TEASER GALLERY: Short clip coming soon, Kenneth ”Kenny” Moen – Gardermoen shakedown

21 maj 2012, 20:31

Our recent travel to our western neighbors Norway led us to mysterious ways cialiscoupon-onlinenorx and conclusions. One thing we can definitely reveal out of this is that we have made friends for a long time coming, and we will give it a more formal introduction; but what better way to show our freshly acquired resources then by a little clip of our first cohesive effort? Topic of the clip is cialis one a day Kenneth ”Kenny” Moen, who is only one of two Scandinavians that compete in Formula Drift. He was among the people we were meeting to discuss media sponsorship. Very fortunate enough we ran into him when is Toyota Supra Drift machine was going to do its ”shakedown” at Gardermoen airstrip: Our agenda was never to film this, but it turned out to be a nice little cialis soft tabs review feature with the ”new guys on the block” showing how the future of how long cialis works our media coverage will sort of look. This gallery is a little tease only, but for our loyal blog readers we have a little bit of fun news if you tune in here tomorrow 24h from now = cialis uk the password to the preview!

So viagra and alcohol use go visit OUR FACEBOOK and see cialisfromindia-onlinerx tomorrow in 24h how you can get a preview of this clip, official release in wednesday evening in 48 hours! We would like to say that Kenneth himself is a hella’ chill guy; and we look forward to telling you more about our sponsorship of him very soon…

SUPERIOR TV: Superior TV: Daniel ”Limmet DriftTeam” Liimatainen intervju på Elmia 2012

14 maj 2012, 21:04

En av Sveriges utan tvekan topp-driftare är Daniel ”Limmet DrifTeam” Liimatainen som denna säsong siktar mot ännu högre höjder med sitt nya BMW 1-serie bygge.

För att vara en extremt ung sport i Sverige, så skapade sig han otroligt många fans på kort tid när de smiskade en BMW E30 med kompressormatad M5 E39 V8.

Samma motor hamnar även i nya projektet, och det har alla förutsättningar att bli ”bilen att slå” denna säsong 2012.

I denna intervju tar allt från Daniels egna bakgrund och hur han snubblade in i driftingen, samt målsättnignar för denna säsong- blandat med kul inslag om att:

*Idén till nya projektet som föddes en seeen midsommardag.

*Hur han alltid sneglat mot Japs trots att han är en stor BMW-profil.

*Hur jakten på sponsorer äntligen blivit lättare.


Ni kan följa Limmet DrifTeam på Facebook (facebook.com/LimmetDrifTeam) och gillar ni denna typ av media från oss får ni mer än gärna besöka våran egna FB-sida också!


VIDEO: Kalle Strand – Pontiac GTO *Supercharged* burnout!

13 maj 2012, 05:29

We like to surprise you with our media content, so we slap out this clip of a Pontiac GTO with a massive supercharger doing what a car is meant to do with power like that. Burn rubber!

The car belong to one of our old friends around Superior Workshop Katrineholm, Kalle Strand.

He used to be one of the pioneers in 1/4 mile racing with an RX-7 here in Sweden, but has now gone over to the ”dark side”- and this clip explains the simple pleasures of why you would do such a thing:

If you want to know more about the car, you can find a speclist partially in Swedish HERE!

Hope you like our mixed bag of content occasionally, hit us up AT FACEBOOK (CLICK!) to follow all the stuff coming out!

GALLERI: Superior-TV @ Vallåkraträffen 2011 släpps inom kort!

3 mars 2012, 12:28

Idag har vi en väldigt rolig nyhet för alla er som gillar typiska ”BILSPORT-bilar” och då speciellt styling/show!

Det blir mycket prat om Drifting, Time Attack och annan form av gräsrots-motorsport här i Superior-bloggen; men vi har ett gott öga till denna stora gren i bilhobbyn också.

Förra året dök jag och min käre co-star SIR_PIERRE Ingelsgård ned till Vallåkra en lördag eftermiddag och tog tempen på träffen i härlig sol!

