Gatebil again?)


(This is how we started this gallery, and a suitable ending would be Kenneth Alm showing what I meant with that they truly make powerdrifing twice as entertaining with their 4WD madness. Hearing rumors about the S2 from them being for sale, so if you want to be a Gatebil Hero without spending endless amounts of time building the right car… ask at their FACEBOOK about it?)

And there we go? We are always greatfull for the awesome work all our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers do for us and hope you enjoy it just as much. Show your appreciation by liking Ronnys FACEBOOK as well, everyone likes a ”like”. 😉

Still plenty of material from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 to be released as soon as we can.

We are embracing autumn and going to work more with the video we got saved up after a long season; superlong checklist of what we have will be released in early October- going to be a busy winter! 😀

SELECTED: Tuning-special (Mansory, Hamann, Techart Carlsson & more) @ Frankfurt 2011

24 september 2011, 13:33

Sinking our teeth into Hall 5 at the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO we got all the über-premium tuners under one roof with brands like Mansory, Brabus, Carlsson, Weissman, Techart, Hamann and more & more…!

We were not as enchanted as our GUEST BLOGGER SIR PIERRE, but did return more then once to get a closer look on some cars. Its with some regret I did not give even more time to these astounding supercars who have gotten and even sharper edge to them with labour of the absolutely highest degree.

There will be another write-up by Pierre who is much more familiar with these big dogs of the aftermarket $$$-sccene; but right now Martin BILBILDER.SE Perssons pictures will give you more SELECTED GALLERY wisdom to entertain your eyes with…

(English exterior tuner MANSORY brought their A-game to the expo and had probably the second largest presence in Hall 5 after Brabus. They had a themed matte white/carbon thing going and you had supercars from around the world to look at. What you see here is not just an Audi R8 but a custom Golf cart (!) as well, moral of this story is that a certain Horacio Pagani was eyeing it live in front of me while I was there. Hmm?)


(Carlsson has been tuning Mercedes forever it seems, and they put a lot of focus on their own wheel collection which I found very appealing. If its one thing the Germans be it ultra-premium tuners like these guys know; its how to keep it simple and classy when it comes to wheels.)

(The exception (!?) to the above statement is another tuner who has been around for a long time; Hamann. They do something some of us more fans of subtleness would call ”boy racer” things to car costing well more then what we are used to. I found the toned rear lights quite out of place on this Bentley Continental GT and the wheels are borderline tacky as well. Still giving credit to that they have not cheated in quality anywhere and Iam sure its a matter of taste as well…)

(More from Hamann and interesting to see this type of carbon with larger ”squares” in the weave. In Sweden we call it Textreme and we have actually in MajoR Aero done some work with it. Quite expensive and hard to work with, but more unique then regular carbon- and thats what people want to pay for when it comes to spending money on their supercar?)

(Front ”canards” have suddenly become all the rage here; wheter its from factory supercars or what these premium tuners are offering their customers. I thought this design for the Porsche Cayenne by Mansory was pretty unique, although I have to figure out the aero functions behind it fully…)

(Techart is a highly respected tuner who does more then just ”style” their cars, its even more about the performance then perhaps some of the other brands in this gallry. This is a sick close-up of their ”smurfy” Porsche GT2 RS that we liked so much we did a 100 SECONDS OF..” videoclip of. So enjoy these close-ups and expect that the feature will give you a more fuller experience of this awesome car!)

(Got stance? Already did mention that the Germans leave nothing to chance when it comes to taking this seriously. I would be tempted to lower it even more,but I doubt its cool to scrape the streets in your city cruiseing while driving your Carlsson CK63 RS…)

(One more shot of the highly favoured brand in this gallery (Mansory) and their insane Ferrari 458 Italia which was stuffed with more carbon then a epic mealtime turkey is with meat!)

Most of these cars are perfectly fine from factory, and we feel its 50/50 when it comes to taking advantage of that and just refining those lines- while the other half just goes nuts in trying to add any single detail which will give the car even more attention. Which route is the best to go in your opinion?

