Roadtrip: 1000km of old school JDM Nissan DR30 Skyline (Part 1 of 2)!

25 oktober 2011, 17:44

Getting back to the english vibes here in the Superior-Blog, I would like to share with you my 50% envious 50% painful (for the body) road tip with the newly Swedish registered Nissan Skyline DR30 RS-Turbo done over the past weekend!


This trip came as a blessing from the sky as the old JDM war-machine passed through the mechanical tests with ease, and all those preparations on the tough paperwork made it equally smooth to get it authorized for the Swedish roads legally.


Seeing how summer had long ended, and that we are in typical Swedish fashion really cursed with unpredictable weather- I decided it was my last chance to do something as a car-enthusiast before a long spell where I would lock myself in my office to prepare for 2012.


The hit-list was easy to make up, I had to visit SIR_PIERRE and one of my recently added favorite cities Malmö– thus starting the trip from bottom and up. Then the journey would go upwards, passing Helsingborg and do a grande finale in quality (how do you like the picture below??) kind of photoshoot with Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson, also adding some nice social interaction to finally meet his lady Caroline that he is engaged with.



Then we would do a quick sprint past a quite impressive garage a few customers have filled with JDM-cars to then finish the trip in Växjö at Superior Workshop Syd (where the Skyline will do its winter sleep and get plenty of love).




I love going away, who doesn’t? But no matter how well you prepare it always seem to be something getting in the way. This time though it was just a matter of patience, as the ugly unpredictability of Swedish climate had made everything frozen and slippery outside early morning. But starting the journey 1.5 hours later made everything fine even for a car running on some very old Bridgestone summer tries.


The demons of doubt in how a 30 year old car we so far have spent no more then 20km behind the wheel of would do on a road trip this long made the first 100km quite tense and nervous. ”Would the main engine-bearings suddenly die” and desperate thoughts like that plagued my mind, and I think I spent 75% looking at the different meters that show temperature/pressure and only 20% on the road.




But after that and a first pit stop which with some additional tuning to the tires air-pressure (we make it sound advanced!) and checking the oil etc… Things finally loosened up a bit. I knew that if it would last this far, not doing anything stupid would probably make it last the entire trip.


img_0881Oh yeah, the rest of my attention if you got the math above to just 95% was to setup a good playlist on the phone to endure the monotonic sound a 4 cylinder FJ20ET engine makes; coupled with a fully stripped from sound-deadening material chassis.


Its not pretty for the ears, so Deadmau5 beats surely helped to endure it. Also had to give in to some odd craving of eating a ”Angry Whopper” and at occasions really felt as a thing were going on in true Charlie Sheen ”winning” style!


Not going to get into detail on how the 600km passed by, it was just… free of trouble and liberating. The only fail was that we couldn’t get the schedule to work with meeting up with our #1 carbon and racing products (MajoR Aero) guy Mr. MA.


(I later found out as the Skyline was riding with others, that the speedometer showed 20km/h less then it should. Go figure that it took ages despite thinking we were running hardcore!)


Finally arriving in Malmö and at the ever so generous in hospitality SIR_PIERRE (you should read his blog if you are a bro’ and love women, cars, gadgets, luxury etc) we took our time to chill down a bit and met another cool dude in the mythically hyped Patrik.


He really knew his shit on many subjects- plus that he was riding a really sick trike which caught my eye too. Has anyone seen this kind of… bicycle (?!) before?!


Anyway, he advised us to a nice Italian place which in combination with the drinks afterwards really gave us a good nights sleep. Really want to thank Pierre for this, he is a real gentleman who despite his flashy habits (try and make out what that sucker is wearing on his arm…) is extremely down to earth and a hell of a genuine guy.




Too bad he hides it way too often and loves to mess around with the typical ”mellow milk” kind of people we have here in Sweden. My #1 advice when it comes to this man is… take it with a grain of salt and just love him! 😉


All in all, a great success as some funny character might have said about this entire day! And I was almost embarrassed about how few problems this old whip gave me, even the milage seemed fantastic going just over 1 litre on 10km. Someone up there must really like these old Skylines…


…and thats where we stop and announce that next is where Martin BILBILDER.SE Persson comes into the picture; and you will know more about how the header pic in this post came about.


Still hoping you enjoy some blogging about social life that comes with the lifestyle here at the Superior-Blog… 🙂


7 kommentarer till “Roadtrip: 1000km of old school JDM Nissan DR30 Skyline (Part 1 of 2)!”

  • 1JZ Tompa skriver:

    Congratulations on such à nice trip.
    If we are blessed with some sunshine and if the temp stays above zero,I Will take a short last trip of the season.
    It Will probably be a long 5 months before My car wears and tears some tarmac again!

  • Sir_Pierre skriver:

    Det är mer än kul att se en gammal bil, Som tydligen har använts väl, Som köptes mer som grisen i säcken där du nästan förväntade dej nått sorts haveri, Går så bra..

    Vet inte om det säger mest om japanska bilar allmänt. eller hur då kvaliten är på dom väl skötta japanska bilarna.

    Hoppas nu att där är några som kanske inte riktigt vågat ge sej på en gammal JDM bil just för, ja allt det där med risk för ras.. bensinförbrukning osv osv, Att dom nu har fått den där övervägande kicken för att beställa hem en =) Mer JDM klassiker i Sverige! Idag är ju Sverige sononymt med Gamla jänkebilar, Det får vi göra nått åt.

    Läser folk min blogg så borde dom iallafall kunna gissa märket på klockan 😉

    Nästa visit.. Ingen stress.

  • Micke_J skriver:

    Tompa: Damn, 5 months is a long time now that you said it loud! But that gives me enough time to finish my lives (so far) work hopefully…

    Pierre: Jag gick verkligen in för det som ett ”spontanköp som är mer romantiserat än vad verkligheten kommer ge” = massa strul med allt från regg till att få ”ordning” på den. Nu har Växjö-killarna ett glassjobb över vintern kan man säga att få den redo för en äventyrlig kommande säsong.
    Jodå, alla vet vad ditt favoritmärke är… Men den modellen är väl bland dina ”värre” i samlingen också. 😉
    Oh ja, fler stunder som de hos Antti då man bara kan släppa allt och fokusera på annat än ”ska dit kl…” måste det bli. Men det är tyvärr så att ”Superior-life” innebär mycket stress också…

  • Sir_Pierre skriver:

    Men att få ett leende varje gång man stresigt kollar på klockan är inte helt fel 😉

  • 1JZ Tompa skriver:

    Hm…lives work,makes me kind of ”nyfiken”.

  • Micke_J skriver:

    Planera in ett långt 7/11 brownie fika? Du brukar vara ett bra bollplank… Måste ju sy ihop all denna potential men ändock lite väl ”mångsysslande” Superior är till 2012!

  • gizmologic skriver:

    Yo Mike,

    sorry we missed each other during the day. Was looking forward to spoil you a little with some excellent tea and chocolate. Well, there will be more opportunities.

    The Trike is made by the legendary Paulo Camasmie, from Catrike, that you can check out here:, I have some more high tech versions with full carbon fairing, that i will show you next time you are around.
    Keep up the good work, and remember, compromises are the worst of both worlds, it’s neither really good nor really bad :o) Paulo Coelho said once: A life without a cause is a life without an effect. Until next time, be good, love all and trust a few ;o)

  • Blogg-arkiv


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