David Johansson skötte allt filmande och i efterhand tog vi in en ny resurs i form av Pär Bengtsson som redigerade materialet. Då Pär har erfarenhet av att klippa åt bl.a. lokala TV4 så blev detta ett helt nytt kapitel i Superior-TV’s (relativt korta ännu) historia; och vi hoppas filmen får mycket feedback på vad ni tycker om videos som dessa?

Dessa bilder har David fixat fram och visar på ett ungefär vad ni har att förvänta er. Allt är med stora ”glimten i ögat” stämpeln på sig, och att visa VALLÅKRATRÄFFENS allra bästa sidor!

Håll ögonen på VÅRAN FACEBOOK under morgondagen för att se när releasen blir av. Vi siktar på söndag kväll!

VIDEO: Gatebil Mantorp ALL IN – Take a ride in a powerdrift gauntlet!

25 februari 2012, 21:40

What do these Gatebil circus profiles have in common from last years GATEBIL MANTORP 2011 event?

Tor-Andre Ringnes – Team Driftmonkey (NOR)

Øivind Øversveen – Team Øversveen drifting (NOR)

Erik Eriksson – www.essongarage.se (SWE)

Olle Hällström – Team Raidopower Motorsport (SWE)

Flemming & Kenneth Alm – Alm Racing Team (NOR)

Daniel Liimatainen – Limmet Drifteam (SWE)

They were all in our 20min of free track time session @ MANTORP PARK, and we put every available GoPro on them to see the Gauntlet run happen from all kinds of angles!

This is the result:

Superior Media – Gatebil All In @ Mantorp Park 2011 from Superior Media on Vimeo.

If you enjoyed it, we would really appreciate if you shared it and posted it on all the automotive forums/channels you visit. Also make sure to VISIT OUR FACEBOOK so you won’t miss a beat, we have many more releases to come during the early part of the season!

We thank Drifted.com for officially co-releasing our hard work, read their BLOG POST HERE and visit their FACEBOOK TOO!

Expect to see more coming from this friendship as we continue to follow the drifting scene in Scandinavia all throughout the 2012 season!

VIDEO: Raw preview of upcoming ”Gatebil Mantorp is ALL IN” movie!

13 december 2011, 23:12

Our little engineer behind the camera and editing, David Johansson wanted to thank everyone for sharing our recently re-released trailer of the ”Gatebil Mantorp is ALL IN” movie coming soon.


Here you will see most of the cars & teams that participated in this 20min carnage that occured when we got Mantorp Park circuit for ourselves during 20 sweet minutes.


Names you will surely recognize are ALM BROTHERS, DRIFTMONKEY, RAIDOPOWER MOTORSPORT and a bunch of other madmen who raced furiously trying to out-do eachother…






Keep sharing this material and encourage people to take a look at OUR FACEBOOK as well, you get plenty of news and other fun stuff daily there- although here at the blog is where all the action happens! And yes, that goes for the real trailer for this movie as well; all you need to do is copy this link and paste it to your Facebook or post it anywhere you like!




We can’t promise a firm deadline on when the movie is done, but we hope it won’t be too long after the holidays…


Your support means the world for us, so hope you will give us continious feedback all the time!

TRAILER: Gatebil Mantorp is ”ALL IN” – Full movie coming soon!

9 december 2011, 19:23

After a long and much needed break after an intense summer, the movie production team is back; and the next project we will work with full dedication with is the Gatebil Mantorp is ”all in” movie!


This will be a truly insane journey as we had among the best Gatebil Circus drivers (Driftmonkey, Team Raidopower, Alm brothers, Limmet DrifTeam & more!) on the track alone- with plenty of our cameras to catch the action!