Todays ”tuning-special” is all about spoiling you guys. Drop off a comment below if you like what you see, and be sure to check out MARTINS FACEBOOK as he has a habit of shooting supercars for a living as well. 😉

SELECTED: Gatebil lifestyle and the outsides of the Rudskogen track!

24 september 2011, 06:38

Its always a pleasure to bring different parts of our passion, and added to that formula the different styles all our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographers have from eachother.

This time Ronny @ JAMedia (Like!) has got the decadent left-overs from the recent Gatebil Rudskogen event which was a few weeks back. We all know its a bit crazy both on and off the track of these events, and added the companionship and positive atmosphere between the racing- you get pictures like these quite easily…

(You almost get a ”Mad Max” feeling with these simple camps setup and everyone having their own unique and ”less is more” kind of solutions for the obligatory barbecue done after the trackdays are done.)

(No time for some fancy stuff here as you ”take what you got” to get mechanical work done. The big piles of rubble here and there is proof of that eventhough the track is a beast already, more work is added all the time. I dare to say this has the potential of being the best in all of Scandinavia when its done…)

(Among the most common things to see are endless amounts of worn out tires. There is only one mode to go on Gatebil, and that is flat out and with a lot of smoke; if you dont your just lost in the mix and nobody.)

(Norwegians are as fond of old school Euro performance cars as the rest of us are of similar JDM. The old Sierre Cosworth which was quite a monster back in the day with its large turbo from factory; is still going strong today.)

(Walking around the pit area you can bump into a ”monster on four wheels” all the time. This is TS-Racings Audi A3 which is among the fastest Gatebil Extreme cars event after event.)

(The guy in the middle is one of the most talented and brutal powerdrifters out there, you can get a clue that he drives a Supra and that there is another guy in this pic wearing his teams T-shirt. Name this sucka!)

(No, we are not ”selling out” and going to publish any more naughty pics then these, but you gotto be fair and hand it to the norwegians being totally free of shame to put on a show for all of us. Not that I really agree with it, but to each their own- and its been a tradition at Gatebil events for a long time so… enjoy all you boys full of hormones!)

(You need to click this one to really enjoy it, a beautiful panorama of a corner where a lot goes down all the time. Dont want to put you off by saluting Rudskogen track too much, but they have really done well in the rebuild of it…)

Keep those comments coming, we hope you like what you see here in the Superior-blog and we can thank talented photographers like Ronny to keep us happy and prosperous with galleries like this one…

One to go which is a 100% action filled track kind of one. Just how you like it I guess!

Today there is plenty more coming from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 as well, and no- I think there will never be an end of all the good stuff coming from that f’in huge expo… 😉

SELECTED: Toyota FT-86 Concept gallery @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

23 september 2011, 19:33

Browsing around the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO the hardest part was restraining the urge of staying around one car for too long. Kind of sad, but priority was to experience as much as possible.


One car that did get some extra love from Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson was the Toyota FT-86 concept that all us ”JDM-fans” are so curious about.


We got you a small gallery to in combination with out VIDEOCLIP of it give it a decent summary, now lets just hope it will be out as promised somewhere after new years; and that Subaru who will also do something similar- will rejuvinate the ”price competetive segment” among sportscars…



(I think what Martin is trying to show you here is that the ”chamber” they had put the FT-86 in had the entrance of an eye. Or are we all trying too hard to see this?)



(Been seeing some hate on this 6th edition of this concept, some think they really went too far in some parts of the design. Like the rear diffuser for example. I agree on the wing being quite… strange. And also the wheels feel quite tacky too. Other then that its gorgeous and reminds us a lot of the Lexus LF-A.)



