23 september 2011, 19:33
Browsing around the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO the hardest part was restraining the urge of staying around one car for too long. Kind of sad, but priority was to experience as much as possible.
One car that did get some extra love from Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson was the Toyota FT-86 concept that all us ”JDM-fans” are so curious about.
We got you a small gallery to in combination with out VIDEOCLIP of it give it a decent summary, now lets just hope it will be out as promised somewhere after new years; and that Subaru who will also do something similar- will rejuvinate the ”price competetive segment” among sportscars…
(I think what Martin is trying to show you here is that the ”chamber” they had put the FT-86 in had the entrance of an eye. Or are we all trying too hard to see this?)
(Been seeing some hate on this 6th edition of this concept, some think they really went too far in some parts of the design. Like the rear diffuser for example. I agree on the wing being quite… strange. And also the wheels feel quite tacky too. Other then that its gorgeous and reminds us a lot of the Lexus LF-A.)
(One of the most succesful things on this car are the front and rear lights, which feel ultra-modern and of really high quality. Usually cheaper sportscars get that ”plastic” feel when trying something bolder in design, but yet again we feel its got the Lexus LF-A feeling in premium design as well…)
Really have to hand it to Martin Persson to really beat any previous effort in capturing quality galleries in SUPERIOR SELECTED in just two mere days. We have around a handfull more to show you, and after that its Rani ”RANISFOTO.SE” Giliana who will show what he captured at the expo…
Take a look at our FACEBOOK PAGE and soon after MARTINS AS WELL. We all get a kick of your likes and appreciate your support!
Have an awesome weekend now, no chance of us slowing down and we’ll continue to spoil the hell out of you all here in the Superior-blog… 😎
2 kommentarer till “SELECTED: Toyota FT-86 Concept gallery @ Frankfurt IAA 2011”
ser nästa helt datagjort ut 😛 shyssta bilder
Hehe, när du säger det så andas bilen lite TV-spel…