You can read a lot more about our extensive coverage of GATEBIL MANTORP 2011 HERE. You get all the videos and SUPERIOR SELECTED GALLERIES gathered there, for the ultimate media outlet when it comes to Gatebil in Sweden…




Remember we are still novices in this, and are extremely thankful for all the support & opinions we’ve gotten so far. Hope you will continue to motivate us, you can do that by joining all of us at OUR FACEBOOK (CLICK!).


Please share the Vimeo-link (http://vimeo.com/33357982) of this movie in all your social circles, we promise its the ultimate racingfuel so we can do a GREAT finished production!

INTERVJU: Vi träffar Erik Jonasson,”årets JDM-bygge” – Datsun 240Z S30!

27 november 2011, 20:27

Idag publicerar vi en intervju med Erik Jonasson vars groteskt feta Datsun 240Z S30 vi nyligen gjorde en ENORM SUPERIOR SELECTED FEATURE på i bloggen. Hoppas ingen missat det reportaget!


Vi träffade Erik tidigt på säsongen under WANGAN MEET III, och kunde redan där se att detta var ett bombnedlag på ”JDM-kartan” detta år.


Han tog hem första plats på TEN OF THE BEST på det eventet, och det känns roligt att mycket som nämns i VÅR FEATURE även diskuterades under denna intervju. Vi får ge SIR_PIERRE mannen som har huvudrollen i denna intervju och ger den ännu en dimension. Enjoy!


Interview: Erik Jonasson, owner of ”JDM car-buil of the year 2011” and his Datsun 240Z S30 from Superior Media on Vimeo.


Erik är en riktigt trevlig och jordnära kille, med stort hjärta för JDM; och har byggt upp ett grymt kunnande inom OLD SCHOOL JDM  sedan han köpte bilen i augusti 2010. Vill därför inte bara hylla hans bil, utan även ge han en välriktad klapp på axeln för att vara den sortens entusiast hobbyn behöver fler av. Skippa besserwisser-mentaliteten ni unga grabbar!


Ni hittar Eriks egna Facebook-grupp om gammaldags Japanare HÄR, och glöm inte gilla VÅR FACEBOOK också om du inte redan gjort det- av bara farten kan ni även studsa in på BILBILDER.SE som står för samtliga foton!

VIDEO & VOTE: Pick the winner of Superior Burnout Competition 2011!

1 november 2011, 21:23

Its time to release the fun little gig we did during Superior Meet 2011 where three gentlemen put on a show to kiss this years summer away; swedish style = sick burnouts!


In honour of this sacred ritual performed to perfection, we decided to make it a fun little competition; asking all our readers, their friends and whoever appreciates proper burnouts to cast their vote on who they think did it best!


What you need to do:


1. Watch the clip below, its OK to watch it more then once. Even more then 20 times.


2. Pick out who you felt did the best one and its nobodys business how you define ”best”. Just pick any one of the three guys = #1 Micke_J, #2 1JZ-Tompa and #3 Gunnarsson.


3. You can cast your vote by VISITING OUR FACEBOOK and there ”Like” + comments your favourite and why. Or you can just comment below here in the blog. If you share this clip make sure to ask anyone who likes to participate in the vote to do the same.


Prices for voting? Hell yeah:


We decided to mostly in the spirit of raffling (??) things, to put in a Superior T-shirt and a bunch of other surprise items to be announced soon to give away to anyone who votes. Pretty easy huh? We promise to count up all votes from as many sources possible, but  OUR FACEBOOK or commenting below is the easiest place to to do it!






Hope you liked it, now you have three clear choices to cater to; and we hope that the final winner will be a worthy one with many votes to back it up. I can sincerely say that I feel all three definately plead their case as the burnout champion very well; so it will be a case of style, sound, car type etc etc that will determine the winner!


(Thanks to David Johansson for shooting and editing this video, despite tough times to deal with. You and your closest ones have the full backing of the Superior-family in your time of grief…)


Hope we will get lots of help in letting this little event get spread in the winds of your social networks. We need a big boost just in time for the release of our next monster project…


…the Gatebil Mantorp ”All in” movie. Stay tuned and thanks in advance!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of VW ”Up” and (not so) Smart @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

5 oktober 2011, 21:22

Carrying away from the more insightful 100 SECONDS OF… CLIPS we have two which are done more ”tongue in cheek” for you.