(One of the most succesful things on this car are the front and rear lights, which feel ultra-modern and of really high quality. Usually cheaper sportscars get that ”plastic” feel when trying something bolder in design, but yet again we feel its got the Lexus LF-A feeling in premium design as well…)



Really have to hand it to Martin Persson to really beat any previous effort in capturing quality galleries in SUPERIOR SELECTED in just two mere days. We have around a handfull more to show you, and after that its Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana who will show what he captured at the expo…


Take a look at our FACEBOOK PAGE and soon after MARTINS AS WELL. We all get a kick of your likes and appreciate your support!


Have an awesome weekend now, no chance of us slowing down and we’ll continue to spoil the hell out of you all here in the Superior-blog… 😎

SELECTED: Always ambitious Audi @ Frankfurt IAA 2011 Expo!

23 september 2011, 12:23

In the shadow of the two giants BMW and Mercedes we have the always ambitious VW brand Audi doing their best to keep up. They had setup their own built from scratch call in the middle of the whole expo landscape, and offered a cool design with car being testrun ”around us inside” (hard to explain).

Among the news this year were a bunch of new S-models and facelifts of their normal car, also the top of the line Audi R8 GT Spyder. We liked their thinking and probably got their deserved attention for their efforts, this gallery represents a bit of the flair…

(With a bit of a compromise, at least Audi did bring some of their racing livery to the expo. But they did not get a seat inside the fancy built from scratch building, instead they stood in their loneliness outside a bit scuffed away. Still giving them props for showing them, the Audi A5 DTM is new for this upcoming season…)

(Here is a great shot of how it looked inside, as always with this borderline pretentious brand- we got a lot of ”piano white/black” surfaces and nice tinted glasses. From this angle you dont see that there was a very small track built ”around” the structure where cars passed by from time to time. The TT-RS and GT Spyder made some nice noise sometimes…)

(A concept I myself was looking forward to seeing was this new Quattro which is a revival of the 80’s where Audi as we all know ran Group B and such. Sadly it seems this wont get much further then being pushed out in the open next to the ”priority B” racecars. Good or bad idea by Audi to scrap it from production?)

(Another concept that is aimed towards really compact cars with attitude to roam the city with. Martin got quite attached to it on location, I just get colds shivers down my spine thinking about fitting in such a car- the future seems like a rough place for guys like me who are aroun 2m tall…)

(The oh so popular Audi A5 got its facelift and even sharper lines seems to be the melody of current trends at the moment. I have a soft spot for the A5, but being totally honest here; its because its like a ”poor mans Aston Martin” or something like that.)

(In the ”100 SECONDS OF AUDI R8 GT SPYDER” VIDEO we did point out that the class of carbonfibre was among the highest of the entire expo on Audis cars. Just an amazing mix of perfect weave with the right balance of clear coat to set it off totally. Surely it was among the cars that gave the most ”want one” cravings looking back…)

And thats Audi for ya, I think there is a pic somewhere on how the structure looked from the outside. Martin said in some naughty fashion it looked like a giant pile of whale-crap  dressed up in fance white or something like that??

This gigantic expo is killing me, never realised that two days could give so much to write about. And we still skipped over around half of what was shown there since it only gave a mild rise of the pulse passing it by… 

SELECTED: Ford Evos & Cadillac Ciel concepts @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

22 september 2011, 05:31

Two quick mentions of cars that made some impact at FRANKFURT IAA EXPO 2011, the Cadillac Ciel and Ford Evos concept- showing that there is an even playingfield and the americans are far from behind when it comes to the thinking for the future.


We already did the ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEO of the Ciel and we also got the Ford Evos coming, both do sooo well in live media then i pictures; but this mini-gallery by Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson is still good enough for a minute of your time. 🙂



(Ford has been doing well in recent years, but never achieved anything thats considered ”spicy” enough for more hardcore enthusiasts as ourselves to sink our teeth in. I still consider this concept a very clean rather then wild one at first glance, but looking closer you got a lot of things to enjoy in every aspect of it. Can we say it could be one of the most balanced and in a whole most ”well made” concepts of the expo?)



