Då är den äntligen uppe! Inte supernöjd med kvalitén på videon, men för att ljusa upp den och få ljudet tydligare så var detta bästa vi kunde ordna:
Superior Imports frontman Mikael ”Micke_J” Jarosinski interviews the biggest star to arrive yet at an Swedish auto event: Overhaulins own Chip Foose – the icon in the custom scene thanks to his ridiculous amount of showwinners with Foose Designs.
During the relaxed 10min talk Micke managed to squeeze in questions about everything from doing crossover work on ”Import scene” cars, to hos old VW GTi that cost him his license TWICE – and even about a provocative answer to the statement that ”US autodesigners are running out of ideas”!

More topics touched upon:
-Adam Coronas Aston Martin DB9.
-The VW classics huge following and culture.
-New Nissan GT-R.
-Celicas in the 70’s with his dad.
-His work helping GM and Ford to bring out something ”new”.
-Long discussion on all the retro musclecars coming out, refining a great design.
-The history of Porsche and Corvette, designs.
-Building a Ford Taurus that ended up being Edsel Fords personal car.
-Gives tons of credit to Swedish autobuilders, especially Leif Tufvessons ”Woody Volvo”.
-About Foose designs being a team effort.
Chip was a total class act and brought up tons of interesting subjects, nobody could ever make an interview better then this guy. He wrapped things up by telling us about the 100% custom drawing he made on one of our T-shirts (which we will give away in a sweepstake).

All I can say is, the man is truly deserving of being the biggest profile in the entire showcar-scene. Watch the interview and try to tell me he is isnt all about heart and really loves his profession…
Visit www.superiorimports.com to get your dose of Swedish autoenthusiast life, with special attention to our daily work with JDM-sportscars of only the highest quality.
DISCLAIMER: I would appreciate feedback, and humbly admit my experience in interviews was limited before this piece. We had some angry PR-guys that did not like the interview went a little ”too well” and long as well…
If you see something weird, do not hesitate to comment and I will answer for you. Thanks in advance!
Skriven av Micke_J den 11 april, 2010 · Permalänk · 11 Kommentarer