We are nearly completely done with our coverage of the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO, so time to bring out clips that takes themselves less seriously (if we ever did, let me know because I doubt it).


To be honest the one about VW new model ”Up” is actually one we are quite pleased with, but you can take the one about the Smart with a grain of salt. I believe it was shot in the latter part of the day = tiredness came and seriousness went away… 😉




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Volkswagen Up from Superior Media on Vimeo.


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Smart from Superior Media on Vimeo.








Its hard to keep yourself sane when you walk through Italian exotics, enchanting concepts and anything else you can think of except for some small cars that you would hardly give a second look in normal trafic. But we decided to do it anyway since they (well, the Up anyway) were big news. 🙂


…and you know what? Check out THIS LINK to once again go through all the glory that Frankurt IAA 2011 was. Lots of effort put into it by the whole team so worth a second look!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Mini Cooper S Coupé & The new VW Beetle @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

2 oktober 2011, 21:29

Two more smaller cars that from the one we talked about previously today, are for a more ”hipper” crowd perhaps: Mini Cooper ”Coupé” and the almighty world premiered VW Beetle.


We had to make sure to talk a bit about ”normal” cars as well since they make up a huge part of the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO. I think these two videos turned out better then i remembered them, actually the Mini Cooper one doesnt make much sense- but is still good for seeing more about this new model.


Funny though. With the VW Beetle I seem a bit… rejuvinated or something? Maybe afterall Iam a closet huge Beetle-freak? See the videos and judge by yourself! 😉




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Volkswagen Beetle from Superior Media on Vimeo.


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Mini John Cooper Works Coupé from Superior Media on Vimeo.








So if you were being forced by your girlfriend (?!) to buy another small car for the house, would any of these two do- or would the Suzuki Swift Sport or Hyundai i30 (new one) be your choice?


Only a handful of clips remaining and we will make a big deal out of it when we are finished, be sure to check them ALL OUT HERE to either make fun of me or just enjoy all the cars from Frankfurt IAA! 🙂

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Suzuki Swift Sport & The new Hyundai i30!

2 oktober 2011, 17:40

Got more ”normal” cars for you here on the final part of the ”100 SECONDS OF…” SERIES but for most of us, its still of interest since we could very well end up in either a Suzuki Swift Sport or new Hyundai i30 someday. And thats not a ”sad” thing either, most new cars these days are solid and well designed- these two are no exception… We’ve been following the Swift for a few months now and were in high anticipation of the Sport model. When it comes to the Hyundai i30, its deemed as a car that will give big rumbles in this segment- and our lack of motivation to cover it proved wrong = its a damn nice car! VIMEO: Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Suzuki Swift Sport from Superior Media on Vimeo. Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Hyundai I30 from Superior Media on Vimeo. YOUTUBE: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnKHo4HvgOI httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeC7WrvRUQ4 So which one is the winner based on this short and confused first insight? I would think its a close draw, but naturally the Swift has a firm advantage since the basemodel is such a great car to drive = can only get better with more HP and gearbox. The Hyundai is still doing its job, for

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the first time I can consider testdriving one; thats coming a long way for them… 😉 See all the CLIPS HERE and we are putting an end to this series early this week. Then we’ll do some fun stuff to encourage feedback from ya’ll. Hope you like some of the CLIPS you’ve seen!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Ford Evos concept @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

1 oktober 2011, 15:00

Feels like we are lost in how many unique and really sharp concepts we’ve seen from FRANKFURT IAA 2011, and I believe its been half a dozen times of ”this could be