(Call me a nerd here, but I think even more could have been achieved here with an even more agressive sort of stance of the wheels. Iam not talking about doing a proper ”Hellaflush” look, but the Ciel has every single bit of potential needed to be the absolute overlord of all VIP-cars if it really wanted. How are you guys feeling the colour BTW?)



(I cant confirm this, but could it be the worlds first ”dual gull-wing” doors ever…? And the fact that such a ridiculous and unnecessary idea is pulled of in 100% fashion is… ace work by the design team! Gotto love those wheels which could also compete for the ”best of” in that category at the expo, and lets also mention the colour which was one of the more vibrant candy/pearl paintjobs I have ever seen in my life!)



(And the highlight of the car with a former dreamcar of mine *in MUCH younger days* giving inspiration to the rear of the Ciel —> Cadillac Eldorado. It never crossed my mind that this colossus was actually a true convertible, which is quite exclusive for any concept. So much retro going on though, everything from the brown/reddish interior to the ”controlled vulgarity” of this car takes back fond memories of the 50-60’s…)



This was just a quicke,  but we did say that no corner of the FRANKFURT MOTOR SHOW would be left unturned by us. Right…?


…no, we actually didnt say that but still hope you like the variation of cars we’ve offered you so far. Think we are two thirds down the road in released material = much more to come! 😎

SELECTED: JDM Powerdrifting machines @ Gatebil Rudskogen by JAMedia!

22 september 2011, 02:28

Cutting all the silky smooth material from FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO we are offering you a bunch of Gatebil Rudskogen action that our SUPERIOR SELECTED photographer Ronny @ JAMedia shot a few weeks ago.


This isnt the big one when it comes to Gatebil events, but with all the new upgrades the Rudskogen track has gotten recently; it seemed to attract a damn solid bunch of nutty cars as usual anyway!


This is the first of three parts that will give you m0ar craving to visit any Gatebil event next year- first out is a little composed special with JDM-only cars showing which nation is the ”king of the hill” when it comes to reckless powerdrifting!



(I’ll tell you right away, if you are allergic to the JZA80 Toyota Supra you better stay away from the gallery, as its loaded with more of this ”eternal flagship of Toyota” then whipped cream is filled with um… cream? Anyway, one that is a notch or twelve above the rest is the Team Yellow car which was originally built by JUN Auto in Japan. I don’t want to take credit away from the driver which I know is really skilled, but there is something else about that car that makes the angles, control and lots of extra smoke it dishes out seem logical = expensive and carefully selected JDM-parts!)



(Biltema (translated to ”car theme”) is a low cost huge chain of stores selling autoparts in Scandinavia. I have noticed they are getting involved more and more in events like Gatebil, and I would be stupid to hate down on anyone not liking that. Far from what the above Jun built Supra is understated with; any sponsor is a good sponsor if it helps you run your car at the insane way real Gatebil-drifters do. Get my drift here (pun intended and damn lame!).



(Before you say this is a mistake well above the countless brainfarts I do in the 100 SECONDS OF..” VIDEOCLIPS I do know this car is not JDM. But guess what? Take a look just above the hood. Look closer… Hmm… Yes! That is a Rotary 13B-REW engine with its intake sticking out! I even know its an updated ”Series 8” full engine swap meaning this car with full boost-up has just below 400HP of Mazda powah to it. We like!)



(If Iam not entirely mistaken, we got the DTS Systems Supra chasing the old Driftmonkey Soarer here in a clash between two favourites of ours. If you look at our GATEBIL MANTORP 2011 MOVIE you will know why, where especially this red Supra did a hell of a job entertaining us to the extreme. If anyone knows the driver, please tell him to get in touch with us as we are big fans of this car- same goes for the Soarer!)



(Another team we are very fond of and always try to find ways of mentioning due to their sheer awesomeness is DriftMonkey! Maybe this pic doesn’t leave more then a bunch of stuff for the imagination to figure out, but at least you get a clear shot of Öksnesvads Silvia S15 livery on the side of the car- the always rabid little apes do set the tone of the teams driving style overall!)



(Recipe: Take one RX-7 FD3S, put a wild colour on it together with an ”quickly mashed up” body kit and then drift the living f*ck out of it and… you get this sort of result! Always nice to see the Mazdas represent, and we dont care if its a ”semi-driftmissile” because its still cooler then 90% other cars out there!)



A real butt-kicker of a SELECTED GALLERY to start things off with, but the other two have  alot to them as well which Iam sure you will like. And using that word again, please do LIKE OUR FACEBOOK to see lots of random pictures and video showing up there, although its a priority to always check in with the Superior-blog here to know whazzap! 🙂


Dont forget to salute the guy who took these pics for us, find Ronnys JAMEDIA FANPAGE and ”like” that as well. Geez, it really hurts my wrists asking for you to ”like” and ”like” and ”like” again but…


…It encourages us to keep doing our thing so, big thanks in advance!

SELECTED: Big bad Germans 2/2 – BMW M5 & more @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

21 september 2011, 20:20

Solidifying the Top 2 brands at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTORSHOW is BMW who didn’t have the same amount of news as Mercedes, but their new generation M5 F10 (see VIDEOCLIP HEREwas still a big draw we had talked about before the expo started.


Since it just happened to be so, we attended their press-release first thing and were totally blown away by the size of media/HiFi equipment used in their presentation.


Sound was crisper then any home cinema I have ever enjoyed, and seeing the cars rolling on the almost velodrome like surface was cool as sh*t to be honest!


They would later be trumfed by Mercedes (in my opinion) but getting into the Top 2 when there are still big brands like VW and Audi among others to compete with… well not bad at all. Hee we go, as usual its maestro Martin ”BILBILDER.SE” Persson who has done the photographing:



(And here he is, the meanest but still ”squarest” guy in town! Picture a Clark Kent without his glasses and innocent look, doing what his Superman alter ego does best- kick ass! We were truly raving about the front end of the car which had me thinking some toned down Ferrari F430 Scuderia design. Everything including the engine which is a Twin-turbo V8 makes perfect sense on this car…)


(…and a shot from the rear, this time in even more innocent white colour. Perhaps they went a little too subtle with it, and its possible the only part of the car I would ”dress up” with something more agressive. Got any ideas?)



(The catchphrase is ”The most powerful letter” or something to that extent, but M has become more then their top of the line performance beast; and more about offering for example bodykits from factory to your regular model. Doubt this is news for ya’ll as there has always been ”M-packages” available, but they seem to market it more openly apart from their M3/M5 etc now. Will it water down its true status…?)



(Even the standard 1-series has its own M-package now and it sure does give it a nice ”little package of dynamite” sort of look, doesn’t it? Apparently Martin had a friend who had a real 1M coming his way soon, so you could feel the good-hearted jelousy right there. This aint it, but could be better on a budget? Still feel its more of a ”car for the girlfriend” kind of model, hate me all ya want!)



(Nothing new on the BMW M3 front, but Martin insisted that its a damn shame so few dare to try the classic red colour on this sleek machine? Perhaps its more common practice to use something more ”conservative” just like the stale and correct Germans would like it; but I do agree the car does look bad-ass apart from the silver wheels which need to go gun-metal or flat black now!)



Maybe not that fair of a gallery to show how big their presence was, but I can honestly say its much clearer on how much bigger and more news-filled Mercedes was. You have to remember that they sort of semi-shared their stall with Mini Cooper and Rolls-Royce as well…


Finally getting somewhere is trying to recap the FRANKFURT IAA EXPO this year around, all these SUPERIOR SELECTED galleries give a decent look of it anyway- and then you got the ”100 seconds of..” HERE to give you a glimpse of each car as well.


We could blog all year around if we gave everything a deeper look, but hope you like that we keep it in a ”bloggy” entertaining way instead… 🙂

SELECTED: Big bad Germans 1/2 – Mercedes @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

21 september 2011, 05:43

Time to drop some heavy heavy loads of pics here with the german giants Mercedes and later today BMW showing us how the elite do it at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTORSHOW!