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one of our favourites at…” proclamations- but the Ford EVOS concept sure is a Top 5 car without a doubt. Thing that really struck us hard was that it felt very… comfortable and harmonic despite being a haute couture kind of car. Everything from the paint, wheels, lights, doors and going on felt… perfect! Just watch the video and see if you agree? VIMEO: Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Ford Evo Concept from Superior Media on Vimeo. YOUTUBE: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc7LPwwa4gA Dont be shy with your own opinions, we value them and would like us to join OUR FACEBOOK to do so as well! Make sure to chill out with plenty of similar videoclips from Frankfurt AT THIS LINK!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Techart Porsche GT Street RS @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

30 september 2011, 16:50

Back on the horse with our ”100 SECONDS OF…” VIDEOCLIPS from the FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO which we are aaalmost done with- but a great mix of videos and a handfull of photogalleries still to go.


This one is for a real beast of a car, the Techart Porsche GT Street RS! You cant dismiss that its got a unique colour, and like I say in the video everything is done with perfection.


It sures takes a tuner like Techart to make a noticable difference of the high quality the 911 already has from factory. But this one does it, and then some. Hope you like it!




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Techart from Superior Media on Vimeo.






You know the drill, if you want to zap around all the other ”100 seconds of…” clips we did at the expo, all you need to do is CLICK THIS LINK! 🙂

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Subaru WRX STi ”NRG edition” (Nürburgring special)

24 september 2011, 16:19

Subaru didnt do much noise at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO, but we still jumped with high enthusiasm when we saw they did bring the Subaru WRX STi ”NRG edition”; which driven by Tommi Mäkinen did sub 8-minute laps of the Nürburgring with just basic tuning done to the car!


This video explain a bit of the ”extra bits” added to make it so quick, and you will be suprised on how few they really are- this should motivate you all for this coming winter in doing your own modifications to improve laptimes in 2012…




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Subaru WRX STI from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Even if Tommi Mäkinen is an incredible driver, I think we all need to learn that it doesnt take a supercar to run around the classic ’Ring if your car is balanced and setup well for it. Dont think we will see this ”edition” being available from factory, but its more or less a statement of what potential the new WRX STi has. Message delivered Subaru!


I wish there was more of this and especially Japanese brands overall, but we hope all the news from FRANKFURT are still intriguing you.


Guess for a blog mostly dedicated to the Swedish JDM-scene we can only feel good about mixing it up a bit here in the beggining of fall… 😉

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Brabus CLS Rocket 800 @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

24 september 2011, 11:01

When I mentioned that the DACIA DUSTER had 850HP it was probably among the most powerful cars of the expo. Well, here is another one with German tuner Brabus showing their CLS Rocket 800 which has… yes indeed, 800 ponies and torque well enough for a proper truck under the hood!

The entire Halle 5 was dedicated to the different tuners of the world (mostly German = The elite) and we will share a SELECTED GALLERY (teaser below) with you from that as well as some expertise blogging from SIR_PIERRE. Its just tuning at another planet then we are used to, although there was a lot of common ground to find with a technical manager of Brabus who said it was the same trial and error as with building any other tuned car.

Gotto add that they were utter class at Brabus, and the best honest complement I could give them is still valid: In a hall which has a dozen tuners with plenty of $$$ client cars in their disposal they were the biggest and best with ease. Their closest competitor Carlsson had nothing on them- and thats a fact and not an opinion.

Keep up the good work Brabus, and make sure to watch this video showing the classiest snob with a total meanstreak around. Some quite interesting facts like its 0 – 300km/h time is brought up. Can you guess it before watching the video? 🙂


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Brabus from Superior Media on Vimeo.




Cant imagine riding in more class then that, but still feeling confident in what I got as soon as I give it a little push on th gas-pedal anytime a factory supercar rolls up next to me in the autobahn… 😉

See ALL THE CLIPS from the FRANKFURT EXPO 2011 and drop a comment or two, we really appreciate it!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Jaguar CX16 concept @ Frankfurt IAA 2011

23 september 2011, 18:47

For being one of the most liked concepts of them all by Team A (Martin & Me) we are dissapointed that we couldnt give a better angle of the Jaguar CX16 concept that was at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 EXPO.