I’ll let my opinions stand in the blog-texts on which one I thought was the biggest or best (same thing?), but assure you Martin BILBILDER.SE Perssons pictures will let you form your own opinion; and we would love to hear about it in the comments below! 🙂



(No, this is not a toy car and quite more serious at that. Its actually a concept Mercedes are doing to build the first real ”emission free supercar”, and in the shape of the SLS AMG E-cell they are well on their way! Not going to give you too much technical data on it, but the colour called AMG Lumilectric magno was almost tough to look at without sunglasses! While Martin thought it was there to lure flies and insects away from the rest of the stand; I gave this the ”markes pen/car” award of the year. Quite unique but… do you like it?!)



(Here is our favourite and a reason we went back several times, the Mercedes CLK63 AMG Black Series. Seeing how its even more agressive then its pre-release with a bunch of carbon goodies you would expect on a Time Attack car only, it was for sure something that caught our eye. Thinking about it, even the wheels got a lot of ”JDM Time Attack” shape on them. Hope the upcoming ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEO will make this truly evil car justice!)



(Evidence #1: The Mercedes stall at Frankfurt was three stories high and had the most advanced (humongous) LED-screen we had ever seen. It actually had several dimensions in it, which is hard to explain- but putting a car sandwiched between them could make an animation that made it look like it was driving in standstill. Only thing we didnt like was that the view of the main stage was quite poor during their press-conference. But other then that, I think both me and Martin agree Mercedes took the prize of most impressive presence overall in Frankfurt 2011!)


(Breaking news: Superior Blog has boobies uncandidly in it! Iam sure you would hope for something different though, as in some weird German sense of humour way, they had several trucks outside their hall with gentlemen like this guy. Pretty weird if you ask me, but a smash hit with visitors who wanted to take their pictures with them all day long. Maybe the ”man-boob” look is whats hot in this day and age?)



(Ok, back to the cars and news Mercedes had rather then silly gimmicks. This is the A-klasse concept and it was really sharp and took us by storm! Lots of details we totally fell for, and you bet that there is a ”100 secons of…” clip coming of it as well. Doesn’t seem very realistic to ever see something like this in production, but Mercedes proves they are well ahead of time in sharp designing IMO…)



(One more concept, which seemed far more dear to ”ze germans” around it with plenty of security and constantly being covered by TV-teams. This pic might not show it in all its glory, but ”holy huge gull-wing doors Batman” indeed?! As we said in the VIDEOCLIP of this concept, its probably Lady Gagas choice of a future car but still maintaining that ”majestic” Mercedes look as well.)



(And to finish it we got a… motorbike?? Actually, when it comes to testosterone experts Ducati hooking up with the brilliant engineers of AMG we cant help ourselves giving it some attention. Looking at certain details you can tell that wheels and such have a lot of AMG design-blood in them, and the colour-scheme reminds me of a certain Cobra V12 we did a coverage on a while ago… anyone remember that?)



We really want to applaud Mercedes for bringing an immense number of news to the expo, really being outstanding in that sense. There were a whole lot of other world premieres and exciting stuff to watch here, and embarrasingly enough we missed some of them- but hope you like the gallery anyway!


We hate to repeat ourselves all the time, but if you got Facebook then make sure to add OURS and MARTINS to it for little details which Iam sure you will enjoy if you like the Superior-blog.


Later tonight we got Part 2 of the ”big bad germans” with BMW showing what they had to compete with vs Mercedes…

SELECTED: US of A! Corvette, Ford Focus ST & Jeep @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

20 september 2011, 12:57

We got another mixed one coming here, with some news from the United States of America bringing it with Corvette, new Ford Focus ST and new Jeep Grand Cherokee among others at the FRANKFURT 2011 IAA MOTORSHOW!