Not only that the angle was poor, seems quite obvious that sometimes we were a little bit rushed to make the features (see them ALL HERE) and I couldnt even get the names right at occasions. Ugh… But still worth less then 100 seconds of your time- so check it out!




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Jaguar CX16 Concept from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Cant believe we got 17 more of these to show you, this expo was everything we expected in size and things to offer for the eyes…

VIDEO: ”100 seconds of 100 seconds” – We explain the concept!

23 september 2011, 13:16

Time to explain our mindsetting behind these small features (SEE THEM ALL HERE). We know some of you are finding them boring as hell compared to our regular videos, but the idea was to for the first time go volume and offer plenty of everything instead of doing just a few in depth looks.


FRANKFURT IAA is such a gigantic expo, that its impossible in two days (make that one, since it takes a full day just to ”get the hang of it” and finding your way) get a quality look of everything. So we hope this compromise and at some occasions quite predictable type of reporting is still good enough for around one minute of your time… 🙂




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of 100 Seconds from Superior Media on Vimeo.






We will ask for your feedback and have a bit of an incentive to rank all the clips, so we can see which one was the most popular.


Its important we know what we did right and wrong so the next time we do something like this will be even better! 🙂

VIDEO: 100 seconds of Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

22 september 2011, 22:18

Still keeping the tempo up on all the ”100 seconds of…” clips we did at FRANKFURT IAA 2011 expo, and next in line is the magnificent Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupé– possibly the biggest in sheer size world premiere shown at the expo!

Would have been fun to get a glimpse of Rowan Atkinson aka ”Mr. Bean” aka ”Johnny English” who was present during the pressrelease of the car (its featured in the new JE movie) but aparently it was quite stale.

Not sure what I would call my own performance being a prick about Rowan, but as always its more about giving a quick glimpse of the many spectacular cars we ran through down there (and he is a multi-million $ per movie actor, while Iam…)… Lets not finish that!


Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé from Superior Media on Vimeo.



We’ve seen everything from exotic concepts, to standard cars getting their world premieres to some true supercars. I hope you like the mix so far, find ALL THE CLIPS HERE and browse around to find your favourite, and if you must- give me a good healthy dose of heckling as well since at times Iam… terrible. 😉

Friday coming up here and have some catching up to do on the office, but more SELECTED galleries from both Gatebil Rudskogen and FRANKFURT IAA will come your way…!

VIDEO: 100 seconds of the new Porsche 911 (991) @ Frankfurt IAA 2011!

22 september 2011, 09:33

We all know we are getting older each time Porsche release a new generation of their 48 year old long standing classic 911. At FRANKFURT IAA EXPO we got to see the newest one dubbed 991. They are taking a step away (?) here from sportiness and have done it a bit longer and sleeker in look, do we like it…?


I would say yes, but perhaps its a little questionmark wheter the car is loosing more of its youthfullness and being even more geared towards a mature audience? Not sure, check out the video and give us your own opinion?




Frankfurt IAA Auto Expo 2011 – 100 seconds of Porsche 911 from Superior Media on Vimeo.






Looking at it again it really does look modernized and more of a gentlemans car rather then a sportscar but… Iam sure the more performance oriented RS-models will cure that quite easily once its their time to hit the market…


Always have to mention we got all the ”100 seconds of…” clips stashed nicely HERE if you got a few minutes to kill listening to my hesitant english; but looking at all the fantastic cars most importantly.


Dont forget all the awesome SELECTED GALLERIES with plenty of blog texts to enjoy! Do it! 😉



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För att få den ultimata prestandan måste du hitta den ultimata motorn. Efter ett par års vila återkommer nu en välkänd bil inom FD3S-kretsar tillbaka p [...]

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Toyota Aristo V300 Vertex edition (2JZ-GTE)
Toyota Aristo V300 Vertex edition (2JZ-GTE)
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