The general consceous between me and Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson who shot these, was that there honestly werent’t much new on the western front of the world. But as with ze french we wanted to give a glimpse of them anyway. There were a few homeruns made afterall…?



(I know ya’ll clicked this after reading about Corvette, but sorry to dissapoint you- there is nothing new to share here while we await some more news about the next C7 generation of the worlds most (?) historic sportscar. They did bring a C6-R racecar and also their top dog from factory in the ZR-1… But thats like stated nothing new. Is a wild thought about Corvette doing more then one type of car too rad…?)



(Here is the new Jeep Grand Cherokee and guess what, its a damn nice car which has done a succesful jump to its next generation! How can you say anything else now that Maserati will base their upcoming SUV on this car? It was too bad Martin could not get a shot of the ladies that you could often see stand next to this car as they were pretty exotic… but this was a car-blog, right? Moving on!)



(Ford were pretty aggressive at the expo with several sportier models being showcased, among them this Focus ST which we hope will prove to be a good car to lure ”newer generations” of tuning-freaks into the world. We’ve see what the Mazda 3 MPS has done, and Iam sure if this is anything near Fords final release for the ST it will be a huge succes…)



(No love for the Transformer named ”Bumblebee”? He was according to Martin not getting much attention, and you could almost spot a robotic tear of diesel coming of his eye. Now honestly, lets not get silly- but perhaps its not a truly catchy idea to bring a giant robot to a car expo? Maybe the kids will love it during the normal day of the Motor show.)



Have to move on quickly from here, but keeping an eye out on all the GALLERIES WE’VE DONE SO FAR it seems like the winners at the moment are the British automakers in terms of interesting things to blog about? Looking at all the ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEOCLIPS I tend to lean more towards the Italian ones. What do you like best so far?


The march continues, we know this is just a mad amount of posts coming out- but how about saving some for later if you feel its too much? As always very appreciative of your comments; bring it! 🙂

SELECTED: French quickie with Citroën, Renault & Peugeot @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

20 september 2011, 08:31

To say that french automakers like Peugeot, Renault and Citroën are rarely on a car enthusiasts radar is quite an understatement, but at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 MOTOR SHOW we did find a few rare gems that we felt deserved at least a small mention here in the blog.


Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson was particularly fascinated by the different concepts being shown, definately in the least something different for the eye to behold. We’ll leave it up to you to judge if they are interesting or non!


(This is in my opinion the ”sci-fi hipsters” wet dream, and Citroën did not stop at just keeping this bus-like concept just wild in itself, they actually had three young futuristicly dressed and face-painted individuals to accompany it while it spun around and around. Looks like their take on the future is that we will all look hideously bored, as we noticed they did just that with a passion; don’t ask me how you look ”passionately bored”- just look at these guys…)



(Whoooo! At least we found one real piece of gold here in the Peugeot section which was their Le Mans racecar that just looks so incredibly mean in person! Fun memory here is that it was among the first places we saw at the expo just after a really stacked BMW press-show. Rehersing our first unofficial ”100 seconds of…” segment and all reminds me of a lot of excitement!)



(At least Renault put a lively colour on their concept which actually looks quite good compared to a lot of other sportier SUV-type of vehicles on display in Frankfurt? Not digging the ”Dotz-style” wheels though although they do make up for their tacky look in sheer size.)



(Another piece from Renault stand which felt like a bit more realistic and not too far-fetched concept. Dig these wheels a lot better then their other concept, and the colour-combo isn’t too bad either. Nice to see some real stopping power in those huge front calipers too!)



Maybe not the gallery in SUPERIOR SELECTED that will make you rave to your friends about us, but we still hope you like getting a bit of everything from the FRANKFURT MOTOR SHOW. Iam sort of amazed Martin had time to shoot all these pictures and none of them really looks below average (understatement). Feel free to give the lad some well deserved critisizm! 🙂


Not stepping of the gas here, what was accomplished at the expo must come out so we can leave this incredible event behind us. More SELECTED gallerier later today and plenty of VIDEOCLIPS as well!



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